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TheRenny's blog

  1. [NOT A MOD] it's my birthday
  2. [NOT A MOD] Has anybody else noticed
  3. Stop making popular users mods
  4. Is the blogs page glitching for anybody else?
  5. Any Survivor group games casting?
  6. A blog that aged like cheese
  7. I'm about to need to spam to win a challenge lol
  8. Tengaged's newest gold level!!
  9. Filling up a gold charity
  10. The caucus
  11. Wow it would take like 10 points to have a top..
  12. I got algoed out of a fasting because I forgot to..
  13. It took over 7 years
  14. How many keys do you have when you win a Casting?
  15. join frookies!!
  16. Is Words the most poorly designed game on the..
  17. I will say something extremely nice about you
  18. Please vote for SHANKARA in this poll
  19. Finding idols in group games
  20. Any Survivor group games currently casting?
  21. I will return any spam
  22. If I start a Survivor group game
  23. Is there a trick to finding idols in group games
  24. DC(Z) Survivor Venezuela Immunity Challenge
  25. Looking for a Survivor group game to join
  26. COMING SOON: SB - The Funny 15
  27. Tengaged Superlatives
  28. Survivor: Firsts vs. Worsts vs. Hurts (FINALE)
  29. Survivor: Firsts vs. Worsts vs. Hurts (EPISODE 15)
  30. Survivor: Firsts vs. Worsts vs. Hurts (EPISODE 14)
  31. Survivor: Firsts vs. Worsts vs. Hurts (EPISODE 13)
  32. Survivor: Firsts vs. Worsts vs. Hurts (EPISODE 12)
  33. Survivor: Firsts vs. Worsts vs. Hurts (EPISODE 11)
  34. Survivor: Firsts vs. Worsts vs. Hurts (EPISODE 10)
  35. Survivor: Firsts vs. Worsts vs. Hurts (EPISODE 9)
  36. Survivor: Firsts vs. Worsts vs. Hurts (EPISODE 8)
  37. Survivor: Firsts vs. Worsts vs. Hurts (EPISODE 7)
  38. Survivor: Firsts vs. Worsts vs. Hurts (EPISODE 6)
  39. Survivor: Firsts vs. Worsts vs. Hurts (EPISODE 5)
  40. Survivor: Firsts vs. Worsts vs. Hurts (EPISODE 4)

TheRenny's Blog

Posts 137 posts

Politics on Tengaged Mar 11, 2016
Seeing #FeelTheBern trend fills my liberal heart with joy
Points: 28 1 comments
Survivor: Firsts vs. Worsts vs. Hurts Mar 11, 2016
A new Survivor blog - three tribes. The Firsts, a tribe made of people who won on their first try; the Worsts, people who were voted out first on their first try; and the Hurts, people who were either evacuated or left for medical reasons.

Firsts (Koh Kong):
Richard Hatch
Kim Spradlin
Tony Vlachos
Natalie Andersen
Earl Cole
Vecepia Towery

Worsts (Pursat):
Darnell Hamilton
Francesca Hogi
So Kim
Zane Knight
Sonja Christopher

Hurts (Bavet):
Caleb Reynolds
Dana Lambert
Russell Swan
Kourtney Moon
Mike Borassi
Kathy Sleckman

After a grueling first challenge... The Firsts lose and are sent to Tribal Council! Who do you want to see voted out? Comment below!

Points: 7 11 comments
Another Suitman's Survivor post Mar 10, 2016
imageI'm one of those jerks spamming Tengaged about being in Suitman's Survivor Second Chance.

I first played in his 12th season, and this is gonna be his 32nd season. I went through today and found out a lot of people who played on that season are no longer active users here. I've not been in a group game on Tengaged in (I believe) over a year.

What I bring to group games is a sense of humor and strong strategic game you're unlikely to see with other players.

Also, if you vote for IceIceBaby too, then maybe we can settle our 3 year long battle (we played together in my first ever group game and started as allies but ended as enemies and then basically ever since all we do is vote each other out). Will we work together this time?! Will one of us finally claim victory?! You have to vote for both of us to find out!

Points: 23 6 comments
Go comment on this blog and receive the attention you don't get at home Mar 10, 2016
Points: 0 0 comments
PYN and I'll rate your avatar Mar 9, 2016
imageOn a scale of 1 to 10.

Daniel123456 - I like it a lot, cool hair, nice shirt. 8.5
Willie_ - I dig the Mickey Mouse shirt - 9
mathboy9 - Very simple, but the sign is a nice juxtaposition - 8
Timberlie - This screams 2016, very contemporary - 9
BlueStar1367 - Very simple, no designs, BUT I love that it matches your username - 8.5
AmandaBynes - I love the avatars like this that aren't flashy or over the top - 9
Memphis_Grizzlies - At first glance I was like "Meh," but that sweater sold me - 7.5
DumbGinger - Bold - 8.5
useamint - I'm a sucker for a two person avatar - 9.5
Kidcool404 - I love the design of the Cookie Monster sweater, and the facial hair just feels right - 9
skyler1822 - The design of the eyes is what gets me for this one - 8.5
koolcoop - Never seen this hair on an avatar before and I'm a big fan of it - 8
DryIceBros - Very basic, but it's still nice! - 7

AND if anybody wants to help me by voting for me in this poll, that'd be great.
Points: 51 14 comments
imageHey all!
I'm sure many of you have heard about Suitman13's Survivor series holding an open poll for his Second Chance season.
I am happy to say I am in the running, along with 59 other people. Only 20 of us will be chosen. I am the only contestant from my season (which happened over 2 years ago), and I would love the chance to represent one of Suitman's earlier seasons.

To people who are fans of his series, if you vote for me, I can promise you an interesting season. My gameplay style is based on being entertaining and keeping myself amused - I'm not interested in a group of six bowling over a minority alliance and handing someone a win. I like twists, I like playing the game hard.

I can't promise gifts like other people, but I can promise to play the hell out of this game. Also, if we could get one person on this cast who is slightly less obnoxious than the average group game player, that might not be too bad.

So please, vote Renny in this poll!
Points: 4 3 comments