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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Total drama camp season 1 episode 1

May 21, 2017 by MIchelle990
24 contestants 23 losers 1 winner who will the winner be find out right now total drama camp

Team Screaming gophers
1. Ezekiel
2. Anne Maria
3. Junior
4. Sierra
5. Owen
6. Lindsay
7. Brick
8. Dakota
9. Cameron
10. Eva
11. Noah
12. Jo

Team Killer bass
1. Heather
2. Lightning
3. Staci
4. Alejandro
5. Sadie
6. Harold
7. Katie
8. Justin
9. Zoey
10. Mike
11. Beth
12. Scott

Your host, Ray j

Hi campers!!!!! So you know the teams and where you are living but you dont know the rules i will explain them right now:
- 24 campers in 2 teams the screaming gophers and the killer bass will compete against eachother until the halfway point because that is merge
- Before each challenge There will be a Captain challenge the winner of each captain challenge will not be safe for elimination but if you win u are the sole vote on which 3 people to put up for the public vote but if there is a tie in the public vote the captain of the winning team will send one of the people in the tie home but when we get to merge whoever wins the immunity challenge gets to pick 3 people of their own to be put up and if its a tie the winner of the immunity challenge will decide who goes home

you got it

Everyone: Yes

good but before u go meet eachother we are doing the captain challenge right now

*Everyone grasps*

Challenge is a quiz get a question wrong u are out

*After challenge*

I can now reveal the captain of screaming gophers is...............Cameron
and the captain of the killer bass is....................................Scott

now u can enjoy the camp and get to know people

Heather in confessional: I need to make sure i allie with Cameron just to get me safe and Maybe some other people on my team just to make sure when i get to merge there all following me who would be good to be in an alliance hmm and some other people on the other team aswell

*Eva, Cameron,Sierra,Noah and Jo are all talking to each other until Heather comes sees them*

Heather: Hi you five
All five: Oh hey Heather
Heather: I am here today because i want to ask u five for an alliance i know we are on separate teams but with me on the other team i can make u all safe from the public vote u in
All five: Sure
Heather: Thanks

heather in confessional: One alliance from the other team check now its for my team alliance but i dont want smart people in my alliance i will have Sadie and Katie in my alliance cos they are so dumb they will listen to whatever i say

Heather: Hi Sadie and Katie
S+K: Hi heather
Heather: i am here today for an f3 alliance
S+k: whats an alliance
Heather: its where you keep other safe
S+K: Okay then we will join eeeeee we are in an alliance
*Heather rolls her eyes*

*Ray j shouts come to the challenge area*

hi campers today challenge is a race distances will go further as it goes along and everytime someone will be eliminated from the challenge until there is 1 person remains challenge starts now!!!!!!!!

*the last two remaining are Ezekiel and justin*

The team who wins Screaming Gophers!!!!!!!! Cameron you got an hour to come up with 3 people from other team to go up for the public vote and rememeber scott the team captain is not safe he can still go up

*Heather walks up to Cameron after the challenge*

Heather: Hi Cameron you have any ideas who to put up
Cameron: Not really no well i think i know 1 but i dont know can u maybe help me?
Heather: For sure Cameron, Put up Alejandro, Justin and Staci they are threats to our alliance we need them out
Cameron: Well i will think about it Heather
Heather: Okay but if i go up our alliance is done
Cameron: Okay then Heather

*in confessional*
Cameron: I dont want to make enemies just yet why did i win the first Captain challenge i hardly know anyone
Heather: I will control this game trust me i will Alejandro your my main target this week u have to go the fuck home!!!!! p.s if Justin and Staci doesnt go up but Alejandro does its perfect!!!!

*ray j shouts its time to see who cameron puts up*

Cameron please nominate 3 people for eviction

Cameron: My first nomination is...............Staci because you have hardly spoke to me and i feel like when it comes to merge your gonna get really annoying and win loads of challenges

*heather smiles*

My second nomination is..........Scott i just feel u have let your team down by being the captain of your team so thats why your up

My third and final nomination is..........................Harold I just find u annoying to me i just havent spoke to u and when i over hear your chats with other people the topics are very weird

so Staci, Scott and Harold you three are up for the public vote good luck guys

so who will leave

vote now its a vote to evict

#casting #totaldrama #cbbuk #ilovemoney #bbuk 'bbcan5


Sent by boogie23,May 21, 2017
Sent by AntonB,May 21, 2017
Sent by ThePhenomenalOne,May 21, 2017
Sent by scooby0000,May 21, 2017
Sent by noah_kondon,May 26, 2017
Sent by Cryptspartan,May 26, 2017
Sent by dvs194,May 28, 2017

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