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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


1stApr 3, 2016 by Connor_


drag them
Sent by SurvivoroftheTocans,Apr 3, 2016
agreed, the issue is that it's not everyone's fault though, but the certain people won't change lol
Sent by Marchesa,Apr 3, 2016
No I completely disagree, a website like this needs maintaining.
Sent by Johneh,Apr 3, 2016
Sent by brandonrichie,Apr 3, 2016
It IS our fault, but its more randomize's fault. If YouTube had no rules or moderation or a system to report content, it would turn into a porn site of sorts when trolls uploaded content like that. It'd be the site owner's fault for not implementing a system to avoid that.

As a web designer, you need to assume the worst and be able to put a system in place to combat the people who are inherently going to misbehave. It's an expectation that you will have users like that and its randomize's responsibility to prevent it.
Sent by Aquamarine,Apr 3, 2016
Johneh we wouldnt need maintaining if people werent retarded
Sent by s73100,Apr 3, 2016
Johneh, I do agree that it needs maintaining, but for a relatively small community, we should be able to keep our shit together.

And I'm not saying rando is the best owner-- because  he's not. We just need to accept the fact that he's not going to save us, and if we want the *old* tengaged back, we need to stop acting like assholes.
Sent by Connor_,Apr 3, 2016
aquamarine this site cant be a full time job so dont compare it to a major multi billion dollar site like youtube
johneh back that up
Sent by gezyg33,Apr 3, 2016
THANK YOU !!! BC OF CHEAT ENGINES. IDEK WHAT GOOD SCORES ARE ANYMORE because when im getting 200 in something and everyone else is getting 1000. Like i cant compare whats a good score or not
Sent by survivingreality,Apr 3, 2016
Sent by eric_136,Apr 3, 2016
Aquamarine, I completely agree with you, but the YouTube community is WAY bigger than the Tengaged community. We are small, and while randomize should have assumed the worst, you can't always blame someone else for your actions.
Sent by Connor_,Apr 3, 2016
s73100 Connor_ That's exactly why it needs maintaining. Ultimately this is a gaming website and there are rules in place to keep these games fair for everyone. Without anyone to enforce these rules it ruins the integrity of the games. Another issue is that we haven't had any new content from him in nearly 4 years.

I actually agree with Aquamarine for once lmao.

gezyg33 You're a mindless kid, fuck off.
Sent by Johneh,Apr 3, 2016
you dress up as a woman in your spare time dont call me mindless
Sent by gezyg33,Apr 3, 2016
Survivingreality right
Sent by eric_136,Apr 3, 2016
Johneh, I agree it needs maintaining 100%. Randomize shouldn't have just stripped us of all moderation and order, but this blog is more just trying to get people to understand that randomize ISNT going to wake up tomorrow and just fix the whole site how we would like, and if we want the site to stay the way we like it, we need to stop breaking the rules.
Sent by Connor_,Apr 3, 2016
gezyg33 And get paid very well to do so thanks! :) You're mindless beyond imagination, you can not form your own opinion at all.
Sent by Johneh,Apr 3, 2016
Connor_ ...and again that's exactly why we need staff. I don't think you understand lol.
Sent by Johneh,Apr 3, 2016
at least i have morals no amount of money could get me to do that
Sent by gezyg33,Apr 3, 2016
Johneh, I'm not saying we don't need staff because we certainly do, but that isn't likely to happen. The point is to just get people to stop breaking the fucking rules. We shouldn't need someone here to yell at us for breaking the rules, we should have the decency to abide by them in his absence. Although that isn't likely, if we opened our fucking eyes and realized that it's not ALL his fault, we could really improve the site ourselves.
Sent by Connor_,Apr 3, 2016
Johneh Connor_ gezyg33

It doesnt matter how big or small the website is. If you create a website and establish it as a business as randomize has done, it is your responsibility to maintain it. There are ALWAYS going to be people who will abuse the website if there is no moderation. There should be no expectation that everyone should behave themselves. I dont have multis or anything like that because really just what's the point - and while I think the people who have made them are annoying and ruining the site for everyone, and it is their fault this site has gone to shit, it us ultimately the creator's responsibility to maintain the site.
Sent by Aquamarine,Apr 3, 2016
gezyg33 Are you really trying to use my profession as an insult? LOL.
Sent by Johneh,Apr 3, 2016
aquamarine yeah i guess you have a fair point there
johneh yes yes i am
Sent by gezyg33,Apr 3, 2016
Aquamarine It's just like saying people shouldn't commit crimes, people still rob banks and commit murder... but we still have a legal system and people who enforce it.
Sent by Johneh,Apr 3, 2016
I think we our old enough and hopefully mature enough to follow rules

if we were actaully on Big Brother and we acted like this, we would be kicked out LOL

so we do we need mods babying us
Sent by survivingreality,Apr 3, 2016
don't *
Sent by survivingreality,Apr 3, 2016
survivingreality 'kicked out'... by who? If there's no production team or staff, who's gonna kick you out?
Sent by Johneh,Apr 3, 2016
johneh no what im saying is
we should all be old enough to follow rules without being stalked
Sent by survivingreality,Apr 3, 2016
Its just a classroom when the teacher goes out.

Ofc the class is gonna talk and use their phone and shit, cause there's no one there to tell them otherwise.

It's a mixture of both, but more so rando for not having teaching assistants on this motherfucker.
Sent by vansreborn,Apr 3, 2016
survivingreality But if cheating advances you in the game and there's no one to punish, why wouldn't you?
Sent by Johneh,Apr 3, 2016
Rando has kids?
Sent by Dinosauro27,Apr 3, 2016
its like the purge.
the government shuts off all crimes for 24 hours.
people take advantage.

its rando's fault.
Sent by SurvivorFreak13,Apr 3, 2016
Sent by C00LDUDE1000,Apr 3, 2016
I like you dude, but I just disagree. If you let your kid do what they want, they're not gonna magically become responsible and mature. There are tons of kids here, when there we're mods that actually had some order, and made it hard to manage even having 1 multi without being suspected, now people make tons and tons of multi's without caring if people know.
Sent by RasCity,Apr 3, 2016
lol at entitled people acting like randomize is obligated to do anything
rando activities actually has a job and a likely busy life outside of tengaged, its silly for folks to sit on their bums spamming designs 24/7 to expect a guy to devote a large portion of his work time for their enjoyment.
Sent by coolnarwhal88,Apr 3, 2016
Sent by JGoodies,Apr 3, 2016
coolnarwhal88 don't dislike you, but dude. He made the website, he should care about our enjoyment to some extent, I agree he definately has a busy life, however he gets income from this website, I think he should take it upon himself to atleast assert some sort of effort into maintaining the website, especially when there are qualified people willing to do it for him,
Sent by RasCity,Apr 3, 2016
sorry bro but it is not like this is some hobby randomize is doing he is making money off of this project and should be putting some time into it, hiring someone, selling it to someone. I'm sorry but even with a wife and kids you could find 30 minutes a day (or even week tbh at this point) to keep your site from having CHILD porn posted on it, and people doing other stupid shit that is not ok in any situation.
Sent by Abrogate,Apr 3, 2016
right boo Aquamarine
Sent by Patootie,Apr 3, 2016
-9 though because this logic is stupid
Sent by Patootie,Apr 3, 2016
Hunny he accepts money for T$ yet never logs on or does anything lmao
that is just bad business
Sent by Brandonator,Apr 3, 2016
speak for yourself - today is my first day.
Sent by Drake__,Apr 4, 2016
Well this site does need controlling, but I agree with the most of us, it was our decision to make this, then go and complain how it is horrible.
Sent by RyanAndrews,Apr 4, 2016
Did our moms tell us not to hang out with bad influencial friends. I just really hate the blog because it feels like you are expecting Randomize to respect you for this, when the fact is he just isn't going to ever care unfortunately. if there we're mods people would barely be cheating, because it would be too hard to get away with. but there eventually runs out of purpose and reason, and theres no punishment whatsoever.
Sent by RasCity,Apr 4, 2016
I think it's a two sided thing, it's the fault of some idiots on the site and needs maintenance too, as any other site would. xo
Sent by SexyBanana,Apr 4, 2016
Sent by Zuelke,Apr 4, 2016
johneh you retarded piece of shit shut up
Sent by coltsfan876,Apr 4, 2016
coltsfan876 Yet another mindless kid... care to explain?
Sent by Johneh,Apr 4, 2016
johneh i am not a mindless kid? im 18 in college, and you are? you ruined this site dont try defending yourself
Sent by coltsfan876,Apr 4, 2016
Sent by connorfitz15,Apr 4, 2016
coltsfan876 And yet I have to repeat myself... care to explain? #tryharder
Sent by Johneh,Apr 4, 2016
I love how everything that happens on this site turns to something dramatic.
Sent by C_Shizz96,Apr 4, 2016
johneh plz dont come for me, your source of income is drag
Sent by coltsfan876,Apr 4, 2016
coltsfan876 Shocking you can't even support your statement... #bandwagon
Sent by Johneh,Apr 4, 2016
This site is never going to be good again unless there are mode in place. The people with hundreds of multis clearly do not want the website to be good again
Sent by melissasinclair29,Apr 4, 2016

Also plussed to 666
Sent by noah_kondon,Apr 4, 2016
I stopped the 666 points

Yeah this is 110% true. I stopped playing the flash based games on here because of the cheaters. And honestly the people with multis can you just make a steady flux of fast chairitys please.
Sent by MightyGoober,Apr 4, 2016
I'm not part of the problem so what are you talking about?
Sent by AintItFun,Apr 4, 2016
I like the game the way it's now. Now you can totally get revenge on nosy bitches.
Sent by KatarinaDuCouteau,Apr 4, 2016
We wouldn't need police if people didn't commit horrible crimes but we do.

Randomize needs to put something into place that will probably at most take a few hours out of the year to do. Creating a moderation team isn't like starting a website from scratch. Even forfeiting one trip to Starbucks or whatever he does in his spare time would make the world of difference.

I would say that it isn't important for him to make the changes but as of the current moment you can still use your hard earned money to get t$. So as it has become a mini business of sorts he owes his customers stability.
Sent by computer3000,Apr 4, 2016

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