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Survivor Laos | Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Laos | Confessionals

1483 days 12 hours ago
Chili (Lalisa) Confessional EP:3

Well that did not work out for me. In typical Chili fashion, I am screwed LOL premerge. Sagar ended up leaving in rocks and I do wonder if going to rocks was the right decision for me. On one hand, I lost the person the rest of the people in this game consider my duo - which means I’m less of a threat, but on the other hand, I lose Sagar’s extra vote and I’m relegated to minority with Chandler - who will flip on me in a moment’s notice. It’s a rough hand to be dealt with ROUND 1 and I feel like it was a totally unnecessary move on Scott’s part to cause so much drama. I don’t talk at all to Ryan, but I’ve worked on Scott and Nathan. Both are locked in with that alliance so this is more of a survival thing for me now. Unfortunately, I need to turn full cannibal on my own alliance and eat Chandler if we lose again to stay alive. I need to just stay in this game until a swap happens and just hope I can figure something out so I can take my revenge on Scott, Nathan and Ryan for Sagar’s elimination.

People are throwing around that I was in a premade with Sagar and Chandler and I think it is all bullshit. I never once approached either of them for any sort of alliance or whatever, until the cast list dropped and we were picking tribes. But unfortunately, PERCEPTION IS REALITY in this game and all eyes are on me. I have to figure out something quick, because I do not want to leave so soon. Nathan was acting so full of himself when the rock draw happened and it’s like?? Congratulations, you survived a rock draw round 1 that didn’t need to happen lmao.

In the immunity challenge, I knew I had to win out or I was risking my spot in this game so I DOMINATED and scored 18/21 points for my tribe and won us 1st in the challenge and a clue to the hidden immunity idol. I went looking for a bit and I came up short, I only have that one clue and it’s not the most descriptive so I’m not going to waste my time. The trio on my tribe are so full of themselves and they’re sitting pretty, but they are all so useless. I hope being relegated to minority so soon will mean that people in the other tribes are more willing to take a chance on me, but we will see what happens.
1483 days 12 hours ago
Jake (JakeGoesOnline) Confessional EP:3

Confessional #3- I guess this is my first bigish move, is I'm sending this link to Sag to hopefully make an ally. I play with my gut, and my gut is telling me to trust him. In the event of a swap or merge, hopefully he will trust me.
1483 days 12 hours ago
Jake (JakeGoesOnline) Confessional EP:3

Confessional #4- So Ryan Iceey has really been trying to control my game, and I'm gonna let him think he is for a while. He said I need to send the idol to Adam cause Ryan knows Adam. Well I dont know Adam and its my choice. So sure, I can send the used link to Adam so that Adam trusts me a little bit more. He's playing my game now, I'm in charge of myself
1483 days 12 hours ago
Chili (Lalisa) Confessional EP:3

okay so my plan is… win out until swap and then fuck my tribe over.  bc i hate them all so much. useless bastards
1483 days 12 hours ago
James (jamessmith5) Confessional EP:3

I want to be a legend like Tony Vlachos and the only way to do that is to start winning some games! After last nights crazy tribal I did some damage work and I think it has been working. Thankfully Adam came clutch and won the immunity challenge for us since I can't do those puzzles since it is just tough. Jay and I are still on the same bond level as I spoken about last time but if I had to sacrifice anyone on our tribe it would be him since Adam might have an idol. Sag told me he found the idol blog in which someone else has it and I'm pretty confident that Adam found the idol. I'm still act like I'm Adam's friend but honestly I will do my best to flush that idol if I get the chance too or I will use it to my advantage and make Adam a huge threat to use as shield. My relationships with Mike and Sag are pretty strong and I'm hoping building this core will help me out in the future which is pretty awesome thing to have! I'm very glad that the Laung tribe is heading to tribal since I don't want one tribe to dominate and since everyone has experienced tribal with their group then it will open up the game much more and I love it since I will exploit those dynamics I observer!
1483 days 12 hours ago
Ryan (born2pizza) Confessional EP:3

Although we are winning immunity challenges, my tribe is so messy. Nathan & Chili absolutely cannot stand each other, which is cool for me because I know if we did go to tribal I wouldn't be the one voted out if Chili had played an idol. I also don't have a vendetta against Chandler & Chili we just happened to be on the opposite side of the vote the first tribal, I know they did vote for me but I'm over it because I'm still in the game.

I hope we don't swap though, lets keep winning!
1483 days 12 hours ago
Jake (JakeGoesOnline) Confessional EP:3

Confessional #5- Did I want to start some drama? Yeah. Kinda. But also I dont like death threats, and Nathan seemed upset. I'm a school teacher I dont like that. But I'm also really good at dropping the bomb and walking out before it blows up
1483 days 12 hours ago
Niko (nhulse19) Confessional EP:3

Alright, we’ll this vote has been pretty unnecessarily chaotic. I have a 3 person alliance with Ryan and Jake. The plan was if we lost the challenge to vote out Ray either 3-2 or 4-1 since Ellie doesn’t have a vote. I have an “alliance” with Daniel and Ray that I just got randomly added to, I don’t want to work with Ray. He randomly offered me a fake idol before the season began, which I refused. Immediately sketch. I’m sure he’s a good guy, but just sketched me out. He no showed at the challenge today even though he had been online right before we started. It seemed straight forward. And should still be.

And yet...

Daniel really wants to vote off Jake, I think because Ray said at the beginning that he’s dangerous. I felt the only way he’d possibly be willing to vote Ray is if he had another alliance. In came Ryan. Ryan and I are completely running this tribe right now. We made a 3 person alliance with Daniel to ease the thought of voting Ray. Explaining to him we’ll have majority after this vote. With this, vote should be 4-1 against Ray.

Then, The Jake drama happened. It was all, idk, whatever. Daniel took this as an opportunity to try for Jake again. Ryan and I stayed firm and stuck with Ray as the vote.

However, Jake has been very paranoid since we lost because he felt responsible for us losing as he was on the puzzle. We’re not voting him but he’s a bit worried. Then after he blew up the game chat he got worried again. I like Jake but his paranoia has caused Ryan and I to explore other options. The one plus to Jakes drama is he’s a huge target if we swap. Which is why Ryan and I are wanting to keep him in.

We also decided to start an alliance with Ellie, covering all of our bases. Even Though she doesn’t have a vote, we wanted to shore up her allegiance for following votes and for a potential swap if either of us land together in a swap.

Ryan and I have set ourselves up well moving forward. Ideally we won’t have to go to tribal again and this Ray vote will be the only one.

Hopefully this will fill you in.
1483 days 12 hours ago
Ryan (Iceey) Confessional EP:3

Honestly I feel like I’m off to a good start in this game. I’m using my usual tactic of just trying to be really social with people and get a good personal connection with them so that they feel comfortable with me in the game. I’ll kinda break down each person on my tribe

Daniel- honestly me and Daniel have a really weird history but I love that kid. He’s someone that I can really relate to and we have really good personal conversations. We played in this series before together and he “turned on me” at final 6, even tho he didn’t end up voting me out because apparently he got confused lol. But I really am not even worried about that right now because we had reconnected prior to this game and I know he’s someone I can trust at least for these earlier stages.

Ellie- Ellie and I honestly started out really strong. We were talking all day, or at least for the majority of the days. It’s kinda died off a little now as we’ve went along but I still think that Ellie and I have a good connection and that’s she’s someone I can work with down the line too. I’m gonna try and rekindle it more because I do wanna make sure I’m 100% solid with her going into a possible swap.

Jake- Jake, Jake, Jake. Honestly on a personal level I love Jake and we’re good friends.. but so far in this game he has really been striking a nerve with me already. During the first comp he went for the idol clue and told me he would give it to me as long as I passed him the idol if I found it because “he was going to be targeted..”. Mind you, this is before the game really had even started so why he had that perception is beyond me. Now he’s starting drama in the main chat for literally 0 reason and just still being a paranoid hot mess. I know that he has my back and won’t try and get me out, but it’s just a matter of if I can tolerate him acting this way for that long. Because it’s already annoying now, I can only imagine how it’ll be down the line too.

Niko- honestly my favorite person that I’ve met in this game so far. We’ve connected really well and I have a really good feeling about him in this game. We talk a whole lot and I feel like we’re on the same page with almost everything in this game so far. I’ve heard through the grapevine tho that he used to play these games really villainously but I also know that was years ago so maybe his still of gameplay has changed but for right now I would consider him my #1

Ray- literally I don’t have a read on this kid at all. I messaged him one time whenever we first got on a tribe together and he straight up read and ignored me. Hopefully he’s going to be the boot tonight because he’s the only person on my tribe right now that I have 0 connections with whatsoever.

Overall, I think I’m in a good spot. I have the connections I need within my tribe to make it further down the line and I’m hoping those remain true because I’m really wanting to finally get my Big Bens win. I’ve won almost every other major series on this site before and this is basically the last one that I need to check off of my list. Also, I have the Laung idol in my pocket too. I’m really thankful we haven’t gotten first place in a comp yet so that no one else will get a clue to were it’s hidden because that just means people will assume maybe no one has it and that’s good for me. I need to keep me having this idol as underwraps as possible because I have a bad habit of letting it slip to someone in the game that I have one. But this time I’m around I’m being really selfish and I won’t be telling anyone about it.
1483 days 12 hours ago
Ellie (Idols) Confessional EP:3

I have been very bad about tracking my progress during this game I am sorry !!!!   So far I love everyone in this game 💜 everyone is very nice to me and Ben makes the game very pleasant to play. I know not everything will be sugarplums and gumdrops forever but for the time being my tribe is very peaceful aside from the Jake drama that went down last night.  I wish I had a vote but I believe that my self sacrifice gained me the respect of my tribe mates and I hope that most of us can make it to the merge so that I maintain the respect of my fellow castaways.  Unfortunately my vote does not count, but today I would have cast a vote for Ray.  I think ray will be going because his lack of effort in the game
1483 days 12 hours ago
Niko (nhulse19) Confessional EP:3

Well barring any surprises, it looks like Ray should go home in a 3-1-1 vote. Myself, Ryan and Daniel voting Ray, Jake voting for Daniel, and Ray if he doesn't self vote, voting Jake or myself. Jake is voting Daniel so in the off chance Ray found the idol and plays it he or myself is protected, ideally. Assuming Daniel isn't do anything. So either Ray goes home on first vote or he plays an idol and It's a re-vote on Daniel and Jake/Myself where ideally Daniel goes home.
1483 days 12 hours ago
Chandler (Chandelier) Confessional EP:3

Tbh I don't have a lot of news.

Nothing has changed in that little piece of hell that is called Prabang. I am still at the bottom, nobody talks to me and I will definitely not humiliate myself to 3 stupid males who clearly will not turn against each other. The problem is that now the situation has become more complex because we are experiencing a kind of dictatorship led by Nathan.

Yesterday when we assigned the role of the challenge Lalisa and Nathan got into a discussion about who was going to do the puzzle and of course Lalisa wanted to do it since it was the most important part of the challenge and both her life and mine depended on it but Nathan implied that he wanted to do it too and didn’t give it up. He even got his 2 dogs to say that they wanted him to do a 3-2 and they had the majority in the decision, something totally RIDICULOUS. They claimed it was democracy but we know clearly that it is a dictatorship. It ended up being drawn, Lalisa did the puzzle and we won first. After that Lalisa and Nathan started a huge discussion that became very personal.

I really need a swap to escape this hell. Despite knowing that Lalisa will leave before me mainly if the trio finds the idol, but if they don't, I may end up leaving because they are afraid that Lalisa will use an idol in herself.

A swap is definitely the light at the end of the tunnel for me because although it is fun to be able to talk any shit I want as my situation in this tribe will never improve, I still want to be able to play this game and for now I can't do that. it is impossible to play when 3 people out of a tribe of 5 do not talk to you and although I am sending myself in search of the idol these past few days, I have had no luck and that fucks me.
1483 days 12 hours ago
1483 days 12 hours ago
Ryan (Iceey) Confessional EP:4

God fucking dammit now everyone knows the idol was found and Jake fucking told Niko that he gave me the clue and I was trying to lie to Niko about it

Now I look like a fucking liar and everyone is coming to me and asking me if I have it. I really cannot handle Jake much longer. He is really getting under my skin. He’s such a fucking terrible ally. Like if you’re going to tell someone you gave me the clue at least tell me so I don’t look like a fucking idiot and lie about it. I’m heated
1483 days 12 hours ago
Jake (JakeGoesOnline) Confessional EP:4

Confessional #6- So Ryan has the idol, and he got caught with it; so he said I was a paranoid psycopath who's ruining the season; he hates me and Niko, I'm so fucking annoying; blah blah blah. I'm trained to deal with drama, but he's just so entitled. He took advantage of me being nice to get an idol; and now he got caught. His loss.

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