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The commonlyuncommon's blog

Posts 34 posts

COLLAPSE! Nov 20, 2008
i love this game and it's so simple yet addictive. so i thought i'd share it with ye all (:
Points: 19 3 comments
School ? Nov 19, 2008
ew. that's all i can say. i'm seventeen years old and i desperately want to attend university and train as a criminologist but i really don't want to have to continue with secondary school. i'm sitting four as-levels and i want to learn what i need, as fast as i can and sit the tests already so i can just move on but instead, i have two years of learning to do scattered with tests. i would love to quit but it's not a sensible decision, so i stay. end of rant. lol.
Points: 18 3 comments
FIRST WIN! Nov 18, 2008
whoa, i just came first place in my second ever game on tengaged. i was happy to place in the final four but to win is just such a great achievement considering the algorithim chooses the winner. i want to say congratulations to alicia, bbprince and ksax00 on making it to the final four too. we made friends throughout the came and i'm happy we were together until the very end ! (:
Points: 14 4 comments
it was all 'Yellow' Nov 17, 2008
Diana Vickers performed 'Yellow' by Coldplay on Saturday night and was thankfully called first, so I didn't have too much suspense. I am an avid fan, but I will be the first to admit her performance was far from her best. She screwed up the lyrics, and went off key in the center but she pulled herself back and she completed the song well. I loved the song nevertheless. It did not succeed her performance of 'Call Me' by Blondie, but she managed to survive for another attempt and knowing Diana, she will pull an amazing performance from a Take That Song. Whichever song she is given.
What's your opinion? (:
Points: 18 6 comments
Best Big Brother UK Moments? Nov 17, 2008
I was just wondering what you're best big brother moments were?
the funniest moment, i can remember was when grace threw the glass of water over suzy on her own eviction night and walking out as the queen bitch of big brother '07. she was an amazing housemate, never a dull moment. ha.
so what do you think? (:
Points: 8 4 comments
the song that the winner will release will be a cover of delta goodrem's 'born to try'. so in my opinion, no male will be able to carry off the song. also, the song is a bad choice. it represents delta's struggle with cancer, and i find it distastful that it is to be used for nothing more than commercial use such as a game show. however, i believe only diana vickers or alexandra burke have the range of voice to handle the song. the men (daniel evans, eoghan quigg and jls) don't have the voice range. and rachel hylton as well as ruth lorenzo, are either to harsh of the voice or two ballad-like to properly fill the song. what's your opinion?
Points: 11 5 comments