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Final Tribal Council -

Topic » Final Tribal Council -

2657 days 6 hours ago
Are my questions going to be answered Lord and Fred? Sorry for pushing it, but I prefer to get my questions answered by everyone if I want to know who i'm going to vote.
2657 days 6 hours ago
Once again

I'm a jury member
My job is to assess you guys
YOU sucked ass and cheated
I am pointing that out

All I am doing is telling you that your game sucked. Km not attacking you personally so suck it up and grow a backbone
2657 days 6 hours ago
I am working at it man^
Sorry but someone is trying to ruin it for me so I was busy with wasting my time on a troll
2657 days 6 hours ago
The other 11 are jury members too, you have been saying the same in 20 posts, I havent forced anyone to vote for me ffs
2657 days 5 hours ago
Wait did I ever say anything about forcing ppl to vote for u?

I'm just doing my job and making sure cheaters don't win K thanks
2657 days 5 hours ago
Brandon & Fred: First thing we should know, is that when both series had merged, you two were a part of the Kavachi tribe that was at a HUGE numbers disadvantage against Tinakula. Yet for some reason you two are able to vote out a majority of the ruling Tinakula and make it here. Explain to me what you did to be able to turn things around.
You maybe got to read my speech and half of it dissapeared so I can re-write a short part of it to explain your question. I had planned pre- merge that I was going to create bonds with tinakula since I had talked to Brady and Lord before we made the merge. I made sure that people would think that I got the idol making it to the merge and I took advantage of me being a huge target by not having anything to lose and make people think that I could be a free agent by also using Tinakulas division. I think that I was a huge factory in Kavachis succes since I had created a strong bond with Lord from one side on Tinakula and Brady on the other side of Tinakula before the merge and that made me the messenger for Kavachi. Lord being my best friend tought I would just vote with them and be okay to take my kavachi allies out and be happy with 7th, and that is why I made sure Brandon and Kevin would work with Brady since they were actually enemies but I made sure they would make amends since Brady was my friend and needed us too and we would have the numbers (kavachi) in that alliance if we all made it far.

When Kevin and Brady were in Bradys alliance, I made sure Jim was with me with Lord and Lord tought that we were not close to Brandon and Kevin and that we were against brady. So when Justin, Tim, And David went, me and Jimmy were the tiebreakers. When Lord and Mearl realized that I was actually not willing to take Brady out, they tried it without us but failed. After that Brady and Jim went home, I was the main target but I managed to win 2 immunities. I was going home in the Ethan vote since I openly targeted mearl but managed to pull out a fake idol plan that made people think that I would stay in the game, I was still promising Lord and Tom final 3 and that was why they still wanted me in the game, I had to all the time keep my connections strong and working my ass off. My strategy was to also make sure Lord was in the game since him and Tom were my safe card from the other side and would not go for me, I was the reason Lord stayed in the round when Brady left since I managed to change to vote to Smitty in the last second, I made sure I had peoples that was with me from both sides untill we would have full majority.
2657 days 5 hours ago
The reason why I made it here 100% was how I played the cards right in final 8 and 7. People had started to see me as a threat and I was not making it to the finals since Lord told me he would have to take me out at final 5, I did not want to secure the final 5 or 4 by voting Kevin over Tom even if I knew that Robby could use Kevin to take me out. By taking Tom out, I took a risk since Robby and Kevin could have gotten me there but taking Tom out forced Smitty and Lord to stay with me since I had to fake promise lord final 4. That was my plan when I took Tom out and it worked exactly like I had planned and Robby went 4-2, I had no one going for me anymore and Kevin had now no option so us kavachis had a full majority.
2657 days 5 hours ago
love Brandon but him wanting to keep Mearl would have probably hurted us to turn it over and the 3 kavachis would never be in the final 4 ever. I went all in to take mearl out for 3 rounds in row even if he knew it and managed to stay and take him out and it was also a huge point in how we turned things over since it was really hard to get people to get him out.
2657 days 5 hours ago
(for the round we failed to get smitty out, there was a vote still locked on lord so he would have went if we kept the votes on him)
2657 days 5 hours ago
For the people saying that they are between me and Lord, he is a great player and my best friend but in this game; But he did nothing that benefited him, he was on top and came to bottom. He had all of the advantages, I came here with litteraly 0 and still managed to make the final 4 with my 2 kavachis that he wanted out so bad when he still got the numbers, he lost all of his allies when he could have picked us out one by one and we managed to fullfil our goal that was to take him out in final 4 if he would lose the challenge, he is here because off the deadline voting incident. I fullfilled my goal since day 1 and the impossible compared to him. He wanted us out the most and sits with us in final 4, us that were going to be picked like flies.
He is still a great player and so are Brandon.
2657 days 4 hours ago

Brandon, to be clear, that's the jury's depiction of you not my own. You didn't do what I wanted you to do all the time, nor did you follow fred all the time or Brady. So at the end of the day you were making moves. The jury needs to see that so I'm glad you brought that to life.

However about your plan... why would you risk taking Fred so far? I feel that was always a flaw in your game.tell me why I'm wrong

To be fair, I also think more than likely you win every challenge other than the F6.  I don't know how he planned to remove you at the F7.
2657 days 3 hours ago

Jeremy: My closest friend in the game. Dude, I'm glad that you made it to the Final 3 man. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to vote for you to win. What I want to hear from you is the same story but from your point of view. Why do you think there are two kavachis sitting there? Did they do anything that worked in their favor? Did anyone on Tinakula (You can name people, even me) make a mistake that resulted in this to happen?

I think that 2 Kavachis sit here because 2 of the 3 Kavachis remaining at the final 8 were viewed as some of the least threatening players in the game, and Fred had me willing to divert the vote away from him.  I didn't know that Kevin and Robby were good friends which worked in their favor.  I also didn't play well in the F6 round and was very busy.  Kevin happened to suggest he was voting against Robby which ruined the plan that I had with 3 minutes left in the round while I was at work so I panicked.  I do think that ironically and to a degree unintentionally that Kevin helped probably provided the most help to get them to the final 5 with a majority.

As for which Tinks made mistakes, I think that every single one of the 4 of us remaining at the F7 messed up.  Tom pushed too hard for the Kevin vote at F7 (and I did to a degree).  Robby thought he could trust Kevin more than he should have.  I don't necessarily blame Smitty and I for not going through with the plan to vote Brandon out at the F6, but we should have established voting for Fred was the better option.
2657 days 3 hours ago

Also a lot of people are criticizing your games and some of it if not most of it is negative. After you answer my questions about the turn around, I want each of you to give credit to one of the other two sitting next to you and why you think they deserve to win. I'll remind you that you cannot explain why you yourself deserve to win. It has to be one of the other two finalists.

I'm willing to give both of them the props that they do deserve.

Fred put forth as much effort as I did in this game.  While he also made similar mistakes, he was able to rebound whereas I made my worst mistakes at the end of the game.

Brandon was able to get here with the least resistance do to his image in the game.  While he wasn't the most social player he certainly did well strategically with the limited information he had from the few people that did trust him.
2657 days 3 hours ago

BUT I had to all the act like I did not like Brady since I didn't want them to think that we were friends, i also had to act like i would be good to vote Brandon and Kevin out.

You told me that Brady was your friend.
2657 days 3 hours ago

Lord and Mearl decided that we should go for Brady, I got nervous since I was afraid that this day would come. Me and Jim tried to drag the vote for someone else but Lord and Mearl was set on Brady and I was not happy with it but I had to act like I still did not want him in game but just that we should go for Tim since they promised me that if they want me to work with them.

This isn't true.  I was not part of the group that formulated the plan to vote off Brady.  I never liked the plan to vote Brady off this round.  I voted Brandon this round so that I didn't have to be involved in either sides plan.

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