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Survivor Laos | Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Laos | Confessionals

1478 days 16 hours ago
Chandler (Chandelier) Confessional EP:1

We had that challenge from the captains and Sagar and a boy I don't remember the name won. Immediately I thought "God, don't put me in the Sagar tribe" BUT Sagar chose Chili who chose me (because the dynamics of the choice was different from how I thought it would be). I chose Grandpa Scott and then I don't know who chose who.

In the challenge we had a dilemma, we had to choose one of several crazy decisions that gave us an advantage or not. I fucking debated whether I should be a dirty whore or not and I ended up not being. I decided to be a good Samaritan and help my tribe but I'm sure that some son of an old bitch was a dirty bitch, because you know, like a mother, like a child. Now I have no advantage and I'm not in the tribal council, so thanks to your fucking horn for fucking everything.

It just so happened that I found out that I was confusing Sagar with Jabbar and I don't hate Sagar that much. We already played together, we had communication problems but nothing to the point that I hate him like Jabbar so, Sagar when you are reading this, know that I thought you were Jabbar.


Lalisa, Sagar and I form an alliance that I hope will be potent. I don't plan on going to f3 with them but it's a good alliance to stay in this game for a while. In that, we pulled Grandpa Scott and now we have a 4-2 majority but Grandpa is a swing. He can tie or stay with us.

Me and Sagar wanted to vote Nathan. I wanted to take out Nathan because we talked yesterday and he uses a lot of periods in his sentences. This is kind of annoying. But Lalisa invented that she wanted to take Ryan out and she is a persuasive girl. And as a matter of fact, the order between Ryan and Nathan doesn't matter. I just want them both out.

Being in a tribe with 6 people is not easy because there is not much place to hide and anything can make you a reason to take a vote. That said, I think I might get a few votes tonight because:

1) People are jealous of me
2) Grandpa Scott arrived at Lalisa to talk about the vote and said he heard from ME that Ryan was a target. My love, you don't have to say my name to her, you could have just said that you heard a fucking name without saying mine so fuck you. And like who says he didn't do the same and told Nathan that I wanted to take Ryan out? apparently they are close.

Anyway, there's a paranoia going on in one of the bottoms boys, there's an idol or an extra vote and that's crazy 'cause I'm almost going up the walls afraid to get out of this shit if they have an idol BUT if they have an extra vote ta all right because I am beautiful and Brazilian I will survive another day

1478 days 16 hours ago
Chili (Lalisa) Confessional EP:1

Getting picked for this tribe means less work for me, because there is only 6 of us. This is my 4th time playing this series and I have yet to do even average in terms of placement, so here's hoping that changes. I trust Sagar and Chandler, so that could be a solid final 3 to make it to the end. I need to try to minimize my threat level, because that has been what has bitten me in the ass every time i play so there is no point of me playing with the same aggressive gameplay that has gotten me no where.

I was able to pinch an extra vote from the immunity challenge, fully knowing we would probably lose and told Sagar to do the same. We lost and noone really wanted to say anyone else's name, but I was able to get Chandler and Sagar onboard with voting Ryan, when they originally wanted Nathan. I feel like Nathan is really open about what he wants, he is a very transparent player, whereas Ryan keeps his cards to himself and I'd rather see a player like that leave. I know that a few years ago, Ryan and Jake made final 3 in another game I played with them, so cutting that possible duo?? in the knees now is just another reason why Ryan needs to go. Scott is kind of all over the place by wanting to split the votes incase of an idol play, because he wasn't able to find the idol himself. It does make it clear that he bought an idol clue at the challenge, so I could use that as leverage over him in this premerge section of the game. Scott and Nathan are both very emotional players so if we continue to lose, I would not mind at all just voting them both out. Emotional players are not players I want to play this game with, but as long as I keep pretending to care about Scott's feelings and ideas, I should be fine in my little majority until a swap....we'll see.

Hopefully I get my way tonight, otherwise I mean here comes another shit placement in another bigben game!!!
1478 days 16 hours ago
Sag (Saginator18) Confessional EP:1

aaaiiighhttt lets get this season started!!! so hype and grateful to be on the cast!! and by the end of the season I hope you’ll be grateful I got casted too ;)

Anywho.. cast reveal was... something!! I was hoping there’d be at least a couple more familiar faces lol. Ik I’m pretty new to tengaged and shouldn’t be very shocked to see so many strangers on the cast, but I was hoping to catch at least some kind of break lol. Sagar I’ve played with once, but I was hella irrelevant that season so I doubt sagar remembers me as anything more than the “lesser sag” lmao. And Nathan I’m in a VL with, so I’ve talked to him before... at some point... which... I ~guess~ is something?
But yea, once it’s revealed that there’s a captains challenge for a schoolyard-pick-style tribe assignment, I get a message from Scott. He’s like “hey! We should work together! I’ll pick you if you’re still unpicked! Will you pick me?”
Of course I agree cuz it’s not like there was a list of people I’d rather have on my tribe lol. But I’m not dumb (well, not THAT dumb) so when he doesn’t pick me I’m not super surprised. Although that felt like a really unnecessary move?? Idk it’s just that he decided to out himself as a liar for what? So that he wouldn’t be last pick? Some people just have fragile egos ig lol

Naturally, tho, there’s a twist at the pick em. The last 6 unpicked people (which, ofc, included yours truly) formed our own tribe!! Which could help me out hopefully! Since we’re the leftovers, it’s likely that they have not-so-many connections in game (like moi), so there’s some room for me to find some solid allies. Like James! We talked and he seems nice. But he did the annoying thing Scott did where he’s like “we should work together! We’d be a great team!” Idk that always just feels hella inauthentic to me lol. But sure, I’m willing to work with anyone. I’m a whore for allies rn.
After tribes are established, we head to this “fun” challenge that consisted of choosing urns. Thrilling. The challenge was really just a decision where you pick whether you’re willing to support your tribe in this challenge to your own detriment or sabotage your tribe for your own benefit. I think most of my tribe did “2 challenge points in exchange for having to vote publicly at the next challenge.” I kinda lowkey encouraged that everyone picks that urn in my tribe cuz
a) it’s easy points for a minor punishment and
b) whoever doesn’t pick that urn will be exposed when their vote isn’t public at our next tribal.
Long story short, we get immunity (without score reveals  ), and everything’s fine. I’ll work on building relationships within the loser tribe, and I’ll be sure to keep y’all posted ;)))
1478 days 16 hours ago
Chili (Lalisa) Confessional EP:1

if i rly get burned bc this retard scott.  im done.  what a stupid move to go to rocks.  campaigned all day for nathan or ryan.  to hope we would split the vote so he could get chandler out.  like so unnecessary for round 1.  ofc ppl are saying im working w sagar and chandler on the other tribe.  im so over this.  the entire cast wants me gone clearly.  im never gonna get a shot to do well bc everyone is an asshole
1478 days 16 hours ago
1478 days 16 hours ago
Ray (Ilikebugs) Confessional EP:2

Confessional: Well I still haven't lost a challenge, but I guess the longer I don't go to tribal, the less chance there is of me getting voted out early. With my extra vote, my 3-man alliance is safe and I hopefully haven't caused people to dislike me
1478 days 16 hours ago
Ryan (born2pizza) Confessional EP:2

I'm super happy I ended up staying, Nathan, Scott, and I were all down to go to rocks for each other no matter what the votes were. We also got very lucky with Sagar drawing the bad rock, because he'd be very hard to deal with in the later stages of the game.

I'm happy we won the immunity and reward, a clue is exactly what I need to find this idol so I could secure my spot in the game. All in all, tribal couldn't have gone any better Nathan, Scott, and I are very tight and although there was lots of drama regarding the vote I'm glad I'm not part of it so if I did need Chili in the future he wouldn't think I had any ill will towards him.
1478 days 16 hours ago
James (jamessmith5) Confessional EP:2

First of all, I have never seen such a dramatic first tribal and that tells me everyone here has come to play! It sucks seeing Sagar leave like that but I guess the opportunity is still open for me if I can stay in this game. I kinda messed up and didn't show up to the challenge which is an easy excuse to vote me out but I really feel like I can help my tribe in this game. I have talked with Adam, Sag, Mike and I am hoping my relationship I have been building helps me survive this vote. I haven't talked with Jay and Andrew since they never respond back, which is why I would be fine to see them leave but I am not pushing any names right now since I want others to come to me with a plan! Let's hope this strategy works or else I will be in scramble mode tomorrow to make alliances/lies/Idol hunting! Hope for the best I guess!
1478 days 16 hours ago
Sag (Saginator18) Confessional EP:2

haha welp we’re going to tribal. We totally bombed the challenge which was...  humbling. And now we have to vote someone out. Too bad nobody wants to say a name tho!! I feel more comfortable in the back seat, at least for my first tribal, so this has been really really aggravating lol. James keeps telling me that he’s tight with me, and also mike and Adam, which makes me nervous that he’s oversharing. Idk, I don’t really need James telling everyone he’s tight with me cuz I want to be available for whoever wants to suggest a vote. And no one has suggested one to me yet, which makes me think I’m on the chopping block. Ughh idk if I’m getting blindsided or if I’m on a tribe full of cowards. Either way, this SUCKS D:<
So yea, I’d rather at least throw out a name in case it hasn’t already been decided that I’m going. So I suggested Andrew to James and Mike to see if I can get some momentum on this vote. James basically says “ok sure whatever.” And mike hasn’t responded. I mean, I can’t vote for you!! Just come up with a plan or jump on board please!!! Cuz the radio silence is Miserable.

I’m way too stoopid to have to pick who goes tonight. But everyone’s being a pussy, so I had to. So it’s prolly me or Andrew.
I’m starting to see why no one wanted any of these people on their tribe lol.
Wish me luck :)
1478 days 16 hours ago
Jay (AmandaBynes) Confessional EP:2

Confessional: so far this game has been a tad quiet on my tribe, I feel like with many new faces people are just testing the waters and don’t want to jump in too deep. I’ve put Andrews name out there so let’s see if people agree with me on this vote - who knows I could be blindsided at my first tribal!
1478 days 16 hours ago
James (jamessmith5) Confessional EP:2

CF: I'm getting Villain vibes from you, and I managed to get a majority going in my favour to vote you out now! Lets hope this works
1478 days 16 hours ago
Chandler (Chandelier) Confessional EP:2

As we saw, grandpa is a liar. That damn middle aged man spent the whole afternoon trying to split the vote to make a 3-2-1. Ridiculous. And you know what irritates me? I was accused of being in a PREMADE with Lalisa and Sagar ... MY BOO ... MY BOO ... IF YOU JUST KNEW THE TRUTH.

Guys, I didn't even want to stay in the Sagar tribe and you see me with premade talk? Premade is that stupid trio that voted for me. This is a premade.

Another thing that makes me full of bitch is that Chili and Sagar took extra votes and didn't tell me and worse, this is the dumbest part, they went to the rocks without giving me that shit. Now Sagar is gone with his extra vote and just Lalisa's extra vote is no good for shit.

We won the immunity thanks to Lalisa and that's all for me because at least I'm here one more day to pray for a swap tomorrow. If we lose again it is likely that I will take it in my ass so hard because I will be eliminated but ok, it is life. Lie, I'm going to try to make Sandy with them to see if I survive (although I called grandpa, a grandpa in the main chat and that must have irritated him).
1478 days 16 hours ago
Mike (ForceMike1) Confessional EP:2

Confessional: so it’s been an interesting first couple of days. I was be nervous about starting in such small tribes and then not even being chosen in the pick. But I think I can be in a good position. Right now I have been talking a lot with James and sag. Also Andrew a bit but unfortunately the numbers don’t seem to be in favor of my working with Andrew atm. I guess thats once of the downsides to being in such a small tribe, getting into a group could be difficult. So right now I’m hoping to just get past this vote so I can continue building relationships that will last me in the future. There seems to be a 4 of myself, James, sag and jay with Andrew and Adam being a duo. But I know how easy that could change so I’m not 100% certain of what will happen tonight. But with that being said, I will be casting my vote for Andrew. Even though he’s cool to talk to, at this moment I need reliability in terms of showing up and competing. So that’s just kinda where I’m am atm
1478 days 16 hours ago
1478 days 16 hours ago
James (jamessmith5) Confessional EP:3

Going into this tribal council, I was planning to just chill and relax to let other people come up with the names to vote out tonight but this was a classic first tribal for our tribe where everyone was shy to say a name. At 5pm is where all hell broke loose, the vote was supposed to be between Jay and Andrew due to activity levels (somehow I escaped that). Mike wanted to vote out Jay, while Sag wanted to vote out Andrew and I didn't care. But, Adam and Andrew started to seem very close and were pushing the vote to be Sag which I didn't like since Sag and I started becoming very close in this game and I could use him as an ally. Adam said he had Jay in his pocket which I didn't seem to get the same feeling talking with Jay. I decided to be upfront with Jay and told him I threw out his name based on activity but since he responded that I trust him now. I did this move for strategically purposes since I don't want anyone to go to him afterwards and say I threw out his name since I already was up front with him. This was a crazy vote since it was all over the place but I was able to turn it around in my favour to breakup the duo of Adam/Andrew by voting Andrew out at tribal in a shocking blindside. I got Jay, Mike, Sag on board in this move but the funny part is Adam is fighting Jay for lying to him but the real person he should be mad at is me since I made that move happen. I'm sitting pretty right now since everyone thinks I'm their best friend and I'm hoping that continues by winning more immunity challenges. I knew I had to do some damage control with Adam and he said to me "You are my favourite person on this tribe" which is a very good thing to hear. I saw everyone's vote except for Jay's in which I asked what advantage he got and he said he has an idol clue "Light green Level - Brown Level" if that is true then my social game is through the roof but I wish I was a good idol hunter. Sag is 100% on board with me right now since I just basically saved his life and Mike is also very fond of me at the moment. I really believe I'm playing the best on our tribe and I didn't expect things to look like this early on for me but it has! I will look for idol and win some immunities to avoid early tribals again hopefully!!!

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