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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


15thJun 4, 2011 by Moo_Cha_Cha
It has been 42 days and i have made a new account. To be honest, taking a break and everything was the best thing i could have done. I have met a lot of new friends on Skype, and hope to make new ones on tengaged. So PYN and i will try to write something i like about you, and if i don't know you, i will judge/rate your avatar or something, idk. I will try to update every hour or so.

Spinner-You are a great person and i love your skype games. They are really fun. And i loves your Ghetto Mom irl.

Crush-Jordan, your obvs my BFF, and even though you owed me a gift on my new account, i won't hold you to it on this one becuz of what happened to shops

Kitten-Loves that you are a VERY positive and happy person and staying on call with you almost ALL NIGHT LONG, and im sorry that you are sick atm

Rock-I love how you are always plussing and commenting on blogs. That is really nice of you.

Holder-I like how you started the charity games, and you were in my last game that i was in on my first account Pablo

Antwane-i don't know you, i was MooChaCha, of course, and i like your name, and your sunglasses

amartin-you are an amazing person. You are really nice, and i loved playing with you in that .es castings

NotAfraid-Im sorry, but i have absolutely no clue who you are. but i can say i love your avie's hair and eyes. They are amazing

Jason-you are an amazing person and i love your voice and you are my favorite judge on the ANTM skype games

KingMac-I just met you a few days ago, and you are one of my favorite tengagers. its obvious that you love the drama, and the drama loves you

TylerK-You are a really cool person and are #3 on my top contacts on skype. Even though you don't talk, you can make me laugh so hard in the chat

Jarst-you are a pretty cool person. I remember when we were on call 6 hours with JonoB and you heard something 'trying to escape from my closet' lol

Survivor8-Mike, you were in my last game that i played on MooChaCha. Along with Larrisa, we worked that game. And i like you because you are a nice and funny person who loves Scream and Hayden Panettiere ALMOST as much as i do. Oh, and the dream i had about you and her. ;)

BadBoyzClub-i have no idea who you are. so i will talk about your avatar. i like it. it has a nice skin tone, and i like how everything matches and is blue.

amf- i don't know you much. i do remember that you were in a few skype games with me right after i was banned. You are a pretty cool person.

Paypal- you are one of my best friends on skype/tengaged. I loves you and your drama.

Dash- The sexi mexi. You look 17, i don't care what anyone says. Oh and you look like Obama. and you have sexy voice too. you are dating my friend.

nunley- you are really cool. I talked to you alot right before and right after my ban. You are really cool, but we don't talk anymore.

kelly- i dont know you. I love your avatar's dress. That purple is one of my favorite colors.

Bob-I remember i was in a game with you, and you were a great person to play with. Sorry i had to go against you, but i had a f2 deal from the beginning

schmooboy- I have only talked to you in games, and that one day we played the boardgame. You are funny and fun to go on call with.

Julie- omg i love you too! i loved joining games with you a while ago. Even before i was banned, we hadn't played together in a while. I would love to play together sometime!

Bridgette-I love bridgette. you are really funny. Idk if you are fat irl or not, but let's just say you are for the lulz. I also love how easy it is to beat you in words.

vockle- you were also in the castings i was in when i was banned. It was one of my favorite, most memorable games, and it was fun playing with you.

Haydon- I talked to you a while back on .com. the most recent time was in our alliance on .es, in which i got 12. anyways, you are a cool person, but not a good person to go on call with because of your loud tv :s

Ian-the only time i talked to you was in 2 skype games. well, i guess you don't count the time in the OC call when i listened to you talk to the others, cuz i wasn't talking. But anyways, you are a nice guy and fun to talk to.

Aberlad-i don't know you, but i think your avatar looks like an alien. i mean with the purple skin and the lips and hair. it kinda scares me.

kellyt210-i talked to you for about the first week i was banned. you are a really nice person, and im glad i had the oppurtunity to know you.

Phenomanimal-Matt i played with you in i think 3 skype games, and we kinda had each other's back in all of em. you are a really nice and cool person and hopefully we can play a tengaged game sometime

MMA-you are an okay guy. we were in maybe a few skype games together, but you turn on alliances too much. sorry

Sav-I have never really talked to you, so i don't know you. But i have seen you around tengaged alot and you seem like an okay guy. I love the wings on your avie ^__^

sokerdude7-I don't really know you either. Your avatar looks like a greek god or something, which is pretty cool because i love the greek gods.

xxzacxx-i dont know you, i think i played a skype game with you once? anywayz,,, i like your avie's hair, but with the skin tone and eyes, it reminds me of a caveman, which isn't necessarily a bad thing btw.

Piddu-yeah, i remember talking to you like once, so not enough to really say anything about you. I love your avatar though, especially the glasses and the shirt. It is so fetch ;)

DoubleRainbow-Once again, don't think i've talked to you. But your avatar is very unique and i love it. Everything about it actually.

DiNoM-You are an amazing person, no matter what any of your haters may say. I know we don't talk much, but when we do, you literally crack me up more than most other people. I know your not fake, and i am glad i have talked to and gotten to know you.

Robbster-I don't know you, and you probs only posted for a stars vote, but thats okay. I love your avatars clothes and hair. It's sexy.

_Aria-I have no clue who you are. Sorry. Your avatar reminds me of a mermaid with the blue skin and pretty hair.

Mikey-I don't really know you. we may have been in a few skype games. oh and the OC call. you were the one who wanted to remove me. I like your avie's nose.

Sterling-don't know you at all except for the time we cybered, but thats        it. I dont really like your avie.

JonoB-I like you a lot. you are really nice, and have the cutest accent ever. Loved how you explained to me the difference in the way we say 'ass' while on call with Jarst.

Heatherbear-The only time i talked to you was when we were on call with Jarst and JonoB, but you seem like a really nice and cool person, and hopefully we can talk again sometimes. oh yeah, and i am from the same state as streeter, which i guess is kinda cool.

Etienne-I don't know you much at all. I said happy birthday to you on skype when it was your birthday, but thats about it. I see your blogs sometimes and they are pretty funny.

hwest-we have played a few games together on tengaged a good while before i was banned, and you were a pretty good person to talk to and play with. hopefully sometime we can play in another game soon.

playa-i dont really know you besides talking to you on skype some, but you seem like a pretty decent person. I absolutely adore your Avatar though!!

Seal-I was on tengaged 6 weeks ago and was brown level and posted porn. hi how are ya? the only thing i know about you is that you are from the same state as me. I like how your avatar's skin contrasts with the color of the shirt and the crown or whatever the hell it is.


Sent by Spinner554,Jun 4, 2011
go to work
:*** <33 mee
Sent by crush,Jun 4, 2011
OMG!!! <33333
Sent by KittenDeluna,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by rock_on88,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by Holder,Jun 4, 2011
whos this?
Sent by Antwane,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by amartin,Jun 4, 2011
aww :)
welcome back :)
NotAfraid :)
Sent by NotAfraid,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by jtotalturtle,Jun 4, 2011
Welcome Back!
Sent by KingMac1,Jun 4, 2011
Omg Austin <333
Tyler :)
Sent by TylerK,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by Jarst,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by Survivor8,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by BadBoyzClub,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by amf7410,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by iPaypal,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by Dash,Jun 4, 2011
nunley <3
Sent by Nunley,Jun 4, 2011
kelly_joanne :o
Sent by kelly_joanne,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by BOBROCKS333,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by rock_on88,Jun 4, 2011
i wrote my name twice, awks
Sent by rock_on88,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by schmooboy,Jun 4, 2011
omg i love you moo<3
Sent by Juliechen24,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by Bridgette77,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by vockle9,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by Haydon13,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by ianfitz0012,Jun 4, 2011
Aberlad :D
Sent by aberlad93,Jun 4, 2011
yayy :) wb <3
Sent by Kellyt210,Jun 4, 2011
Phenom <3
Sent by Phenomanimal,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by MMAjunkieX,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by Savcodushe,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by sokerdude7,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by XxZaCxX,Jun 4, 2011

Sent by Piddu,Jun 4, 2011
LOL hey austin
Sent by DoubleRainbow,Jun 4, 2011
yay welcome back :)
Sent by DiNoM,Jun 4, 2011
robb omg ur back :D
Sent by Robbster1313,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by _Aria,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by Mikey04wp,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by Sterling1234,Jun 4, 2011
JonoB :) You're back :) <3
Sent by JonoB,Jun 4, 2011
Hi! Heather.
Sent by heatherbear,Jun 4, 2011
yay wb!

Etienne :)
Sent by Etienne,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by hwest14,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by playa,Jun 4, 2011
LOL +11

But I dunno who MooChacha is. :/
Sent by Seal,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by 2008girl,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by khart92,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by Kaay,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by vh1luvr15,Jun 4, 2011
Sent by MontyBurns,Jun 4, 2011
spiderboom <3
Sent by SpiderBoom,Jun 5, 2011
Lightning <33
Sent by Lightning,Jun 5, 2011

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