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V&W Season 1: Mozambique Confessionals

Topic » V&W Season 1: Mozambique..

1588 days 18 hours ago
Day 4 - Kelly K. // Kelly2722

It seems only fitting that a Kelly would find an idol. I’m sitting in a REALLY good spot right now and if I’m screwed over by a tribe swap, now I have a safety net. Let’s hope I play this bad boy perfectly.
1588 days 18 hours ago
Day 4 - Red F. // RedFabFoxy

CONFESSIONAL: Quick thoughts before the challenge (damn i'm confessing rather often!)... Honestly, I did vote Logan eventually, and tbh I'm not mad at it. He wouldn't be an asset to my game I feel like - he's bad at challenges, he's not really that close with me, so... But Paul trying to lie about his vote LOL, interesting! I did talk with Grace about my doubts though, and she actually understood me, and was like "honestly logan and paul tried to get me to vote against one of y'all, but we can flip the script the next time"... not quoting verbatim of course but pretty much what she said - which I like because I know I can trust her!! I just need to band together these people who I know wouldn't try to fuck me over, and maybe I can get further... lord pray for me!! But hopefully Paul will still be like.. open to make a move against Josh IF we lose (which I hope we don't... DJ suggesting a throw pissed me off too, I love winning, I do.)
1588 days 18 hours ago
Day 4 - Wade H. // Wade

Confession 9

This f-ingsucksssssssssss

They telling Wes they voting me off

They telling me they voting Wes off

Which means one of us is being lied too

The fact that some of them is actually friends with Wes doesn’t go well in my favour

The small smidgen of good that comes out of this is that they can’t vote us both off 😂😂😂

And if I throw Wes under the bus they might just go tell him or think I’m untrustworthy
1588 days 18 hours ago
Day 4 - Paul M. // paul028

I am highly upset that Miss Disgrace decided to not vote with myself and Logan. I know next immunity Beira looses, I'll be voted out because I have more brain cells than the other 4 combined.
1588 days 15 hours ago
Day 4 - Wes K. // Bluejay7622

Tonight I will be voting for Wade. Yes I know he’s the only one I swapped with from my original tribe, but I think I have a good grip on my new tribe and Wade is a wildcard and harder to control  so he’s gotta go!!
1588 days 14 hours ago
Day 4 - Wade H. // Wade

This tribe cannot get it’s shit together

See if u can unravel this mystery

Lexey tells me she’s now voting Wesley

But lexey tells me she told Wesley I’m the vote

Then she tells me Wesley is voting me

Wesley tells me he’s voting ivy

Ivy wants to kind of vote Caden cause she says he’s weird
1588 days 12 hours ago
Day 4 - Mark P. // piesyumyyumypies
CF: Logan went home and apparently wade is going home tonight THIS IS FUCKING STUPID the fact grace voted logan out is literally stupid if James and Grace and the others were smart they would start taking wes jadine josh Kelly and red out if their is a way to give my idol I hate to say it but I might have to cause If wade goes paul goes next then me so im really nervous rn I wanted to get far with logan too but welp I only have 2 allies left even though im trying to form a relationship with stoner and hopefully these premade of like 11 people will divide.
1588 days 11 hours ago
Day 5 - Wade H. // Wade
Oh my f-ing god I did it 😂😂😂😂

I actually got them to change their minds by throwing Wesley hard under the bus

I didn’t think I was going to make it but I guess I need to believe more in myself 😂😂

Sorry Wesley but it was your bad luck to pick the wrong guy to mess with , here’s hoping you learn from your mistakes ❤️kissy kissy boo boo
1588 days 11 hours ago
Day 5 - Mark P. // piesyumyyumypies

CF: Wes went home and im happy never had any relationship with him and his in the dumb premade :D and if my tribe loses i have options.
1588 days 11 hours ago
Day 5 - Kelly K. // Kelly2722

So even though they’re my friends, I’ve decided to not tell Red Josh or Grace that I found the idol, because that always goes downhill. While I do trust they’d keep it a secret, I cannot take any chances. This idol is for me, not for us. I also want to make it seem like Paul may have found it, to further put a target on his back rather than mine.
1587 days 5 hours ago
Day 5 - Wade H. // Wade

Confession 12

It literally feels like my tribe isn’t even helping ...I mean these people are more well known then me , they should have better connections but it’s like I’m doing all the grunting work ..and of course they couldn’t care less cause they know they not going home if we lose, it will be me

I want mark to vote either lexey or James offf, preference on James only because he’s a huuuuge threat and the most connected , if he makes merge then he can go all the way

However mark is a loose cannon so I can’t push him too hard buuuuut maybe I can get Paul to help push 🤔
1587 days 5 hours ago
Day 5 - Wade H. // Wade

I’m almost home safe !!!!! These few hours need to fly so I can have a relaxing day and not worry about how I’m going to scramble

Anyway after planting a bug in ivys ear she is now starting to think Dallas and lexey are together

This means that they not as close as they seem

Hopefully o can make a f3 pact to help me pass another vote Incase we lose

Also I ❤️ Willy
1586 days 18 hours ago
Day 5 - Paul M. // paul028

Honestly, Im worried about my alliance with Mark and Wade "Survivor Rejects" because there is so much tension right now they keep fighting and like it's annoying. I have a feeling @ merge one of them will try and target each other and I dont think I can keep them both cool :/
1586 days 18 hours ago
Day 5 - Wade H. // Wade

Confession 14

Perfecto plan !!!!

With a little “motivation” from my side mark is now targeting James

The only way James stays is if the people voting with him do something stupid

Other then that my tribe are boring as shit

I hope Some of them quit actually I hope people quit
1586 days 18 hours ago
Day 5 - Mark P. // piesyumyumypies

CF: So we lost the challenge to nobodys surprise anyway so guess who is throwing my name out Jadine Max and James aint that funny? well tonight im pushing for a 2-1 vote for James to get 2 votes and Jadine to get one and if im getting 3 votes im playing my idol tonight and boom James goes so im putting a lot of trust in Austin and Stoner tonight and we formed The Rebellion's alliance and if this works out James is gone a huge threat who has a lot of friends and a killer social game so if I can get them on my side by telling them I have the idol we get James out and if we lose again Jadine we both know your my next target (devil) so pray this works and im not getting played. Also Max leaking the tribe idol is full of shit how do I know this I gave wade the link and he told someone and they told Max so at this point these people aren't even good liars so I think once James leaves we can get Jadine and Max to target each other #lovemytribelyingtome like Jadine you don't know the vote? cause you created a chat of 4 with everyone but Austin and I BOOM blew your game up yea tell them to vote me lol.

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V&W Survivor Confessionals

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