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Survivor Second Chances Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Second Chances..

2328 days 6 hours ago
Jay H. (Peterparker16):

Guess it's time to start trying at these immunity challenges. Time to start making moves against my own people, after getting Noah out the other side really has no way of recovering. Absol needs to go next, Jordan and Garret don't really threaten me. But Garret idol does, pretty sure the next voting order if I have it my way will be

Final is me jake and mud. If it's final 2 I'm taking mud 100℅. This game is very exciting and it's gonna get better once our alliance starts turning on each other. Which will be now or next tribal.
2328 days 6 hours ago
Noah K. (noah_kondon) [Final Words]:

Ah, the fake idol, things haven't really been going my way recently and it all ended with this.  Am I bitter?  Yea probbly.  But I'm sure it will calm down with time.  I am proud of myself for sure, I do think I played a really good game and I got unlucky.  It is what it is.  The fact that I technically played worse than Rhett literally makes me want to bomb something.  And I don't know what would have been had Brandon left that fateful night, and maybe it's better that way.  I had a fun time, I really got to play the game, and I took many players out so my actions DEFINITELY impacted the game's overall course.  I didn't waste my second chance, and knowing that, i'm good.  Definitely not bad for a crazy asshole with a Big Reputation.
2328 days 6 hours ago
Jordan M. (jman96):

Jordan Bradly's Survivor Tribal Council Observation.

Here we are again as we look at some truly spectacular comedy coming out of tribal council.

jman has immunity, so feels calm about dueling jay for a vote steal. But jay picks endurance and it came at a worse time for jman. It just so happens to know that jman actually has something rarely known in the Tengaged world...........someone having a life in the real world *Everyone screams at the horror*.

jman had 8 hours of work today on Thursday, leaving very little time to hold one damn button. He reached a bit over 30 mins, but that wasn't enough and he lost the duel and having jay brag about it and act like he won a trillion bucks. Wow, is he getting cocky.

After that, there seems to be a planned split vote between jake and mud incase one of them plays an idol. Noah knew he was in danger so he plays an "Idol" that garret gave him for safety. But "uh oh", it turned out to be a fake idol and leaving him almost as stunned as jman was when he was fake idol'd in Saipan. And Noah left right after with such anger at Garret for the betrayal. A lot of traitors playing this season, damn.

Now there is jman/absol and I guess garret on one side as "The Crusade" vs the rest of the camp known as "The Other Side". can they find their way out of this mess or will they suffer to the same boring fate that the guys had on "One World". And seriously, no season should be compared to "One World" in anyway.

This is Jordan Bradly with the M&N Survivor News. As jman would say: "Never Give up in Survivor".
2328 days 6 hours ago
Jake N. (JakeGoesOnline):

And another one is gone. This one is tough though, cause I really liked Noah.
I was bummed when he flipped, but he was a threat to win. I didn't want him in the end anyway. I feel confident with my the six, which we have dubbed The Avengers.
Hopefully we get Garret and his idol out next, and then we can go for Absol; just leaving poor little Jordan.
We have myself, Mud, Jay, Rhett, Marto, and Brandon.
If I had it my way, we would take out Mud in 6th, then Jay, then Brandon.
The end is approaching, and I think I have a legitimate chance of winning this time around.
2328 days 6 hours ago
Mud N. (mudndawilderness):

Well, the last time I sent a confessional was before the rock draw and I am SO HAPPY with the results. Alan leaving gives me much more control in this game, giving my side numbers and blowing up Noah's game for me. Like I said, almost all alliance members have said they wanted to go to the end with me, and hopefully that's true because it speaks volumes for my social game. If I had to choose someone that had to leave the rock draw, Alan would've been my last pick from the other side, since we had a deal to keep each other safe. However, I'm happy that it wasn't me or one of my allies. Beggars can't be choosers.

Brittany leaving was kinda boring tbh, besides the fact that Jay and Jake decided to hurt their games by making "fake" fights, going to the other side, saying they'll flip, then saying "It's just a prank bro" and voting for Brit. We also made that fake chat and jay sent it to them, all things I felt were a bit extra but brings the target off of me and onto Jay and Jake so hey that's a plus. Push my agenda without getting blood on my hands.

Right after Brittany left, Absol went to me and threw jake under the bus HARD. Of course, I already knew everything he was saying, so I just went back to Jake and told him what absol told me, and that he's throwing jake under the bus hard. Out of everyone in the alliance, Jake is probably the one I have the least control over, so I just thought I'd secure him one step further. For the Noah vote, I came up with the plan for Jay to use Athena and Jake to stand by and play his idol if needed. So I went to them individually at first, then had them bring it up to the group so I don't seem controlling, saying "i don't want them to think we're super close so you go tell them". The plan worked even though we really could've just voted Noah off and had the same results LOL. But man did I fuck up by sending my vote to Noah originally. Because of it I have my FIRST VOTE EVER IN M&NS.... it's the end of the world. Jk it's not a huge deal, I just can't use that as an argument if I make FTC. But a lot more happened this round with god powers as well, including jay being a fucking beast and beating Jordan after Jordan challenged him... giving us another extra vote to throw away in case of a double idol play. Noah also made quite the spectacle on the way out, exposing my masterlist-o-god/goddess-powers (TM) which is actually quite small now that it's just me Marto and Garret LOL. He also exposed garret's idol, something that will help us in the future.

But now I'm hanging onto this pole, trying to win an online game at 1:00 in the morning. I want Garret out the most, and I want to split the vote to get rid of that idol, but it's too risky because of that damn Poseidon. So I need this immunity in order to widen the options for us, lowering the chances that Garret uses the idol correctly. I also want immunity because I want to prove to others and the jury that I care about this game, and what better way to show that than an endurance comp? Additionally I am still a little scared of the idols and powers of the minority, and it never hurts to have too much protection, right kids?

So yeah, as long as everyone stays loyal, and nothing gets fucked up by any idols or whatnot, I should be good. But anything can and will go wrong in Survivor. I need to stay aware of the signs of a potential blindside, handle advantages like I'm defusing a fucking bomb, and keep social connections with as many people as I can, without breaking them too early. I have a f3 alliance with Brandon and Marto, Jay brought up a f3 with Jake, and I'm really close to Rhett as well. It seems like I'm in a pretty good position in this game from my perspective, I'm sure there's some shady shit going on behind the scenes that I'm unaware of lol. But if anyone wants to come after me, I can duel them, 1v1 me mate.
2328 days 6 hours ago
Jordan M. (jman96):

Challenge Strategy
Honestly, theres not much strategy needed, its all about having the grit to go for a long time doing this challenge. I'm hoping to go for the whole 24 hours to give myself a high chance of winning. Though I doubt that will happen.

I'm just hoping that these guys tire themselves out and drop like flies. Then I can just take the lead and run with it. At this point, all I can rely on is myself and I need these wins so that I can be safe and get clues to the idol if it hasn't been found yet. I will go all out for this win. I need to win this challenge or I could be gone.
2328 days 6 hours ago
Jay H. (Peterparker16):

I was actually thinking about doing a blindside on Rhett this tribal, make the game spicy and exciting but I just couldn't do it. Jordan is to much of a threat challenge wise, along with we need Rhett for another tribal or two to continue splitting the votes. This tribal will be a split vote between Garret and absol, Jordan is most likely winning this challenge. If we get Garret to use his idol then that's great. I'm going to try and get mud to challenge Jordan to an elimination duel so we can take him out early.
The only problem that could happen is Rhett possibly getting marto and brandon on his side after we take out absol, garret, and Jordan. It's a chance, marto flips during the final stages of a game so he'll find safety with Rhett who will not go down fighting. Mud and Jake have my back so I trust them, Rhett and Brandon both know that they'll be targets after the last one goes. I do suspect that mud has talked to Rhett a lot more to make him feel safe and probably told him some stuff I have said about the future of this game. I'll need to step up during these challenges to get safety during the final tribals.
2328 days 6 hours ago
Jay H. (Peterparker16):

I see Jordan killing the challenge, so I start talking to him on Skype. I think I just got him to flip on absol and Garret, I wanted to see if he'd vote absol and he said yes since absol is already such a huge target and it'd save him, he clearly hasn't realized if he found the idol he could keep absol save and take one of us out. Which is good, ignorance is bliss I guess. I promised I have his back if he tells who they are voting and if he votes absol with us, he will also talk to Garret to make him use his idol tonight which is probably already gonna happen no matter what. I'm gonna use Jordan to take out Rhett, Brandon, and marto when we are at final 7 once absol and Garret go. If I can actually pull this off in the way I want I'm clearly running the best merge game.
2328 days 6 hours ago
Rhett W. (Valero7):

I am less than impressed with Jordan’s challenge performance. The boy has been nothing more than an irrelevant sheep for the entire season. If I was in the minority, I’d want to make myself been seen as a non-threat, yet this idiot feels the need to make himself a challenge threat. It just supports the opinion that he has no strategic game and is just a sheep. BUT WORSE, he is taking the spot of someone who actually deserves to be in the game, which is what annoys me the most.

If this challenge was tonight or this weekend, I would’ve won. I was beating Jordan before I went to bed last night. But I actually have a life and I didn’t want to be a zombie this morning going into work and dealing with kids. I have priorities.  Jordan on the other hand needs to reevaluate his because they seem to be incredibly nonexistent. This is an online group game. It’s not real Survivor. There is no prize for the winner. And you (Jordan) have no true shot on winning. Yet you decide to stay up all night and try to win this challenge? It’s just sad and pathetic. Not impressive. PA-THE-TIC. Get a life because you obviously need one.

I know I’m not the best game player, but the fact that Jordan actually thinks he is a decent one makes me cry laughing. If I took a dump in the woods, the product that came out would be a better game player than him.

If you wanna call me a sore loser, you right fucking ahead. At the end of the day, I least I didn’t lose sleep over a game that has no true relevance on my life. And if you actually think you’re cool and badass for winning this challenge, maybe go check into a mental ward before you get yourself that life, Jordan.
2321 days 6 hours ago
Mud N. (mudndawilderness):

So I've done like 3 cast assessments already, so I thought I'd shake it up with a rap. Disclaimer, some things might be a little exaggerated to make it fit so sorry (especially absolita, jake, and noah lol)

*Mike/Newz start making a beat*
Straight outta the wilderness, it's Mud with the sick beat
Second place, second chance, it's time to bring the heat

First we got Obstreperous making me quake
Idol and a god power which the Avengers will take
King of causing rock draws from his hospital bed
His heart rate goes right up, and Alan drops down dead

Next we got the sitting duck, known as Absolita
Lo siento amiga, pero tu eres perrita
Trying hard to make me flip but it's a lost causita
Lucky you survived the revote, 4 people wanted to keep ya

Mah boi Marto looking bright with his lightning bolts
This lad wants to flip on Jake, talk about revolt
Says he wants to be my sheep so I say yes please
Making final 3 with the Big 3 would be an ease

But then we got Jay and his squad Jordan and Jake
Wants me to join them but nah I won't eat that cake
Peter Parker's finally putting his red suit on
Went zero to hero, becomes a threat, and soon he's gone

Rhett is here, Rhett is there, wanting out, wanting in,
Rhett is the yang while Noah is the yin
It's fo sho that I've bonded most with him
I've been there for him even when times were grim

Now we got Jake causing drama for no reason
God bless you, and sorry to say that nobody's sneezin
The Avenger that I have the least trust for
Rogers vs Stark, you could call it a civil war

Jordan winning immunity with 3 hours to spare
The Avengers gotta break up so they're starting to prepare
Jay taking Jordan to vote out the others
Sorry bud but Marto and Brandon are my brothers

Brandon BAM goes the dynamite but he just stands around
Jake called you the Black Widow, how's that sound?
Definitely a nice guy but here's the real tea
He'd be such a goat if he ever made the final three

Only 8 losers left till I claim my rightful throne
Only one vote against me from that bitch Noah Kondone
Just gotta keep being social and watch them walk out the door
Anyone wanna go against me? Bitch I'm the god of war.

*Drops mic*
2321 days 6 hours ago
Brandon S. (BrandonBam):

So I’m currently in the majority alliance the avengers and I feel pretty good to be In The majority I feel I can trust them all at the moment and within the 6 I am closer to mud and marto and I am definitely glad I aligned myself with them since the start as they have their god powers and I wouldn’t want them to have their power used against me we have started talking already about how dangerous jay is and so he is the first jay we will need to get out we are going to split the votes this tribal and I am trying to work my ass off to make garret feel comfortable and make sure he doesn’t play his idol so that he can go home packing with an idol on his pocket. I just hope they haven’t found the hidden immunity idol and they are all safe I would be screwed
2321 days 6 hours ago
Jay H. (Peterparker16):

Hopefully Jordan didn't think about finding the idol, the whole plan to gain his trust and let him vote with us is just to be safe, make sure he doesn't use an idol on absol or anything. This tribal will flush Garretts idol and take out absol, while setting my plan up for final 7.
2321 days 6 hours ago
Jordan M. (jman96):

So, I'm glad to have won immunity again. Now I'm just worried that I am painting a big target on my back for this. But, at this point, I need to rely on myself as allies get picked off one by one. I stayed up the entire night for this challenge and it paid off.

Now we have this vote. It looks like people are going to be voting for Absol, including garret. Right now, I need to focus on how I can survive this next tribal as it is unlikely that I will be available for this live challenge. My family is coming over to visit and it leaves me little time for the challenge. So that will give people the chance to get rid of me.

But during the challenge, Jay comes to me and says that he wants to work with me. He sees that I'm a strong player that is looking out for himself and could be useful to his game. Do I believe what Jay is saying? No. He did lie before at final 11 and for all I know, he could be setting me up for a blindside. But I wasn't gonna refuse as there can always be the chance that he is telling the truth. He even swore to god about not wanting me gone. *I will remember him swearing that to me*.

Then he talks about a 4 person alliance with me, him, Mud and Jake. Oh good, 2 of my biggest threats working together and they want me with them. Or at least Mud wants me there. He talks about knowing that I am loyal and wanting me around, not that I believe him at this point.

But let's say that all of this is true. that this final 4 alliance is real and they get rid of Garret after Absol leaves, this is a clear final 3 that will take me out at 4th place, or even 5th or 6th place. Plus, they have someone in Jake that is a huge challenge threat and will be difficult to beat.

So, whats my plan? Once Absol and garret leaves, I plan to go to Marto, Brandon, and Rhett and expose this alliance, get us together and get jake/mud/jay out of this game. With Mud and Jake gone, things will go better for me. I would include Garret in this, but he has proven to be unreliable in this game. especially, when he self voted one time. Again, I don't fully blame him for it, but it really did hurt me in the long run and it lead to the domino effect of "The Crusade" getting killed.

I just need to look at my options, play smart, make the right moves and the get to the end and win. We are heading to the final stages of the game and it's go hard or go home.

And Never give up in Survivor.
2321 days 6 hours ago
Mud N. (mudndawilderness):

Well this vote has been kinda messy, we're trying to flush out Garret's idol, but his Poseidon power is looming over us all. Me and Jay got into a tiny scuffle about how we should split these votes. But he gave in and switched his vote to Garret. I really hope Garret leaves with the idol in his pocket, but either way it sets me up pretty well for this next round. I told Absol that I'm voting for him, so hopefully he'll tell Garret and cancel my vote, even though it's for garret.

But get the popcorn Mike and Newz, because this next round will be a doozy. I need to keep the big 3 in power of this game, because it's my best chance to the end. Jay has been becoming a much bigger threat, and has gathered his numbers on one side of the island. He wants me to be in it, but I'd rather not work for the boss, I wanna BE the boss. So Jay wants to target either Garret or Rhett with me, him, Jordan, and Jake as numbers, so I can easily pull in Garret and Rhett in order to vote out Jake. Why Jake? Because he has an idol, and he'll be comfortable since he thinks I'm with him. Pulling off this move would be so sweet, re-establishing my social and strategic power in this game. Both sides are planning on turning on each other, I'm right in the middle, and I can decide who leaves and who stays.
2321 days 6 hours ago
-----ABSOL GETS 9TH-----

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