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The clover's blog

Posts 30 posts

Challenge for the most ++ and comments Nov 12, 2008
Begging for clicks and begging for money PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

So heres to you vroomdeux!

Please plus and comment this blog a few times so that I can get the t's for it. And to satisy mr. Vroomdeux heres something you should learn stay outta shit that you dont wanna read. Dont like it theres a little Red X buton on the top of the page click it and keep your words to yourself.. :) I am only doing this sweetie because I'm playing game after game getting the karma to play the game that seem to be everyone I log into a HUGE alliance already is there and im screwed. there goes my 6 points voted out at 11,9,6 and a few other places. I'm trying to play but sometimes I have no shot so yes I HAVE TO BEG FOR MONEY.

Please plus and comment this blog. Thanks
Points: 2 29 comments
My Fave TV Show Challenge Nov 12, 2008
So I watch a lot of reality tv. I also watch a lot of baby tv. I'm sure if you have kids or someone under the age of 3 you have probably heard about my favorite tv show. Believe it or not its a tie. Between Yo gaba gaba and probably surivor. I watch every season of suvivor including downloading it from some site like youtube because I miss a show or something. Its crazy!!! 17 seasons and i'm still hooked on all the drama, the back dooring, the blind sides and they never cease to keep me interested in the challenges. Maybe one day I'll sign up for it.

Now Yo gaba gaba. Haven't heard of it? Maybe you've heard of the song "party in my tummy". Haven't? Well here ya go.

watch that!
Love that show. They have all sorts of like bands come on there change their name to make them kid friendly and sing songs. For example..
Shiny toy guns became the shinys

I love it!!!!!
Points: 13 3 comments
I need T's!!!!!!!! Nov 11, 2008
Seriously!!! T's so that I can buy my next level soon!!! Come on help a girl out plus and comment this.
Points: 68 82 comments
please enroll Nov 11, 2008
In this casting game..
I really need to get karma and money and its taking forever to cast it..SOOO JOIN!!!!!!!
Points: 11 3 comments
bounce that ball Nov 10, 2008
so you know the deal, you find yourself drunk and at toys r us or toy stores or walmart. toys are a lot of fun when youre drunk, that much is obvious. you cruise the aisles, playing with toys, commenting on how anatomically correct barbie has gotten over the years...

and you come across the gigantic plastic cage of oversized bouncy balls. there they are, so big, and rubber, and colorful, with that slot jusssstt big enough for you to temporarily free one from it's skyscraping jailcell.

and here's what's not fair... the fact that you're NOT ALLOWED TO BOUNCE THE BALLS! every time you go and play with them, some employee hears it with their bouncy ball radar, and comes and says "please dont bounce the balls". well what the fuck else am i supposed to do with them?

i firmly believe that it is physically and mentally impossible NOT to bounce the giant bouncy balls. you cant just pick one up and hold it for a second, then put it back. once you remove it from its crowded cage, it MUST BE BOUNCED! they're like little puppies. except for you shouldnt bounce puppies. but they yearn for your attention!

im pretty sure that is one of the biggest pet peeves of toy store managers. so next time you find yourself staring in awe at the tower of king kong bouncy balls, grab one, bounce it once, and wait. i guarantee you that a toys r us ball guard will come to investigate. so just look cooly at the coloring books like nothing happened.

then do it again.
Points: 16 4 comments
everyone lies Nov 7, 2008
I haven't updated in awhile. I decided I'm going to start making some of my entries public, and just leave out names. Because honestly, anyone who reads this, knows who they are. No one else needs to know. Lately, I've started to realize there are so many hypocrites/liars inthis world. I would be a "hypocrite" to say I hate/despise liars, because of course I've lied before. Everyone lies. But then there are those people who constantly lie. Non-stop. Sometimes they don't even realize they do it. I've decided to cut out every one of those people from my life. I am done with 'toxic friends.' I am also done with people who call me a "slut" or "fake" when they are just the same way. I know I've been promiscuous. I can admit when I'm wrong, when I'm sorry, when I shouldn't have done something. But I will NEVER apologize for my response to this person. You are going out with my first love. I don't care if you were with him for two months. Your relationship back then was nothing like ours was at the time it was going on. You may be different now, but honestly, respect that line. I went into her account and found several emails of her talking about me negatively the past months - trying to humiliate me to my ex boyfriend. You are the one who cheated on him first thing into your relationship this summer. I don't care how many times you deny it. I am not fake. I tell people straight up how I feel, unless how I feel is something that will boil over and would just cause a pointless fight. But you give yourself too much credit. Sometimes I think it is to hide your insecurities. I tried so hard to be your friend but you kept going behind my back. Now you want to be childish and be hysterical and make your friends feel bad for being my friend. The only reason why they are my friends is because of you. Step into someone else's shoes for a moment. Think about how it feels for me to see you with someone I've had ongoing feelings with all year, but I didn't want to be with them because I have something they didnt want to begin with and it would have hurt that much more being together for a year and leaving, then only a couple of months. I have learned not being with him and missing out was/is just as worse as it would have been in a month when I leave. As for him. I don't have anything negative to say except it's stupid that he would just take sides and let it be like this. I know she's your girlfriend now, but she's not perfect, and neither I am. But you once cared about me, you even told me in early June you still did.. So don't sit here and act like you hate me, because I have given you no reason to. I wish I could say I am happy for the two of you but I'm not and probably never will be. It's okay though. I'll find someone new, as you have. I thought I found someone new, but maybe I was wrong. Oh well. Parenting will bring a new start for me. Eye openers & awesome new relationships. Friendship and maybe I'll fall in love. Who knows. I've been hanging out with certain people here. This might sound stupid to a lot of people but being around the ocean is like a comfort zone for me. I like sitting & staring at it and thinking about everything going on in my life. This summer I lost friends, and I made incredible new ones. I turned 21 on September 18th. It's weird to be considered an adult in this world, yet still feel a lot like a child. I guess this is growing up.

Another thing I wish certain people would learn:
People are going to do shit you don't like in this world. Don't throw HISSY FITS. IT IS Tough shit. Learn to deal with it. I know I am. Cuz' that's life. It revolves around everyone, not just yourself. No matter how much you wish it would.
Points: 12 4 comments