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Survivor Laos | Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Laos | Confessionals

1483 days 12 hours ago
Mike (ForceMike1) Confessional EP:4

Confessional: This past 2 rounds have gone great for me in terms of safety. I managed to find the idol because James shared the clue with me that Jay shared with him. Then we secured immunity yesterday thanks to Adam's skills on the puzzle. And I single-handedly secured immunity for us today. I'm happy that I'm safe but at the same time I wish we had something to test the loyalties. Right now no one has had to put up. We can say whatever we want and there's no testing that because we won. I don't necessarily want to be on the receiving end of what could come if we went to tribal again, but having my idol gives me a new kind of security. I'm also glad that the blowup between Jake and Ryan has let me know where at least 1 of the other 2 idols are. Ryan and I have a little bit of history and we both seem to be open to working together again if we get the chance but like i said, no one has had to put up yet so i guess we'll see if the time comes. So far I think i'm proving to be an asset in tribal immunities so if there is a swap hopefully that is enough to keep the votes off of me for a bit
1483 days 12 hours ago
James (jamessmith5) Confessional EP:4

Another day and another win for my tribe, things at Soung tribe have calmed down and we are working as a team to get us to the best point in this game. I'm tight with Sag and Mike while Jay and Adam could have a rift in this game. I know the Prabang tribe has a 3-2 division in which it is Nathan, Scott, Ryan P against Chandler and Chilli which gives me a great chance to work in between that to control things. On the Laung tribe that has started to go on a downward spiral with Jake creating unnecessary drama has put him in position to likely be voted out. I didn't expect the captains to be voted out this early but I really don't care since I don't really trust many people in the game and will do whatever it takes to get them all out. The Laung tribe must have some sort of division after tribal and that is music to my ears. I'm loving all these fights since it makes this season much more intense and fun in which I can use this drama to get behind people and use them fighting as a distraction to not vote me out. I'm pretty confident that Ryan Iceey and Adam have the idols but not sure who has the idol from Prabang but expecting it to be Chilli since she has dominated the challenges and seems like someone who is capable of having it. I will make sure to flush these idols since it is no good for my game at all. I have built my relationships on my tribe and now I'm going to let it grow stronger by just chilling and not pushing to many buttons like some other clueless people in this game!
1483 days 12 hours ago
1483 days 12 hours ago
Niko (nhulse19) Confessional EP:5

Well, tribal went quickly. As you saw I brought together a group of Ellie and Daniel to just decide between Jake and Ryan. Daniel wanted Jake as he voted for him last tribal, which was ideal. Ellie was cool with whomever from that group. So we decided on Jake. Even with Ryan having the idol, we weren’t sure if he’d play it or not. We figured we’d vote Jake and just see if Ryan would play it in a flush. Obviously he didn’t so that part didn’t work. I’m working on mending my relationship with Ryan. I do still want to work with him to the end. I don’t think he’ll have any more blow ups, I think he and Jake were just not compatible.

Moving forward I like my tribe a lot. I feel good with any of them if we swap. Hopefully Ryan and i are good and we can move forward.
1483 days 12 hours ago
Chandler (Chandelier) Confessional EP:5

We won again and with the father's faith a swap comes today. Scott came into the group with a ridiculous chat about stay strong and honestly, go drink some water from the source of rejuvenation before coming to talk to me about this kind of shit. Scott, Nathan and the other guy are DEAD to me.

1483 days 12 hours ago
Ellie (Idols) Confessional EP:5

confessional whatever day it is:   I've been on this tribe for an hour and I would rather be on exile island right now. I think the trees around me would try harder than my tribemates  I am so frustrated that not one person gives a damn about winning
1483 days 12 hours ago
James (jamessmith5) Confessional EP:5

I had expected this tribe swap before it happened since it just made logical sense. This game has been very strong to start since everyone here is hungry to win and will do whatever it takes to do so. At the swap, I got Adam and Sag to be on my tribe while I lost Mike and Jay. Honestly I rather have Mike and Jay since I don't really trust Adam right now, but at least I have my closest ally Sag at this point with me but we have our work cut out for us right now. If you just look at the tribal lines then it is 3-2-2 but I'm not playing this game on tribal lines on this new swap since that would be dumb and naive of me. As far as idols go, I know Ryan and Adam have them while it is possible that either Nathan or Scott have the Prabang idol. Which means I need to be very careful on what type of moves I need to make to maneuver out of this mine field the way I assume it is. I have to pull off blindsides that they don't expect or make them flash their idols out of this game. At the challenge, I think I performed very well but Daniel dropped the ball for us and cost us the challenge which hopefully puts him up for the vote since the heat will be off my back but I don't plan on making that easy vote. I need to get this game going in my direction once again on this tribe. I want to make sure to get myself and Sag in the best position while making sure no one knows that we are close. I'm fine with blindsiding Adam since I know for a fact that he isn't happy with me for lying to him before and now that his options are open then he can make his moves against me possibly so I have no problem letting him go. Nathan and Scott are very dangerous in this game since they will be together with Ryan Pizza and I need to make sure they don't go too far or my time in the game will come short so I have to be careful with them this tribal. I have bonded very well with the duo of Ryan Iceey and Daniel since we just have a lot in common and this might be something I can use to my advantage. They could help me control this game and I'm glad I have this chance to work with them. I will play this tribal like I did last time in which I will let everyone else say the names and at the last second I will make the move that is best for my game. Like I expected the players aren't saying a name since everyone is scared to get targeted because of it. Right now I'm down for any moves as long as it ain't me but I will make the appropriate move tomorrow. If things are going bad for me tomorrow then I have a last second plan to get myself, Sag, Daniel, Ryan Iceey to vote Adam in order to blindside him with his idol in his pocket but I'm not mentioning this plan to anyone unless i start getting desperate and know I'm in trouble! Every tribal I'm in, I will do what is best for my game and no one else! Lets hope my plans work!
1483 days 12 hours ago
Scott (gbpackxlvchamps) Confessional EP:5

Confessional: first tribal since the infamous Rock vote.   Since then, my alliance with Ryan and Nathan has strengthened, and I know that Chili and Chandler are after me.   Fortunately, we didn't lose until after the tribe swap.   After the swap, I feel pretty good with my standing in this new tribe.  I have my boy Nate with me and the other Ryan (icee) and I have been on very good terms since the game started.  Daniel and I also are ok.   Still wondering about who has an idol, and that makes me a little nervous voting at this point...for if we vote wrongly, the counter vote will go home and that could be me or Nate.

I have been trying to find the Prabang idol for almost a week now.   I have uncovered every stone and still nothing.  Would love another clue.
1483 days 12 hours ago
James (jamessmith5) Confessional EP:5

CF: You played way too damn hard for no reason and that is why you will be going home unless an advantage/Idol saves your ass! Next time don't ever throw out my name since it will bite you
1483 days 12 hours ago
Ryan (Iceey) Confessional EP:5

Okay so this round has been wild as fuck. Nathan is really trying to do the most right now and I can’t believe he didn’t think people would catch on to it. He was trying to get the votes to go 4-2-1. He tried to make me and Daniel think it would be 4 on James; 2 on Adam; 1 on Sag.

He was then making a chat with Him, Scott, Adam, James trying to vote for Sag and make the vote 4-2-1; 4 on Sag, 2 on James, and 1 on Adam.

I quickly sniffed this shit out and Daniel/I ratted it out to Sag and James. Now we have a plan in place to blindside Nathan because Nathan really thinks he’s running this shit rn.

Apparently Nathan’s plan was to get Sag out, have me and Daniel piss off James, and then try and split the votes on me/Daniel the following round. But Nathan clearly doesn’t know who he’s dealing with here and I won’t be letting that happen. I think the new group of me/Daniel/James/Sag is solid and they’re gonna be voting with us this round to get Nathan out of here.

I also have been telling everyone I’m going t be burning the idol this round so hopefully that deters them from actually voting for me. I think I should be fine this round but even if I go out, I’m going down fighting. I hope I have the right read on what’s going on rn.

Nathan should be leaving 4-3 and he will be so shook
1483 days 12 hours ago
Chandler (Chandelier) Confessional EP:5

A swap fell from the sky in my life and that was the best thing that could have happened. I am in a tribe of 7 people being me and two more from my last tribe, something that is not cool because it is me, ryan and lalisa. Someone who voted for me, someone who was accused of having a premade with me and I however the people from this tribe seem cool and Nikolai is my favorite ever. He is married, has 3 children and I just realized that we have two parents in this game or maybe more. Ben rocks with his diverse cast.

We won the last immunity and once again Miss Chandler is saved from the council. From the very first advice, I am triggered by the word tribal council so the longer we stay away from it, the better for me. I hope we get to the merge without advice. It would be everything.
1483 days 12 hours ago
1483 days 12 hours ago
James (jamessmith5) Confessional EP:6

Today at camp was utter chaos! I heard Adam, Sag, Nathan, My name as a possible vote. When I heard my name thrown out as a possibility from Nathan and Scott that is when they made the biggest mistake of their games. They tried to get me on their side by voting Sag who if they had any ounce of knowledge would know that I have a close bond with him. Obviously I would say yes to any plan brought to me but I knew I was ready to blindside Nathan because of his stupidity to throw out my name which is a big no no! I made sure to make Nathan, Scott, Adam as comfortable as possible that the vote was Sag so that no idols or advantages would be played to take us out. I knew this would put me in bad spirits with Adam and Scott after the vote since I lied to them and Adam twice! I knew Sag would do whatever I tell him to do since I just saved the guy 2 times in a row so I must be his number 1 ally at this point. All I had to do was show Ryan/Daniel how untrustworthy Nathan was by exposing Nathan to them every single time I could in the group chat I made with them. This worked perfectly since I allowed Ryan/Daniel to tell them to vote me in which my social game worked perfectly that Nathan tried to switch on Sag unanimously. I made Ryan/Daniel to get as comfortable as possible with me and let them know they can trust me while Nathan just played awful by throwing out random names and it cost him the game. We executed the blindside and like I expected more fights would be brewing especially from Adam since I just lied to him once again. Unlike Ryan, Daniel, Sag I stayed out of talking in the group chat and let them fight each other since I don't want to be caught in between these drama even though I'm a huge part of why these blindsides are occurring and it makes me laugh that no one blames me. Right now I'm going to do damage control with Adam and Scott and I have done this before and I'm confident that I will be able to pull it off once again. At the challenge man Chilli is a beast but I almost got the tribe the win we needed but I guess it lets me know that at the merge Chilli needs to go! Now that I'm headed to my 3rd tribal of the season and being able to blindside people in my position I expect things not to change a lot since this season is intense! I'm going to wait till tomorrow to make my moves but the way I'm thinking is to get a 2-2-2 in which Ryan/Daniel vote for Adam, Myself/Sag vote Scott, Scott and Adam can do whatever! But I will try to get Adam to vote Scott and get Scott to vote Adam in a possible 3-3 vote since I'm really nervous of Idols/Advantages! I'm going to make sure that this vote will tie somehow because I fear Adam or Scott have idols and I do not want to get idoled out! I will do my best to play this round safely and I will convince others to follow my lead tomorrow. So far I have played a dominate game and people don't even realize it yet!
1483 days 12 hours ago
Chili (Lalisa) Confessional EP:6

Okay long time, no see. Basically the last few rounds have been amazing. The two people that were instigating drama with me aka Jake and Nathan are gone LOL,,,,GOOD RIDDANCE I SAY. They are both next level attention seekers with problems so I am glad to see two of the most emotional, psychotic players leave and leave before me at that. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t look hard enough for the idol on my original tribe so going into the swap, I only have me, myself and I. And my extra vote I guess lol. i feel like it's likely Ryan (born2pizza) has that tribe idol, he's very quiet and crafty and I'm sure he wouldn't feel so comfortable if he didn't have some form of protection. But it is also possible Scott has it, I mean he is super shady so I wouldn't be able to say which with certainty. For all I know, CHANDLER HAS THE IDOL!!! My bet for right now is Ryan having it.

Immediately on swapping, I was approached by Niko and Ellie into making an alliance on the NuSoung. I didn’t want them to know how close I was with Chandler so I painted this elaborate story of how I was on the bottom, so they could trust me and think they have me solely to themselves. Do they believe it? I’m not sure but until we go to tribal, I won't know. As long as my connection with Chandler seems less threatening to my new alliance, I have hope I can use him later on.

Luckily for me, I’m a beast in challenges and I’ve managed to carry my tribe by completely dominating in the challenges. Natalie Anderson who??? Like honestly, 90% of the other tribe probably have wooden teeth, so I get why they are struggling in challenges. HOWEVER, doing so well in the challenges and NOTICEABLY WELL at that means that I will be target number 1 in no time so although it would make sense to try to dull my shine now to lower my threat level, I know that losing may not be an option that I want to go out of my way to risk. Even if I’m a competition threat, I won’t WIN EVERY CHALLENGE, so may aswell keep me as a shield for the time being and let my “target” flourish!

I feel like Ellie is like super competitive to the point, she will probably be the first to try to gun for me out of everyone. I will try to keep her at an arm’s length and see if she comes for me first. Her, Niko and Ryan (Iceey) will be a strong presence come merge time, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to swing for them soon. My only issue is the total non-presence the rest of my tribe-mates have and their lack of ability to try to hold a conversation with me. Even if I wanted to do anything in this game, it won’t happen and I won’t gain traction. I think my best bet is to just lay low, help my tribe win challenges and make merge. From there on, I will see what I can do. I have to tread through the next 3-5 rounds carefully if I want to make it to the end.
1483 days 12 hours ago
Scott (gbpackxlvchamps) Confessional EP:6

Confessional:    Oh what a shocker last night at tribal with my main man Nate getting blindsided.   It is clear that Ryan and Daniel  are running this tribe.  James screwed us by telling Ryan and Daniel about Nate's plan to blindside Sag and then ultimately go after them at next tribal, and James flipped and voted with them.   Adam and I were on the outs and now we are in trouble.  Adam and I need each other, but we are pretty much at the mercy of R and D at least until we merge.     I'm hoping that we can just vote sag out tonight in an easy vote.  People are telling me they dont want me out...I'm just hoping they choose Sag over Adam.

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