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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Stars With Friends?

12thJan 10, 2011 by PrincessTeePee
Just reading the current stars [113 is it?] and yeah, there are people in there who one would initially assume joined together, which they're saying isn't the case. But it got me thinking: in all your stars, did you intend to join with certain people? Did that alliance last? I'll look back on mine...:

Stars 28 ~ The first newbie stars LOL...we weren't told the full cast until enrollment lol, so I didn't pre-plananything with anyone really, just had an idea that a friend would be in too and she was :) We didn't do too bad, 8th and 5th, but I hated my gameplay [or lack of it in that one] ... I didn't really do enough for myself and should have :) but it was a learning experience!

Stars 34 ~ Haaaaaaaa lol. Initially entered as part of a premade...huge mistake, as I was the one turned on when a move was made...a move I didnt make :') That alliance didn't was a disaster, but a DEFINITE learning curve at the same time, and I'm glad it happened, I like to think that stars thickened my stars skin a lot :')

Stars 44 ~ My vow of not doing big premades after 34 again was broken LOL...skypette stars :') tbh it was a mess...5th again, but I intended to stay friends with everyone despite. Thatone sucked tbh :s

Stars 56 ~ I was asked by one person to join, and joined with him...he was the last to join LOL and I was getting nervous he'd miss it. Although others had asked if I was joining, Jesse was the only one I joined with...thank fck we werent nommed together, but still 11th suckeddd :// Jesse got 3rd tho! yay

Stars 66 ~ I had the idea of joining a week before, but I thought I wouldn't in the end...Until I was asked by someone the day before :') The story still kinda makes me smile/giggle, and 8am half-drunk convo of of whether I'd go in or not. We got in :D but we were targetted for 15th AND 14th when 15th failed...14th also failed <3 [but thanks to the at least 7 of you who placed THAT target on meee, for the most nervewracking couple of dc's I've ever had!]. But then he got 13th baaaah :/ though I made my first finals in that one, woop!

Stars 90 ~ Planned on joining alone for the fun of it, but heard another friend would too be joiuning...Once in, we were MASSSSIVE targets, and finallyat 11th we were up, and I was out, woop! Smart move yeah, but they took their time :S!

Stars 103 ~ So weird how my most successful stars was the only one I joined COMPLETELY alone, and saw no real close friends within the cast...Hoped for less targets because of that, but at the same time, more work...the cast even contained people who I'd not ben so friendly with, so it was an interesting one for sure :') Yet even with no premade, just a few strong allies that I wasn;t hugely close with beforehand, f6 unnommed, shockingly survived 2 noms, and went on to win :)

to summarise: the less peoiple I joined with, the better I felt about the game. Big premades don;t equal safety, and I know that now. I consider myself retired from stars, but if I was to join again maybe it would be for one or 2 friends...but not a big premade :)

Over to you, how do you fair best in stars? On your own, with a small amount of close friends, or with a big premade? :)


why your blog is always so good and meaningful?
Sent by nelson1987911,Jan 10, 2011
I just wanna play a stars lol
Sent by SaltnPepper,Jan 10, 2011
my first 2 stars I didn't know anyone when I joined, my most recent stars, I knew more of the cast, but I was only close friends with like 2 or 3 of them
Sent by Pepper,Jan 10, 2011
havent read this yet only partially, there are a lot of close friends in that game that are together and by these noms tell me they are together and makes it even easier for me to figure out and also I was in there so I know. I will be posting a blog talking about these noms but only if zeenon is okay with it b.c. I dont want it to hurt his chances. and even if they dont stay loyal to the end to there friends they are all aligned now and that is part of the reason matt isnt up for 16th when it was me and jesse, I take that back that was all of the reason
Sent by TheIrishSmurf4,Jan 10, 2011
Sent by Criiko,Jan 10, 2011
Stars 66 ~ I had the idea of joining a week before, but I thought I wouldn't in the end...Until I was asked by someone the day before :') The story still kinda makes me smile/giggle, and 8am half-drunk convo of of whether I'd go in or not. We got in :D but we were targetted for 15th AND 14th when 15th failed...14th also failed <3 [but thanks to the at least 7 of you who placed THAT target on meee, for the most nervewracking couple of dc's I've ever had!]. But then he got 13th baaaah :/ though I made my first finals in that one, woop!

Alegeeter :)

I was one of the People who were targeting you gurl ;) you got 3rd or 2nd... i guess
Sent by VictoriaB,Jan 10, 2011
^lolll jahy? :D yeah correcto :).
Sent by PrincessTeePee,Jan 10, 2011
Stars 56 ~ I was asked by one person to join, and joined with him...he was the last to join LOL and I was getting nervous he'd miss it. Although others had asked if I was joining, Jesse was the only one I joined with...thank fck we werent nommed together, but still 11th suckeddd :// Jesse got 3rd tho! yay

Sent by JesseM,Jan 10, 2011
I think it is better to join alone and make alliance in there. For one thing if you join with friends, then you tend to share friends, so if you did make final 3 it would dilute the votes... If you know what I mean..
Sent by trishytrash,Jan 10, 2011
^GREAT point that Trishy, thats happened a few times!
Sent by PrincessTeePee,Jan 10, 2011
i never intend to join with premades, its more of finding friends that are in before/after i join...In alot of my stars, i ad alot of the usuals (bbdamian, corey1 ect). in those cases, if they are in that stars, its best to nomm them, because there really is no getting around their nomination.
wen i joied with metslover, we were able to keep ourselves off the block for a while. then we eventually were nommed both times. (first was a tie adn i left cuz of the "joined first" rule and then he spammed against me and only won by 1% of the votes).
in certain cases, it is not beneficial to join with friends, unless you are willing to risk friendships. ive actually sat at my computer almost in tears over satrs because i was torn between friends. it was horrible...but if your friends get that its just a game, then it is probably beneficial to join with depends on your friends really.
Sent by tommyg,Jan 10, 2011
youre amazing
Sent by dools,Jan 10, 2011
Team TP!
Sent by DanVanDam,Jan 10, 2011
I did better in the stars where I hardly knew anyone :/
Sent by Scheuerman14,Jan 10, 2011
damn i still need to join my first stars lol +12
Sent by chicaaaa,Jan 11, 2011
I haven't joined with friends in any of the four I have played!
Sent by tofutime,Jan 11, 2011
DEATH TO PREMADES. I'd join on my own and get a few allies. A good number then a little extremely close ones.
Sent by Endo360,Jan 11, 2011
my first stars i had clayton and capguy clayton was in two of my other games at the time so we were hugee targets 2 man premades must be scary lol. we both went up for 14th and i left :S he went on to win after going up several times. my second stars was hell but made it far!!! i had 5 enemies from the start and i thought i would be up for 16th for sure. i ended up going on the block 4 times and finally got screwed over by shayybayy and her bs rumour that je started about me being a spammer. got 5th in that one. my last one i had too many friends in the game which most of them were not on my side I had my trusted and really close friend maggee we both failed i got 9th and he got 11th. so i think you r theory of don't go in with friends is right. Less ppl you know the better it is for you.
Sent by vatcheabs,Jan 11, 2011
no but ill plus ya anyway
Sent by Oscirus,Jan 11, 2011
Sent by toro,Jan 11, 2011
umm whos the big group of friends in this stars? Please inform me.
Sent by Laqueefsha,Jan 11, 2011
where did I say 'big group' :S Please inform me.
Sent by PrincessTeePee,Jan 11, 2011
gettin abiv defensive there queef
Sent by BengalBoy,Jan 11, 2011
good blog
Sent by pissymissy,Jan 11, 2011

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