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The Death Eater Post

Posts 162 posts

Sorry guys :( Aug 7, 2013
I'm so sorry I haven't been on in forever. My house was hit by lightning, luckily the only damage it did was leave a scorch mark on the gutter and fry the thingy that sends out the wi-fi signal (IDK what it's called XD) but internet is back up and running now and i can continue to post :)
Points: 29 3 comments
Big Brother FvF: Merge, Week 1 Aug 2, 2013
Evicted Friends:
10th-Dominic (BB13)
11th-Helen (BB15)
13th-Britney(BB12/14) *REVIVED*
14th-Jordan (BB11/13)
Evicted Foes:
10th-Dick (BB8)
12th-Willie (BB14)
13th-Mike Boogie (BB2/7/14)
16th-Aaryn (BB15) *REVIVED*
Remaining Housegeusts:
Dani D. (BB8/13)
Shane (BB14)
Jeff (BB11/13)
Danielle M. (BB14)
Hayden (BB12)
Chima (BB11)
Janelle (BB7/14)
Rachel (BB12)
Ian (BB14)
Candice (BB15)
Elissa (BB15)
Brendon (BB12/13)
Kalia (BB13)
Jen (BB8)
Russell (BB11)
Howard (BB15)
Lane (BB12)
Enzo (BB12)
Britney (BB12/14)
Aaryn (BB15)
(WARNING: This is very long, I will not be offended if you just scroll to the end to see who is nominated)

Julie's face appears in the friends house.

"Hello Houseguests. We have a lot happening this week, so let's get right down to it. With a vote of 2 to 0... Joe, you have been evicted from the Big Brother: Foes house. Please gather your things and head outside, I will have a chance to talk to you in just a moment. And houseguests... I think it's time for you to sit here and TRY to expect the unexpected."

The housegeusts sat in shock, they had never seen Julie so frantic. They knew a huge twist was coming their way and all they could do was sit there in nervous excitement and wait.

Julie's face then appeared again in the other house.

"Hello houseguests. Unfortunately we are running short on time so this will be very quick. With a vote of 2 to 1... Helen, you have been evicted from the Big Brother: Friends house. You have 30 seconds to say your goodbyes and leave the house. Other houseguests, be ready to truly expect the unexpected."

Julie's face appeared in both houses. And both houses heard the same identical message: "I need all housegeusts without a golden key to go to the HoH room."

Kalia, Jen, Dick, Russell, Howard, Lane, Enzo, and Dominic filed upstairs into their HoH room. Once they arrived, Julie broke the big news.

"Housegeusts, throughout this whole season we have told you that it was famous duos from past season. But what you all didn't know was that there was not one, but TWO houses. You will now meet four people remaining in the other house. The skybridge will open in 3... 2... 1!"

A whole wall slid open in both HoH rooms and a short bridge connected them. The shocked houseguests ran across and greeted eachother happily, yet surprised.

"Also houseguests, the reason only the people without golden keys are here is because Tengaged has been voting and has eliminated one of you from each house. The duo on the friends house that is safe is... Howard and Lane! The duo from the foes house that is safe is... Kalia and Jen! The person EVICTED from the foes house is.. Evel Dick. The person EVICTED from the friends house is... Dominic. I'm so sorry, Dick and Dominic please exit the Big Brother House from the Foes house."

Back in the Regular houses Julie gathered everyone into the backyards where the second bridge connected the houses.

"Houseguests, here is the major twist you have been waiting for. The whole time you were competing, another house was competing alongside you. There was a Friends house and a Foes house. The rest of this competition will take place in the friends house. Those of you in the Foes house please cross the bridge and meet your new housemates in 3... 2... 1!"

There was a massive uproar while the final 18 all met each other. After it all died down Julie made an announcement.

"Houseguests, I have some more news. Tengaged has been voting on which 1 person from each house without a golden key will be evicted. And those two people are: Dick and Dominic. Kalia, Jen, Russell, Howard, Lane and Enzo please come back downstairs and re-join the game." Everyone was excited to welcome the 6 new housemates except Dani. She was devestated by the fact that her dad and husband were evicted in the same vote. She still hugged the new people, but she was deeply upset.

"And... I have some more news, Tengaged has been voting on who, from each house they want to give another chance. The Person revived from the friends house is........ Britney!" Britney walked through the front door and ran immediately to the backyard to meet everyone. "And the person revived from the foes house is.......... Aaryn!" Aaryn did the same thing to recieve cheers and boos from her fellow houseguests.

Julie then reappeared. "Ok, I know you are all very excited, but right now it's time to get back to business. Your HoH competition begins right now."

HoH Winner: Janelle

"Congratulations Janelle, and this week due to the large ammount of people in this house right now this will be Big Brother's first... Quadruple Eviction. Janelle you must nominate 5 people on the spot, then whoever wins POV will be able to save up to 3 of them. However many they take down you must replace. Then Tengaged will save one of them."

Janelle, a little shocked, replied: "Well Julie, in this game there are big threats in numbers so I'm going to have to make sure that A large group is destroyed before it even has a chance to begin."

Pre-Veto Nominees: Brendon, Rachel, Lane, Enzo, Hayden

Veto winner: Rachel

Veto Used: YES, on Rachel and Brendon.

Final Nominees: Lane (BB12), Enzo(BB12), Hayden(BB12), Britney(BB12/14), Shane(BB14)

Vote to SAVE one of these 5, Tengaged.

Points: 0 6 comments
Big Brother FvF: Jury Jul 31, 2013
Congratulations Tengaged! You are on the jury for Big Brother: Friends vs. Foes! There are 4 parts to this process. You must evict 1 person from each house, and revive one person from each house.

1: Evict for Foes house:
Evict one person. Giving their partner a key.

Kalia (BB13) or Jen (BB8)

Dick (BB8/13) or Russell (BB11)

2:Evict for Friends house:
Evict one person, giving their partner a key.

Howard (BB15) or Lane (BB12)

Enzo (BB12) or Dominic (BB13)

3:Revive for Friends house.
Put one evicted houseguest back in the game.



Jordan (BB11/13)



4: Revive for Foes house
put one evicted houseguest from the Foes house back in the game.

Willie (BB14)

Mike "Boogie" (BB2/7/14)

Ragan (BB12)

Frank (BB14)

Aaryn (BB15)

Please label your vote

Points: 1 4 comments
Big Brother FvF: Friends, Week 6 Jul 31, 2013
14th-Jordan (BB11/13)
Golden Key Holders:
Dani D.
Danielle M.
Remaining Housegeusts:
Helen & Elissa (BB15)

Howard & Lane (BB15&BB12)

Enzo & Dominic (BB12&BB13)

With a vote of 7 to 0... Spencer, you have been evicted from the Big Brother: Friends house. Once Spencer had left the house, the 5 people able to compete were excited for one of the biggest competitions yet. When Julie told them to head to the backyard it was a dead sprint.

After about 5 minutes of Big Brother Trivia Howard, Lane, and Dominic were out. Leaving only Enzo and Helen.

"Question 6, if neither or both of you get this right we will go to a tiebreaker. In season 13 of Big Brother who made up the short-lived alliance called  "The Regulators"? Was it A:Lawon, Cassie, Keith, and Dominic or B: Cassie, Porsche, Dominc, and Lawon?"

Enzo looked out at the sidelines for Dominic, is partner since he knew Dom would know. Dominic mouthed "A" and held up 1 finger.

Helen was unsure of what it was so she just decided to put B.

Enzo trusted Dominic and put A as his answer

"Housegeusts, the correct answer is A, which means... Congratulations Enzo you are the new Head of Household! But that also means I need a nomination right now. We are almost out of time. Helen & Elissa, or Howard & Lane?"

Enzo hesitated for a second before saying: "I'm so sorry I really like both of you, but in terms of my strategic game I would be an idiot if I didn't nominate you. Helen & Elissa."


Final Nominations: Helen & Elissa (BB15)

Vote to evict, Tengaged

Points: 5 4 comments
Big Brother FvF: Foes, Week 6 Jul 31, 2013
12th-Willie (BB14)
13th-Mike Boogie (BB2/7/14)
16th-Aaryn (BB15)
Golden Key Holders:
Remaining Duos:
Brendon & Joe (BB12/13&BB14)

Kalia & Jen (BB13&BB8)

Dick & Russell (BB8/13&BB11)

"With a vote of 2 to 1... Willie, you have been evicted from the Big Brother: Foes house. Chima, as Willie's partner you have received a golden key." Julie informed the house. And once Willie had left Julie reappeared.

"Houseguests, I need everyone to gather in the living room immediately." One everyone was sitting on a couch Julie said "This week, since only 3 duos, and 2 golden keys remain there is no veto. This is also the most important HoH ever. Whoever knows the most about Big Brother history will be the new HoH. Please head to the backyard."

12 minutes later.

"The correct answer is... Amanda. Kalia and Russell you were both incorrect. Please reset and step down. Okay, Dick and Brendon, as the only 2 remaining it is time for a tie breaker round. How many seconds did it take Brendon to win last weeks HoH? From the time the ride began, to the time Russell hit the mat. Whoever is closest without going over wins HoH. I need an answer now, please."

Brendon held up his sign saying 4,127

Dick held up his sign saying 3,602

"The correct answer is... 3,724 which means, congratulations Dick. You have won safety for yourself and Russell."

After large ammounts of celebration Julie's voice came back on the speaker.
"Dick, as HoH. You must make a very tough decision. You and you alone get to decide the final nominations."

"Well Julie, that's actually not that tough at all. Brendon & Joe."

HoH: Dick

Final Nominations: Brendon (BB12/13) & Joe (BB14)

Vote to evict, Tengaged.

Points: 0 3 comments
Once Upon A Time BB, Week 4 Jul 30, 2013
Remaining Houseguests:
Mother Superior
14th-Dr. Whale
16th-Mr. Gold

HoH: Neil                           MVP:Hook
Pre-Veto Nominees:Tamara, August; Archie
Veto Players: August, Neil, Ruby, Archie, Emma, Tamara
Veto Winner: Neil
Veto Used: YES, on Archie

Final Nominations:Tamara, August, Emma

Vote To Evict, Tengaged!

Points: 21 5 comments