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2046 days 15 hours ago
Matt honestly while Scott saying you and lulu were voting me made me feel better about voting you we were already planning on taking you out over lulu. With all the close votes you survived we didn't feel we would beat you at the  end also we knew you were the one most aware of how close we really are and that if you made f4 with lulu over Scott you would prob force a tie and that with Scott and lulu they would prob vote each other.

I hope you will vote me as I feel I'm the most deserving and also that I deflected the target off your back the first 2 votes because I liked and trusted you.
2046 days 15 hours ago
Brenden as i said after the vote to you I honestly didn't trust that you guys were flipping and thats part of the reason I lied to you. I didn't trust you because Jeremy did amd it got him rocked out. If he had stuck around we definitely would have worked together with you. While I do admit i played dirty I feel I did what was necessary and wasn't  intentionally rude or malicious. I believe social is my weakest part of the game where as kiara is a much more likeable person but i won 2 immunitys and did play decently social making allys that I unfortunately had to vote out for strategic reasons.

I never intended to just be like fuck the brains tribe but unfortunately pre merge i never once was on a tribe with any of you so by time merge came around I had trust built with enough people to where i felt flipping to work with yall would be a terrible game move and to be fake and lead you guys on would just have been more blood on my hands for no reason.  As I said if Jeremy wasnt rocked out I would have def worked with you but with link and ari i had no connection to and needed them out  so me and jereny could pull you in then  jackson never really even tried to work with me which was fine because while i didnt see him as a threat I wouldn't have wanted him at the end out of fear the other 3 would vote for him.
2046 days 15 hours ago
Im going to bed now will answer any other questions or clear up my answers if needed tom after work.
2046 days 10 hours ago

I guess I should start by congratulating the final 3 for making it this far.  Now that that is out of the way let's see if I can come up with a reason to vote for any of you.

Lulu - I don't think it is fair to judge you on the normal standards of Survivor.  You were clearly playing a different game (maybe it was one in you made up in your head) were you just blindly follow whoever holds something shiny in front of you but at the same time you make but when 2 sides hold up something shiny you get confused and just do the first thing that comes into your head.  Therefore, I will find it difficult to cast my vote for you (not impossible though as I the other 2 have a lot of work to do) but just in case you don't get anything I would like to award you with this "Participation Medal" well done and it is really shiny so I know you will enjoy it.

Tico - It is really hard for me to vote for you because we hardly talked.  You randomly started messaging me at the merge and then you just decided to stop (obviously because you didn't need me anymore)  so I actually have very little evidence of what you did in this game.  I only have your word to go on and that can never be trusted, especially since you have shown yourself to be pretty untrustworthy.

Kiara - I would like to address one part of your opening statement, you said your social game is what helped you get to the final 3.  We literally never spoke in this game, that is not a social game.  Amazingly I have even less evidence to vote for you than I do for Tico.  All I have is your short opening statement in which you claim to have a good social game, that tells me you are fairly delusional.  Then I thought, I will be fair and give you a chance so I looked at your Rites of Passage, there you said about me "Link you was doing too much. You had to go. "  Once again you show yourself to be out of touch, in this game I did really two things I voted and I annoyed Kara by complaining about the challenges.  Neither of them are particularly great threats.  When it came to voting only once did I actually do any work in a vote, and that was because it was no work at all when I went to Matt and Lulu and suggested we team up to vote out Brady.  After that I pretty much left it Brenden to do all the work and I just voted the way that saved me.  So once again you have shown yourself to be pretty delusional.

So my question to all three of you.  I was obviously the target for the first couple of votes after the merge.  Why is that?  I wasn't doing anything and I don't have a good record in these games (I have literally won one group game) so why was I targeted over the bigger threats from the Brain tribe, who you voted out straight after me anyway.

I need something to base my vote on, so please make an effort with this answer actually think about it.  I really don't want to vote for Lulu.
2046 days 8 hours ago
First off, congratulations to all three of you. I think I can speak for the whole jury when I say we all wish we could be in your spot, and we all fought hard to try and get there. The fact that you made it this far is hell impressive, and with that I truely congratulate you.

Kiara - You clearly held a social advantage as you were able to maintain connections with many of the contestants here. I want to know however, if you could go back and change one thing that you did this season, what would it be?

Tico - You've talked alot about how you've influenced the votes, however it seems as though the jury has a bitter taste in their mouth about it. Convince me how making the moves you had to make shouldn't leave a bitter taste, and that they are reasonable and respectable moves that advanced your game.

Lulu - I want to let everyone know, letting other people be the bigger target and flipping when it's what suits you best IS a valid strategy. Lulu, I want you to REALLY convince me why you're game was better than theirs. This is an open opportunity for you to trash their game, and be cocky about yours.

My vote is completely open tonight. I wish everyone the best of luck, and PLEASE answer honestly. Peace <3
2046 days 5 hours ago
Matt I am sorry and I’m going to speak the truth. As you know me you and tico has a f3 plan. Was it going to be true on your end not sure but I felt like it be too much of a risk to even go that far with you. I especially became nervous about your relationship with Lulu when I hear about the possible getting Tico evicted vote. You was actually supposed to go the week Jack did as if it was a revote I was pushing to get you evicted. Also like Tico mentioned and as I said before I was paranoid tico and I would be caught and I feel like if anyone knew about the two of us and would target us immediately when push came to shove it be you. Whoever you vote for Matt please know it was no hard feelings in this game and I really personally like you just couldn’t  trust you here.
2046 days 5 hours ago
Brenden- You are correct I did stop talking to you after I realized I didn’t need you at all. Rude I know but that’s my personality. Honestly it’s not like you were unpleasant to talk to or anything it was just like for what. I honestly have a hard time being fake so if I don’t need to use my fakeness I won’t. Also I prefer to not have too much bad blood so the way I see things if I didn’t/barely spoke to you you really can’t be mad at the person for targeting/ getting you out. So sorry that may seem rude to others. I feel like you should consider voting for me because I played really hard to not get my hands dirty. Minus matt no one here can say I backstabbed them in any way, shape or form. I knew the right times to reach out, I knew the right times to back off. I knew the right times to go hard for immunity, I knew the right times to lay low. That is a talent  I don’t believe the other finalists shown here.
2046 days 5 hours ago
Link- as I just stated to Brenden I say to you. Having a good social game doesn’t necessarily mean I have to speak with everyone. No I spoke to people I needed/ wanted to work with in this game/ was benefiting to me. You sadly was none of those so you leaving wasn’t going to make you hate me. Now where I said “You was doing too much you had to go” you were. At tribe swap Lulu who was one of my close allies went to another tribe the same tribe you were on. I had no idea if you guys was close or not but even at this game point I was toying around the fact of bringing Lulu to f3. I honestly wanted to take out anyone who I felt could easily get lulu to vote with them. Also I found the you complaining about the challenges thing annoying. Sue me. Vote for me or not Link but I do agree on you calling me delusional. Obviously I was like I said in my opening statement I thought for sure people saw me as a floater and I did terribly in that challenge. So yeah hi five on that.
2046 days 4 hours ago
Bilbo- ok so some people called me out I won’t say names but they claimed I was being fake with me saying in the rite of passages that I would have worked if Ari if I saw her message earlier. Now Ari messaged me rightfully so to save her ass because she knew she was the vote. When I saw the message it was like one hour or two max left before votes was due and way too late to make a big move. Now the week Ari left I was working crazy hours so I honestly wasn’t paying that close attention the game that week. All I knew was that Tico said she was a big threat in games and will slay competitions. It must have been true because I received multiple mails saying Ari is the vote. Now as I been saying Tico was my f2 plan. But I would have pushed to keep Ari here and possibly have her not go home. Would I have got the numbers ? Idk I had a very close relationship with bilbo, lulu and I was speaking on and off with Scott. I know I would have possibly convinced Tico to switch his vote. I just feel like having a comp beast as a ally would have worked in my favor and is my strategy in most games since I don’t see myself as a physical threat. So I would definitely change that whole week if I could.
2046 days 3 hours ago
"Vote for me or not Link but I do agree on you calling me delusional"

Thanks for agreeing with me :D
2046 days 2 hours ago
First congrats to the final 3. It seems a bitter jury may make this tough on a few of you, but I’m not bitter towards any of you and applaud the game play. Good luck to all three, and questions for each.

@Tico- I believe from what I’ve seen and heard that you were most influential of the final 3 on how votes ended. That being said, a few members of jury feel like you lied to them and you yourself have spoken about how many close connections you were able to build. My question is who you would have taken F2/F3 if it was entirely up to you, and why? Also, what would you say to those that would compare your game to Tyler’s from BB20 in that you were just aligning with as many people as you could?

@Lulu- I’m just being honest, you’ve been the least discussed player in jury. I also haven’t heard of any moves you made or about your strategy. Two questions. 1) what do you say to those that say you were drug to F3 because you’d be easy to beat in the end? 2) what was the best/most important decision you made that contributed to You making the finals?

@kiara- Hi Kiara, congrats on making finals. Some in jury are upset and think You hid behind your alliances and premade. You also credit your social game for being here when some in jury didn’t interact with you socially much. Can you convince me that you would have made it this far if Tico weren’t in the game? You seem to give him a lot of credit for your even playing the game. Also, what was the biggest move of the game in your mind and what was your role in making it happen?
2046 days 1 hour ago
Jermey - ok so I talk about Tico a lot because he is my best friend not just on tengaged mind you but I even consider outside of this site he is. We literally speak all day everyday for many years so of course I would credit him and never insult his game ever. With that out of the way if he wasn’t in this game could I make it to finals yeah. I played games without him, in fact every group game I won have been without him playing so yeah. The thing is I would have been forced to play differently to make it to f3. How differently I’m honestly not sure but playing with Tico I admit makes me lazy to where I can be choose to be close to certain people and he can be close to the other half and run the game that way. I never had a need to talk to you much because I already knew about you and him f3 with Scott since it was formed lol. So I already knew Tico had you just like I’m sure bilbo or lulu can say they spoke to me more over Tico because they was my close allies that I had lol. So yeah that was my game.
Now ok the biggest move in the game that I had to make and make others realize it was for the best was finally getting everyone to agree to evict Matt. I was nervous that LUlu and Matt was going to team up so I sent Lulu a mail how he was bigger threat than Jack since everyone keep saving him. I was trying to make this move happen way earlier than it did believe me when it did happen it was 100% me I made tico back stab and lie and I did hide behind that fact. I was doing a lot of behind scenes work so matt honestly shouldn’t be mad at Tico for that.
2045 days 22 hours ago
Link. I think your selling yourself short on how big of a threat you are or maybe it's just because you host games i assumed you would be good at comps and strategy. I mailed you when yoy won the immunity to congratulate you. As i said at merge i had my majority i trusted but i wanted to open communication and seem available so i wouldn't be the target and thats how i made it to the end with 0 votes.

The reason I voted you the 2nd vote over brenden who was a bigger threat was because Jeremy wanted to work with brended and I felt in order to pull him in we needed to take out the brains. The 3rd vote I'm not sure honestly why you were chosen over Brendan but when he tried to get me and matt to flip I told matt it would be dumb to take out scott who voted with us the first 2 times to save you when you tried to vote matt out twice.
2045 days 22 hours ago
I don't think the jury should be bitter because these moves were moves I had to make to get to the end with people I could beat. Brenden tried very hard to flip me on the beautys but working with him link and jackson just wasn't better than working with kiara and scott who I knew wouldn't vote me out. If i had flipped on the beauty I wouldn't have had the ability to sway the votes and would have just had to go with brains and either win immunities at the end or be picked off by their trio. Plus betraying all the beauties so early would have just made you guys mad at me and not want to vote me also.
2045 days 22 hours ago
I was honestly hoping for a f2 so it would just be me and kiara and i wouldn't have to worry about losing to someone like lulu. As for if it was entirely up to me if kiara wasnt in the game i guess f3 i would want me jackson and lulu as i feel they're least deserving to win.
If you weren't rocked out there's a chance I would have went to the end with you but if I felt like you would have beat me and kiara we would have voted you out just like Matt and Scott even though we really liked them.

I don't think I played that much like Tyler as i felt he got super cocky at the end. Also i never really tried to align with the brains as I had my crew that I trusted come merge I just couldn't have completely ignored brenden as I that would have been worse than lying and would have put a target on my back.

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