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Ranking Suitman's Survivor 1st Gen Seasons: #9

Mar 21, 2013 by SuitMan13
imageNOTE: This is NOT a ranking of the CBS Survivor seasons it is a ranking of the 1st Generation Suitman's Survivor seasons, a groupgame which began in August 2011 and ended in November 2012.

#9: Cook Islands (Season 11, January 2012)
Winner: RShowFreak (5-2-1)
Wiki page:

And we get to Cooks :D Cooks for me is a season which has gone up and down and up and down and up and down every single time I look at it. But I think it deserves to be in this spot. I think just by the fact that this is the highest-ranking all-newbies season is a testimant to how good it is.

Let's start with the obvious point- the cast was great. RShowFreak, GameTime, Leonine_Divine, Cmack311, Splozojames50, Js21. Lots of stars this season who went on to continue to be stars later on. Part of it is due to Occultus Island, which was a key player in how this season went.

Pre-merge was decent. Some good gameplay went on thanks to the four-tribe twist. Some big gamplayers were sent out but survived on Occultus Island. When the merge hit remaining eight casataways in the main game were told about the existance of Occultus Island. There was not long left until two people returned, but it wasn't going to happen yet.  GameTime forged an alliance with Survivor23, Teamjacz and Colby to get to the Final Four, and it looked a good solid alliance with people he could beat when GameTime won the next TWO Immunities, and became the biggest threat in the game. After Camdizzils and Splozo were voted out, it was revealed that RShow and Leonine were to return. That ment that Jharrin, Js21, Camdizzils, Splozo and Cmack were all out as well, and they became the first five members of the Jury. Occultus Island was then removed too. GameTime was then no longer the big threat, and everyone targeted RShow to be next out. But RShow won Immunity and Leonine, the other returning player, had to be voted out insted. GameTime, dispite being a threat, had the numbers. RShow continued to win Immunity, winning the next Immunity Challenge, resulting in the elimination of Aerothunder. GameTime realised that his Final Four alliance was in danger if RShow won again, so he tried his best to win Immunity, but to no avail, as RShow won his third Immunity in a row, forcing the alliance to turn on each other. Team and Colby from the F4 alliance realised that GameTime needed to go, so they turned on their leader. Meanwhile, Survivor23 stayed loyal to GameTime, and tried to vote out Teamjamz, but as RShow had the flip vote, he voted out the biggest threat and GameTime became the eighth member of the Jury. At Final Four immunity, it was clear that if Team won immunity, RShow was going home, and if RShow won immunity, Team was going home. After just a few hours, Survivor23 and Colby were out, and it was down to just RShow and Team. After a record-breaking 21 hour Final Immunity Challenge, RShow came out victorious, and Team became the ninth and final member of the Jury in a landslide 3-1 vote. At the Jury Vote, Colby and Survivor were dubbed as floaters by most of the nine-person Jury. But RShow was critisized for being voted out but still making it to the Final. In the end, the Jury accepted that RShow's endgame was the best, and he was crowned the Sole Survivor in a 5-2-1 vote.

This probably wasn't one of the best post-merges of all time, and it certainly didn't bring us one of the best seasons of gameplay, but one of the things that made this season high was the storyline of the players that made it far. Most of them had great stories, but RShow's was by far the best. Being outcasted from his tribe, surviving on Occultus Island while maintaining social ties, then coming back into the game and winning Immunity while making moves yet getting good with all the Jurors, winning a 21 hour long challenge (by far my fave IC of all time) and then going to the finals with the two floaters to bag himself the win. Some could argue that he didn't deserve it because he was alread voted out, but I think he utilised the twist that was in play and then managed to get to the end and take it all. It was just an awesome season with an awesome cast and it deserves this spot.

Fave Castaway on Season = GameTime, he was one of the best strategists to play in the earlier seasons.



Hint: ANOTHER season of Suitman's Survivor :@

Still remaining:
S10 Redemption Island
S15 Heroes vs Villains
S18 China- Second Chances II
S19 South Pacific
S20 Gabon- Brains vs Brawn
S22 One World
S23 Thailand- Past vs Present
S25 Best of the Best


S10 Redemption Island - Meh
S15 Heroes vs Villains - Meh
S18 China- Second Chances II - Yes
S19 South Pacific - Shawn please go to your local GP
S20 Gabon- Brains vs Brawn - Yes
S22 One World - Seriously... GP... now
S23 Thailand- Past vs Present - Yes
S25 Best of the Best
Sent by BENLINUS,Mar 21, 2013
All 5 of my seasons in the top 8. ^.^ :)
Sent by Mittens,Mar 21, 2013
I dunno how most of my seasons are still in this but okay.
Sent by PizPaz,Mar 21, 2013
The 3 seasons I played in reaching the final 8=D

I don't count Philippines *vomits*
Sent by XJamzX,Mar 21, 2013
yay rshow =D
Sent by Timster,Mar 21, 2013
Sent by Qwerty3000,Mar 21, 2013
Come on One World :D
Sent by Survivorfan1111,Mar 21, 2013
Hey look another season I wasn't in

I make all these seasons amazing k
Sent by etaco75,Mar 21, 2013
I just realized that all three of my seasons still in feature etaco75 either voting me out or not voting for me to win.
Sent by Qwerty3000,Mar 21, 2013
Qwerty3000 I think I voted you out in BvB once or twice
Sent by etaco75,Mar 22, 2013

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