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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

[Survivor - Episode 1] Thoughts and Rankings

Mar 25, 2022 by coolKat
Sooo I’m gonna start off by saying. I’m terrible at relaying my thoughts most of the time, so don’t expect an in depth look at the episode.

Second things second… I know I’m super late on this… ummm I’ve just been watching other stuff lol

I’m gonna start off my thoughts by listing who from each tribe were my ‘pre-season picks’ now this is literally based on nothing. I really didn’t read any of their bios for the “meet the cast” I only read I think one or two so these pre season picks are based on like one thing I noticed while skimming more so then what I intellectually thought and picked based on who I thought would actually be good.

I picked two people from each tribe. One male, and one female.

On Ika I picked Tori and Zach

Tori was on Sequester and I picked her solely for that lol

Zach he seemed nerdy and is kind of cute so like yeah lol.

On Taku I picked Jackson and Marya

Jackson is part of the LGBTQ+ community, and his story seemed inspiring.

Marya is from my home state and I always support those from my home state, which is a big reason I supported Tiffany right from the get go in the last season of Big Brother US

On Vati I picked Daniel and Jenny

I literally have no reason for picking these two at all, just picked them for the sake of picking them, and so far I’m happy with one of the choices so far.

In this next section I’m going to go through and list my thoughts on the 6 of them based on their performance in the episode and also discuss if I’m glad with who I’m picked or if I’m disappointed with my picks.

Starting with

Tori… I think Tori made a few mistakes as well as a few things that proved to me that she is a good game player.

Mistakes were obviously going out to look for food, a food which none of her tribe had heard of because they are clearly dumb as rocks but food nonetheless. Her actual mistake was not coming back with literally anything besides some leaves, however she did realize their was suspicion on her now, 1) because duh of course there would be, but 2) the people on this tribe have terrible poker face lol.

Another Mistake was announcing to Drea in front of everyone that Drea through her name out for having an idol. This could have really backfired, and it really still could backfire - because people, at least I would, might have less trust in her as she publicly denounced something someone else told her.

Her Triumph or whatever was her last little speech before the votes and her little one on one with Zach at tribal. She talked very smart and spoke as someone who was being honest. I thought she handled a poor situation really well

Overall, glad I chose Tori because I think she can go far if she works on her relationships with the tribe more. However I think this tribes females are so far solid, so I would’ve been happy choosing any of them, but if I had to choose someone to replace Tori it would be Swati, and I’ll get into that moreso in my rankings. It’s not so much a her thing, it’s more of a Drea thing.

Now on to our next person

Zach… I think Zach didn’t have any redeemable notes gameplay wise besides his personality.

His personality isn’t great by all means considering he’s super paranoid and does seem to take things more personally, but I consider his personality a plus simply because he seems almost exactly like me personality wise. I’m hella paranoid about literally everything, and I do often take things more personally than I should. I also believe I would also get put into the task of puzzle solver, due to me being physically not able to do much. And I would 100% mess it up because I would be so in my head about not wanting to mess it up and would then apologize profusely over messing up and take total blame for it.  So his personality I believe is a plus for me but was a negative for the game as he really did get in his own way I feel.

He had told Tori about Drea and assumed Tori told Drea that he had ratted her out- which he brought up at tribal. Which I think solidified to Drea and the rest of the tribe that Zach was the vote.

Now obviously I think I made a mistake. Only because he’s out. I see so much of myself in Zach so I guess in a way it makes sense why I picked him for my ‘pre season picks’ but I would obviously replace him with I guess Romeo.

I really don’t like Rocksroy, so Romeo would be my only replacement if I kept the 1guy1girl thing

Next up we have

Jackson… Oh dear, probably my worst pick since he like got medevaced/quit? I don’t know what to classify his elimination tbqh. I don’t know if he had a choice in leaving or not due to the producers not being able to supply the lithium because of the health isssues… but I’m gonna assume medevac because it was a medical issue. But yeah, I fricken love Jackson, I think his personality was amazing. Shame he did have to leave due to a medical issue because I do think he could’ve gone far.

As for someone to replace him… that’s hard, because I’m not a huge huge fan of either of the males yet. I would definitely choose Maryanne because she is a peach. But if I did have to choose a male I guess Omar? Idk

Now onto our female Taku

Marya… Well, what can I say besides meh. She didn’t really do much this episode besides suck at the bamboo thing… like really badly. I do think she will not be a long lasting person on this tribe and I would totally replace her with Maryanne given the chance.

Starting with the female Vati

Jenny… I love Jenny, I know many people were not talking about her as a fave before the season started, and I’m not sure who liked her based off episode 1 because I haven’t read the reviews yet. But I’m glad I picked her. I think her personality is great, and I think she has amazing strategical abilities. She basically solved the triangle puzzle for her team, she correctly analyzed the wheel situation, and she also won immunity for her tribe with the dragon puzzle. My one qualm is that she didn’t finish first, so she maybe just needs to pick up the pace a bit when it comes to solving puzzles; but I really do hope she goes far- because I really think she’s fantastic.

If I did have to replace her, I probably would choose Lydia, solely for the humor and caring ness. Lydia didn’t do much really but she did have a few one liners which did make me laugh.

Onto my last pick

Daniel… Hmm I think I overall am indifferent about this choice. I think Daniel does have a decent personality, but he already injured himself day one… like really badly, because we did see him struggle to row the boat in the immunity challenge… really confused why they didn’t make him sit on the other side of the boat lol. But I think his personality is good, and I could see him have longevity in this game but I lowkey wish I chose Hai, because I really like him a lot.

Now onto my next section the HIGHLIGHTS, or more specifically. THE HIGHLIGHT.

This one thing in the episode really stood out to me

And that’s Maryanne’s gut wrenching, heart pulling scream/cry at Jackson’s announcement of him leaving. Like Damn this girl has a heart!

Now onto my rankings.

Starting with

18th: Rocksroy - his personality rubs me the wrong way so much. I really hope he doesn’t last long. Like… he was upset because they were singing the survivor theme song… ummm live a little? Like they were still working while singing.

17th: Jonathan - I don’t know why, but he gives me major villain vibes. He already established himself as a strong guy, who isn’t great at anything that requires the mind, but like I think his face just screams villain vibes lol.

16th: Zach (Voted Out) - solely for game play alone

15th: Chanelle - Literally did nothing this episode.

14th: Marya - Again didn’t do much besides mess up reward for her tribe.

13th: Omar - I know he spoke a lot, but I honestly couldn’t tell you a single thing he said that stuck in my mind. And I literally just watched the episode

12th: Lindsay - She did find an advantage and does seem like she can do well for herself in challenges but other than that, she didn’t really stick out to me

11th: Jackson (Medically Evacuated) - Sad to see him go :(

10th: Daniel - Injured himself day 1, but overall seems like a nice guy

9th: Mike - I find him difficult to pin point on whether I think I like him or just think he’s meh. He does seem to get along well with others and he also is getting a lot of screen time, in both this episode and the trailer for the season. So I could see him making it far and becoming a fan fave.

8th: Swati - She seems like a very likable person and she seems like an ambitious person. Despite being in a lot of high achieving stuff, she seems very humble which does make her likable in my eyes, and I do hope she goes far.

7th: Lydia - had a lot of funny 1 liners and I loved her genuine concern for Hai when he was ‘bleeding’ like ‘a lot’. She seems like sort of an awkward geek sort of character and she sort of reminds me of Evvie from last season, but I hope she can last longer and prove herself as the season moves on.

6th: Romeo - It’s hard to really pinpoint why I like him, but I see him as a very level headed guy and I think if I had to compare him to someone I would compare him to Ricard, solely based on his interaction with Drea on the beach about who they wanted out. He’s just a very toned down version of him.

5th: Hai - I don’t know exactly why I like him so much, I think again it’s just that personality. Like most of this rankings isn’t really based on gameplay it’s more so personality which is why he does rank so high.

4th: Tori - Again, I know she made a lot of mistakes this episode, but I think her ability to talk herself out of situations and seemingly get people to implicate themselves is strong. Her saying she’s a therapist reminded me of Shan for some reason, just because Shan always brought up her occupation as priest and how that was going to help her in the competition and I’m hoping she turns out nothing like Shan lol.

3rd: Drea - Speaking of Shan, we have Drea. I don’t know if anyone else gets Shan vibes from Drea but I do and here’s why. They both played super hard from the start, and both seemed a bit stubborn in their decision when it came to voting people out. Plus her interaction with Romeo really just screamed Ricard and Shan… just to a way less extent. But I do think Drea is better… much much better. Because same as with Romeo being a toned down version of Ricard, Drea seems to be a tone down version of Shan. She seems more logical and less impulsive, and also more strategical rather than emotional. And also way less stubborn and more rational. Now if you remember from like the beginning of this post, I did say I would choose Swati over Drea if I had to choose one of them to replace Tori. And that’s because Drea does sort of remind me of Shan, and I don’t care for Shan all too much lol.

2nd: Jenny - Strategical Queen, if you don’t like her (based solely on episode 1) please tell me why. Because she’s one of my faves clearly.

1st: Maryanne - based on Twitter and I think a lot of posts and media I’ve seen on tengaged and like discord, a lot of people are fans of Maryanne and for good reason. Heart of pure gold, and it seems like it’s real gold, not some cheap crap. She’s literally so sweet and I love her so much <3

Give me your thoughts below I’d love to hear them and please keep spoilers from episodes 2 and 3 out.

I know it might be hard to give your thoughts solely on episode 1 because the other episodes are moreso in your mind, but please do try <3

Thanks for reading!

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