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Survivor Laos | Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Laos | Confessionals

1483 days 11 hours ago
Chandler (Chandelier) Confessional EP:11

I ended up voting for Ellie at the last minute because she tried to get me out and although no one was on board with her, which would prevent her from trying again and getting it this time. Ryan / Niko / Scott were pissed off about it but it's so meaningless. How the hell did they want me to vote with whoever tried to eliminate me ?????? Ryan did this to Chili on the other board, why couldn't I do it too? I call this hypocrisy.

The screwed people alliance is still alive and we are moving towards f3. I still don't trust any of them to tell the truth because I think they all have their own agendas in this game, but that's what I have to maintain because I don't have good relationships with the other alliances, so this is where I need to keep my bets.

The plan today is to get Jay out and although Ryan wants to get James out, I only see it happening if Jay flip. The vote will be me, scott, niko, daniel and ryan voting for Jay while Jay, Sag and Daniel vote for Niko (I think). Even if Ryan, Scott and Niko try something, it will be necessary to flip someone on the other side so I don't know if that will happen.

I'm worried because we have a fast night today and I'm most afraid of being eliminated in the process. I feel that 80% of the chances of me being eliminated in this game are betting on fast forward. The other 20% are spread over the next councils, but trust me, they are less than today. Today may be the day of Chandler Margaret Hytes' death but if all goes well, Jay and Ryan / Niko will leave today.

stay tuned!
1483 days 11 hours ago
Ellie (Idols) Confessional EP:11

confessional number blank  I'm so sad that Ryan isn't using either of his two idols. I'm not sure exactly why he thinks he's in a good position, and he keeps telling me he doesn't want to get 6th by playing both idols, but it makes me sad that he'd rather get 8th than 6th because he says he'd be a loser either way.  It would be a let down to the season if he goes home with two idols in his pocket but I'm literally praying he makes it through this.  Good luck Ryan. I PRAY that I get to vote for you in the finale
1483 days 11 hours ago
Ellie (Idols) Confessional EP:11

Also another one  I don't regret targeting Chandler to save Jay. I think it was the best move at that point in the game regardless of my allies disapproval because of how much it would have benefitted my game. Scott Ryan and Niko weren't turning on me anytime soon even if I did blindside Chandler. Chandler is not as loyal to those three as I was and my primary mistake wasn't targeting Chandler... It was putting my fate in the hands of someone who joined this site at 12 years old (facepalm) I still don't believe Daniel is 18 but I really hope he gets idoled out for 7th during the fast forward tonight. That would make my game so much more enjoyable
1483 days 11 hours ago
Niko (nhulse19) Confessional EP:11

Well tribal went perfectly. Daniel flipped so we had the 5-3 and i convinced Ryan to hold his idol and he did. I think he asked about 10 times that last hour if he should play it cuz the word was that Ryan was the vote from the Sag, James and Jay side. I was like, they wouldn't leak it if it was you, it's probably me. And if it's you, I think Daniel is voting with us. So either it's 5-3 or i'm most likely actually getting votes.

Now one of myself or Ryan needs to win immunity and we can use the idol to protect the other. That round was definitely a gut check but it paid off.

James told me after the vote that he was almost 100% sure Ryan had the idol and thought he'd play it. So I think by Ryan holding it there it may have killed the idea that Ryan has it.

Off to the challenge and the fast forward
1483 days 11 hours ago
1483 days 11 hours ago
James (jamessmith5) Confessional EP:12

What a crazy night! The day didn't start like I thought it would since Ryan tried to target me saying I'm the biggest threat to win which is flattering but I don't want this to put a huge target on my back! Thankfully the relationships I built with Chandler and Daniel made sure they wouldn't flip on me but unfortunately they put the target on Jay and this time around I couldn't save my ally Jay anymore. Going into the final 7 I was worried that Chandler or Scott would screw me over which is why I wanted to keep Jay around but I feel like Daniel got too scared that I was getting too much control in the game which I understand. Before the fast forward, Myself, Jay, Chandler, Sag setup a plan to get Ryan out 3-2-2 while tricking Scott to vote Niko. This would only work if one of us won the immunity challenge and for once my ass came up clutch by winning my first immunity challenge of the season after I came so close a lot of times beforehand. Having the necklace mean't I could be a bit more aggressive and got myself/Sag/Daniel to vote Ryan while letting Daniel/Chandler to tell Scott to vote Niko but not letting him know about the split since he won't be on board which worked perfectly since Ryan played his idol which was a high possibility and then it was a 2-2 tie between Niko and Sag! I knew that Niko would respect my game and that I would save Sag. At the ReVote it was Niko voted out by a vote of 3-2 in which Scott was probably mad that he got played and flipped his vote on Sag but it was too late now! I'm really happy I made it to the Final 6 but I need to get some clutch wins down the line or else I could be in huge trouble since I doubt many people would want to sit beside me at the Final 3 since I have a good argument to make in order to be crowned Sole Survivor of the season! I have set a lot of great relationships in the game but the only thing that would ruin this is if people become too scared to sit beside me at the end in which I'm praying that these allies of mine stay loyal to me. I really have gotten to know Ryan a lot during this game but I told him that I can't take him to end and I know he doesn't want to sit beside me which is why I need to get him out soon. He has been trying to get me against Daniel but that isn't smart move for me to make since Daniel I'm hoping will stay loyal with me. I have been very close with Sag/Daniel this whole game since we have bonded a lot and worked together but I'm praying they stay loyal with me in the end game. I actually didn't know that Chandler would be such a reliable ally here at the end of this game but he has been very helpful in my quest to stay in the game but I'm not sure if I can take him to the end. Scott is a big wildcard all season long man, he follows through with the plan sometimes but other times you have no idea what is he doing in which I really don't know why anyone would vote for him to win this game. We have 6 people left and this is the tricky part of the game since I need to get to the end and I will have a great shot to win it all but I'm really nervous about Daniel, Chandler, Sag staying loyal to me which is why I need to win these immunity challenges. I think Ryan has to go soon but I'm scared if I vote him out next then the next target on the list will be my name which is nerve wrecking. This will be difficult to maneuver through these holes but my goal will be to get very creative in order to slide by to the Final 3!
1483 days 11 hours ago
James (jamessmith5) Confessional EP:12

Sag came in clutch with his first ever immunity win! This vote might be the simplest outcome but honestly had lots of important things in the background. I'm worried that when Ryan leaves then Daniel could flip on me to join forces with Scott and Chandler. Daniel told me he had a F3 deal with myself/Sag and Chandler/Scott which is why I'm very worried about the Final 5 tribal tomorrow. Ryan is most likely leaving since the numbers aren't there for him to stay. I made a deal with Daniel that if he votes me or Sag out then we will not vote for him to win at the Final 3 and if I vote him out then he won't vote for me to win at the end! I feel like this is the only deal I can make right now to get Daniel on my side as well as willing to go to the Final 3 with myself and Sag! I want to win the immunities since it could help me easily get to the end with no one's help! Also fucking shit, this is probably a Final 2 this season but I'm not tell anyone this information since if it's a Final 3 with myself, Daniel, Sag then I think I could get to F2!

Final 6: Ryan - Honestly, I rather see him out at the Final 5 since it betters my odds but I don't want rocks here so I will go with the best plan forward right now!
Final 5: Chandler - He is a very likeable player and if he gets to the end then he is the dark horse player nobody is talking about as the winner which is why he has to go here!
Final 4: Scott - Logically anyone would be fine with sitting beside Scott at the end but in this scenario Daniel would stay loyal to our deal which is why I would help Daniel back by taking him to the end since we want us all the way
Final 3: Sag - I'm hoping it's a Final 3 and I would expect Sag to get the least amount of votes between us 3 but if it's a Final 2 like I expect then I'm real nervous since I'm not sure who goes to the Final 2
Final 2: Daniel - In this optimal scenario, Daniel would get second but has a really good shot of winning this game but man I just hope to god that he stays loyal and doesn't go back on our deal!
Winner: James - I worked really hard and went to bat for my allies all season long and if I could just get to the end then I hope people would respect how hard I played all game long!
1483 days 11 hours ago
Scott (gbpackxlvchamps) Confessional EP:12

Confessional: Today is a bittersweet day.   Sweet because I will making the final 5 and 4,and so long as the remaining non-villain does not win the f4 immunity, the final 3.   Bitter because I must now vote Ryan out.   I have tried to push James as the target today over Ryan, but I was not able to convince my alliance (and understandably since Ryan is a big threat).  So I must now vote with the rest of the group, for throwing Ryan a vote will not matter.    To Ryan:  I owe you (and Ellie) for my life in this game.  Your idol play and strategy has put me in a position to win.  I wouldn't be here without you two.
1483 days 11 hours ago
Ryan (Iceey) Confessional EP:12

I pray to God i negate every vote against me tonight. Chandler wanted to save me but said the only way was going to rocks and he didn’t want to do that. Scott legit tried to convince chandler for me but clearly it didn’t work. Also, I hope Daniel really thinks there’s no chance I have another idol, because if he’s smart he will try and throw a vote on someone else tonight. But I guess we will see :) logically, it makes the most sense for me to vote James because he’s better at comps. But if I’m going to lose this game, I want the person that has honestly played the best game aside from me to win.
1483 days 11 hours ago
Ellie (Idols) Confessional EP:12

Pre Tribal Ponderosa Confessional  so tonight is the moment of truth  If anyone is smart enough to throw their vote tonight and call Ryan's bluff, they will have my jury vote.   I think Ryan is overselling his doom and I honestly think it's gonna split 3-2-1  Its getting down to 5 and Sag James and Daniel are not stupid enough to put 5 votes on Ryan when they have the numbers to split. Two of them will put votes on Scott.  Just a hunch  But I love this season
1483 days 11 hours ago
1483 days 11 hours ago
James (jamessmith5) Confessional EP:13 (Finale Episode)

WOW I can't believe he had an idol and the suggestion I made last night to Daniel to make it a 3-2-1 vote just in case of an idol from Ryan would have saved Daniel here and Chandler would be sent to the jury. Daniel didn't believe Ryan had an idol and today was just a travesty man. This will be my last confessional before the finale where everything will play out. I'm in the worst position I have been in a while since Daniel and I were a great duo the whole game but now I lost that since Ryan took him out with his 3 frickin idol. This final 5 immunity challenge is so important that Ryan doesn't win the challenge or else I'm screwed over since I become the next biggest threat in which Ryan will just vote me out. I have been to 10/13 tribals while being masterful enough to not receive any votes against. I believe I would have the best chance of winning this game if I can take Ryan out at the Final 5 by winning the immunity challenge. This will be the battle of ages between Ryan against myself head to head whoever wins I hope will win this grand season of Survivor. I'm going into the finale going to do whatever I can in order to defeat the Goliath in order to become the Goliath!!!
1483 days 11 hours ago
James (jamessmith5) Confessional EP:13 (Finale Episode)

I worked so damn hard to get to this position of getting my first ever win in this series just to lose the fire making challenge since the gods of Laos didn't want this heroic finish to happen because Chaos runs in Laos! I had the best social game, an amazing strategic game, won 2 immunities, amazing jury management, but just one fire making challenge away from winning this historic season... Wow! I went to 12/15 tribal councils all season and received 2-3 votes at the F4 tribal council when I survived other tribals because of my game, it shows I was doing an amazing job. I never knew that the jury members loved me as much as they did since they were rooting for me to win badly even though I voted some of them out which shows the respect they had for my efforts and I really appreciate that since I could have truly won this game if just one match strikes! This was the greatest season I was ever apart off and I'm so thankful for this experience that Ben choose me to be in since he did a wonderful job hosting an unpredictable season the whole way through! I gave it 110% effort and I'm glad people see that since I wanted to have fun while making this season the best it could be. I may have just fallen short of my goal but I'm glad I was there along the journey of Laos!

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