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V&W Season 1: Mozambique Confessionals

Topic » V&W Season 1: Mozambique..

1577 days 12 hours ago
Day 5 - Stoner D. // Gaiaphagee

The core 4 of James jadine max and myself think the vote is pie. They’re all voting pie.

I don’t trust jadine or max though, and I would love to take jadine out rn.

Pie came to me and said he has an idol. BOOM. I thought we were gonna go to rocks but this is even better. Opens up a whole other level to this tribal.

Me pie and Austin plan a 2-1 vote, using the idol to negate the votes for pie.

With 2 votes on James... but me and Austin  don’t want that. So unknown to pie, the 2 of us are doing jadine. So jadine gets idoled out.

I am really worried the other 3 are voting Austin or myself and think we should all vote the same.. but pie doesn’t want jadine and we don’t want James
1576 days 12 hours ago
Day 5 - J2999

My only tribal of the season, seemed simple, basically a unanimous vote from them who voted at least, I liked Cherry but yeah.

Then tribe swap!
So my tribe has Austin, who I’m building a decent relationship with. Jadine, who I’ve enjoyed playing with so far. Max, who is a bit inactive but I like him and am loyal to him. Chris, a king, a legend, so glad I get to play with him. Then there’s Mark, who is a nice guy and has like all good intentions and stuff but yeah we haven’t talked too much.

We win the first challenge, mostly due to me, but Jadine had good contribution too. Then Max posts the idol and we discover it’s been found! I ASSUME by like Dallas at the start of the game but there’s no guarantee, I just know I don’t have it. I have no clue how someone found it either considering the guy was in no groups, but good job to whoever did I guess!

Next immunity, we again win, another off night, fun times. Then comes the BLOG. That was not a time for the team, we sorta just got annihilated but like yeah!

So now on my tribe, well Austin doesn’t really use Skype. There is a chat of 4 consisting of Chris, Jadine, Max and myself. My personal preference is really to just take out Mark as I have the least connection to him, he’s not in my Core Four and he’s not Austin who I’ve enjoyed talking to since the start, when we get the opportunity.

Everyone seems on board for it, and I DON’T think Mark has the idol. Obviously no way to guarantee, but I don’t think he does.

Austin and Chris are both like lowkey sceptical of the other, as they were questioning if the tribe comes down to 5, though I think there will be a swap after this tribal, will we have the numbers, which I do feel we can have the numbers 3-2 as I don’t know if I would want to take out Austin so yeah. But I hope we either WIN, or I guess swap to prevent me having to take out an ally I know I can work with long-term anyway.

Tonight I unfortunately vote for MARK. I like Mark, good guy, good intentions, just unfortunately he was on this tribe where I had built closer game relationships with 3 already, and then I adore Chris so that sorta left him out to dry unfortunately. Like I’d literally save him over many others, but yeah I suppose sometimes that’s just the way the cookie crumbles.

Hopefully the plan goes through tonight, and no one TRIES anything. No guarantee, but I guess we will see!
1576 days 12 hours ago
Day 6 - Mark P. // piesyumyyumypies

CF: What was the fucking point literally everything I did was for nothing are they fucking serious? I WORKED MY FUCKING ASS OFF TO PULL THIS OFF AND THEY DID THAT TO ME I trust them still but they lost a bunch of my trust
1576 days 12 hours ago
Day 6 - Kelly K. // Kelly2722

I’m not too thrilled with how this swap turned out, I lost my entire alliance and I’m stuck with Paul who I was ready to completely get rid of. Luckily, I have the idol from the Beira tribe so I know nobody on that tribe can find it; Mark played his idol that he probably found from the original Chimoio so I’m hoping we can just pull out a couple of wins so I can try to find another idol. I’m hoping I can team up with Lexey and Emily/Max and solidify a majority in case we go to tribal
1576 days 12 hours ago
Day 6 - Mark P. // piesyumyyumypies

CF; So apparently Austin and Wade are going home so rip if that's true I only will have 2 allies I trust left that sucks and I don't trust Stoner that much all my people are slowly disappearing and I'm running out of options I don't like this at all something needs to change but honesty if Austin goes its his own fault for not voting James out when he agreed but as for wade he hasn't lied to me so I care a lot more about him going for my personal game I need to get the idol im sick of this stupid game AUSTIN AND STONER are retarted if they honesty think im gonna be as loyal to them im really over being on the bottom cause of premades like why did I have to apply to this had I known it was gonna be premades which btw is never fun I wouldn't of applied I don't really wanna work with any of my allies but I have no other options cause the whole cast wants me out survivor gods please give me some luck and get me the dumb idol please im so over this. forgot to mention im also sheeping my current alliances (expressionless) and if their is one thing you know about me I HATE SHEEPING/FLOATING
1576 days 11 hours ago
Day 6 - Kelly K. // Kelly2722

This vote just seems to easy and too good to be true. Everyone is saying “oh yeah Austin is the vote, easy vote!” But there’s no such thing as an easy vote in survivor. Something just isn’t sitting well with me about this tribal because max hasn’t said anything to me, and both Paul and Lexey have already shown themselves to be flippers in previous councils. I may just be paranoid but I may need to play my idol tonight just to be safe rather than sorry.
1576 days 8 hours ago
Day 6 - Red F. // RedFabFoxy

CONFESSIONAL: Ok so somehow, I got my tribe 4 whole points and ultimately the win for the challenge, sending the other 2 tribes on tribal! I was SHOOK and ecstatic... My hand was cramping after that mess! Also, people better not randomly start targeting me because of that iconic win - I'm not a damn comp threat... at least not for them! Plus, that challenge involved lots of luck. Anyway, so far my tribe's OK - I talk with Stoner, I talk with Mark (who's shady af but I need him on my side right now), and Ivy said hi to me too... So, let's just hope my way goes if/when we go to tribal.
1576 days 8 hours ago
Day 6 - Wade H. // Wade

Confession 15

James and grace ...f them both for backstabbing me or trying to backstab me 🖕🏻

If Caden and JL literally had at least 1 brain cell they would realise getting rid of James and grace is best for their game because this two are like Siamese twins ..the one can’t really function well without the other AND THEY WILL TURN ON EVERYONE BEFORE THEY TURN ON THEMSELVES

And then Caden he’s just not into this game which frustrates the SHIT out of me , does he not know that he’s also not really that in with them or that he’s playing survivor and not survivors friends

And JLis really just good for flirting with , other then that there’s nobody home

From the start of this game I was on the bottom , then came the swap and I was even more on the bottom and now with this tribe swap I might as well become a bottom in real life cause it’s literally the only position I’ve known in this game

Xoxo I love willy 💋
1576 days 6 hours ago
Day 6 - James R. // J2999

Last tribal really nearly almost ended up tragic as hell. I mean it still WAS tragic as hell like I was sad Jadine left because she was a good ally for me and someone I could’ve definitely gone long term with, but like I’m just happy it wasn’t me!

Mark said he was voting Jadine but then clearly went to Austin and Chris and campaigned to vote me, but then Austin and Chris discussed and decided to vote Jadine. I didn’t know, but their reasoning for not saying was like yeah decent. I wish they knew they were like two of my closest if not my closest allies as I don’t think they feel that way, but like yeah the fact that they saved me - as they knew Mark wanted to target me and therefore them voting Jadine was as a way to save me, and because they lacked trust with her, so like I really am appreciative for them I am.

Next immunity, we basically get hammered. I only get on for literally the last couple of minutes but yeah we got hammered and I hate that comp so lowkey not being there isn’t something I’ll cry about!

Oh yeah just before the challenge we have a SWAP. My tribe consists of now Caden, Grace, Josh, Wade and myself. I DO feel ok on this tribe, assuming like no idols come into play. My first time not being with like Austin or Max, and Chris also leaving was tragic. Mark and I briefly talked over us voting one another and like it doesn’t appear as though we hold any bad blood or anything, but definitely I think I will intend to take him out when I next get the opportunity.

So after talking around a little, Grace, Josh and I make like I guess technically an F3 chat, but mostly just a majority chat for the tribe. So obviously we have the power to decide whether Caden or Wade leaves.

Wade DOES give a good campaign, but Grace and I have both experienced him taking us out in previous games despite us being loyal, so ULTIMATELY we think we are gonna head in that direction. Josh suggests he wants to possibly vote Caden as he thinks that Wade can be loyal, which whilst I think Wade CAN be, I am not ready to RISK that right now when I DO feel Caden will be loyal.

There was a brief talk of Josh doing Caden to like have 2 votes Wade and 1 vote Caden, as we think they’re voting each other but never a guarantee. Like I don’t want a repeat of last tribal as this time it won’t end pretty for me. But it’s a risk I’m willing to take and so are Grace and Josh.

So tonight I vote for WADE. I do like him on a personal level, I feel he possibly would’ve been loyal to me this game, but it’s not a risk that I was willing to take right now unfortunately. Nor was my trio of Grace and Josh, particularly Grace. I guess we will see what happens!
1576 days 6 hours ago
Day 6 - Red F. // RedFabFoxy

CONFESSIONAL: Ok so somehow, I got my tribe 4 whole points and ultimately the win for the challenge, sending the other 2 tribes on tribal! I was SHOOK and ecstatic... My hand was cramping after that mess! Also, people better not randomly start targeting me because of that iconic win - I'm not a damn comp threat... at least not for them! Plus, that challenge involved lots of luck. Anyway, so far my tribe's OK - I talk with Stoner, I talk with Mark (who's shady af but I need him on my side right now), and Ivy said hi to me too... So, let's just hope my way goes if/when we go to tribal.
1576 days 6 hours ago
Day 7 - Mark P. // piesyumyyumypies

CF Now that we merged my plan is to somehow get James to trust me even though I tried to get him out cause he clearly holds most of the power so if I can get him to keep me safe for just a few votes i might be able to find fractions within the tribe oh survivor auction comes I think to self gunning for immunity neckless guess what? they wont even tell us which one it is are you fucking kidding me I won a block a vote but it wont do anything im still basically fucked I wanted to gun for that neckless and they did that like seriously im so done with this shit SOMEBODY MAKE A MOVEEEEEEEEEE!!!
1576 days 6 hours ago
Day 7 - Paul M. // paul028
Let's go bois! I've made top 13 with 1/2 of my alliance! I donk know about others but I'd call that highly sucessful!
1576 days 5 hours ago
Day 7 - Red F. // RedFabFoxy

CONFESSIONAL: Okay, merge came, and things became interesting... So, there's an alliance with josh/kelly/lexey/dallas/max/grace, but me and grace are woke and know that we need to break that SUPER tight group... we just don't know what to do and how to do it yet though! Thankfully, a fight broke out between stoner and lexey/kelly/josh, and he called them out on their premade a few times, so this could really really help us - let's hope so!! As for now, I like what I'm doing - lay rather low, don't make too much fuss, show weakness, show gratitude to the loyalties... And just hope it works a charm. And in my opinion, getting Mark and Paul not to scramble and randomly flip at any point will be the goal - those two are just WILDCARDS, and I need em calm and trusting me!
1576 days 5 hours ago
Day 7 - Kelly K. // Kelly2722

Very explosive after today’s challenge, and of course since I was involved in some of the drama my name is most definitely being tossed around tonight, but I’m not worried. Do I see people flipping on me? Absolutely. Do I think I have the votes on my side for this tribal? Maybe? But what I do know is that I have an idol, and I’m not going anywhere just yet.
1576 days 2 hours ago
Day 7 - Dallas V. // Akeria

So there's a majority alliance consisting of Lexey, DJ, Max, Grace, Josh, Red and Myself. The vote is supposed to be Stoner, but I don't like / trust Red at all. I've had personal issues with him for over a year now & he sits well with most of our "Alliance" members.

My alliance is pretty confident they have the numbers today, but if I have to blindside all 6 of them to take Red out, then that's what I'll do.

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V&W Survivor Confessionals

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