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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Dancing with the Stars episode 8 Love Night ❤️ Results and Elimination

May 14, 2024 by Tommy123
Tommy: Well, they were some lovely dances, don't you guys agree?

*Audience cheers and claps*

Tommy: Now here comes the hard part. I will now reveal who is safe and who is in the bottom two

Tommy: The first three couples who are safe with 28 points are
Ellie and Sasha
Lisa and Mark
Taylor and Gleb

Tommy: The next couple who is safe with 27 points is
Miranda and Alan

Tommy: The final couple who is safe with 26 points is
Cory and Jenna

Tommy: That means that Sean and Lindsay and Jill and Louis are our bottom two couples.

* Sean and Lindsay and Jill and Louis walk down stage and stands on either side of Tommy*

Tommy: now our three judges will vote on the couple they want to save from elimination.
Tommy: Lucas, you are first

Lucasmaximo15 - I would like to save Sean and Lindsay

Tommy: Lucas has voted to save Sean and Lindsay. Kiki4ever, if you choose to save Sean and Lindsay, then Sean and Lindsay will continue in this competition but, if you choose Jill and Louis, it will all come down to Stuart. Kiki4ever, who would you like to save?

Kiki4ever - I would like to save
Sean and Lindsay

Tommy: It is official, Sean and Lindsay are continuing on in this competition which means, we sadly have to say goodbye to Jill and Louis. Stuart, who would you have voted for?

Stuartlittle16 - I would have voted for Sean and Lindsay as well

Tommy: so it is a unanimous vote. We sadly have to say goodbye to Jill and Louis

Tommy: Now, next episode will be our "Semi Finals" and I am so glad. Also Lucas will no longer be our judge so LaCroix will be stepping in as a replacement.

7th - Jill Vertes and Louis
8th - Jazz Jennings and Brandon
9th - Hunter Hayes and Cheryl
10th - Jeff Probst and Witney
11th - Ian Somerhalder and Peta
12th - Danielle Busby and Val
13th - Tyler Posey and Daniella
14th - Brian Hull and Britt
15th - Alisha Newton and Pasha
16th - Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sharna


Sent by LadyPinkChannel,May 14, 2024
Oh it's been forever I forgot this was happening lol
Sent by Kiki4ever,May 15, 2024
Yeah sorry I have been going through a lot with family life
Sent by Tommy123,May 15, 2024

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