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Survivor Second Chances Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Second Chances..

2321 days 6 hours ago
Jordan M. (jman96):

"The Funeral of "The Crusade"
I just want to be here and say how sad it is, to see the death of a alliance that seemed so close. After the final 12 where one person's inability to vote caused a rock to happen sending alan home. After that, despite our best efforts, the crusade members left one by one. until one person remained, that being yours truly. It will be missed dearly. A moment of silence please for our fallen alliance.

*Prays for 5 mins in silence for the deceased alliance* :(

Now  absol likely hates me for voting him out. Espically as it looked like he could have been saved and Brandon would have left. But garret's idol was played. After that, it would be 3 against 5 and I would be on the outs still. And apparently people in "The Other Side" are starting to go agansit each other. There seems be a debate on who to target between Garret and Rhett. Then I can push for a Rhett blindside then go with Garret, Brandon, and Marto to take out the big threats. Then voting out absol would have been a sad but needed sacrifice.

2321 days 6 hours ago
Mud N. (mudndawilderness):

YES! That vote went great. I'm already reaching out to Garret, bringing him into the loop. After the challenge, I'll talk to Rhett, get him on our side, and make a chat with the 5 of us. The pigeon has landed, folks. The pigeon has landed.
2321 days 6 hours ago
Jay H. (Peterparker16):

Easy motherfucking clap. Flushed that bad boy and got absol out, putting Brandon in risk isn't really a problem with me, he isn't useful to me at all and that'll be obvious the upcoming tribals. Jake, Mud, Myself, and Jordan have aligned officially. Jordan is to win this immunity challenge to get safety and make Rhett target Garret instead, this way we have Jordan to make the big move at final 7. Even though we have the votes to do it now it's better to get the wild card Garret out the game now and keep good ties with Rhett, plus I'm sure jury would love a good blindside. I know I have this season.
2321 days 6 hours ago
Mud N. (mudndawilderness):

So everything is going perfectly, we have an alliance called "The Anti-J Squad", and everyone is down to vote Jake. However, Rhett tells me that Jake is leaking everything to him TOO, and so I guess he isn't really loyal to that alliance. Things might change because of this, but I like this new alliance of 5, and I don't like Jake's idol. We'll see for this vote, because I really don't want to blindside Jay. He's a really good friend of mine and wouldn't want to do that to him.
2321 days 6 hours ago
Jake N. (JakeGoesOnline):

There is a huge option presented to me.
Jay makes this chat with him Mud and Jordan, and they want us the final 4. That's great, but I have no shot against any of them.
You only get one second chance, and I have this idol.
I could idol Garret, saving him; and vote out Mud.
I know its a crazy idea, but I'm not playing for second place. I'm playing for the win.
2321 days 6 hours ago
Rhett W. (Valero7):

Well this tribal just got messy. I reformed my relationships with Garret and Brandon and we agreed on a Final Three. I think I could easily beat Brandon in the finale. Garret might be more of a challenge, but I think I can handle that :)

Mud and Jake both told me that there was a group chat/alliance made between Jake, Mud, Jay, and Jordan. It’s cute that Jordan thinks he can campaign to get me out, but he’s a little late to this party.

Mud wants the group to vote out Jake, while Jake supposedly wants the group to vote out Mud. Jake says he will play his idol on Garret, but Jake also told Mud that we are voting Mud our. So I expect the idol to be played on either Garret or Mud. However, we decided to vote out Jake. As long as he doesn’t play his idol on himself, Jake should be going home either 5-3 or 5-2-1. Sorry bud, but it’s gotta happen this way.

My ideal boot order:
8th: Jake
7th: Jordan
6th: Jay
5th: Marto
4th: Mud
Final 3: Brandon, Garret, Rhett

Garret doesn’t know how to be fake and doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut, which he thinks is cute and messy. I don’t have time for that shit. I don’t have to fucking tell someone to keep their mouth shut and tell them what to say and what not to say. That is my only concern at this point. And oh yeah, I can’t fucking stand Jordan and can’t wait to vote his ass out. Nice try coming for me, Jordan. Too bad your sheep ass can’t do anything significant :)
2321 days 6 hours ago
Jay H. (Peterparker16):

So Rhett had a breakdown after Jordan won the immunity, he really hates that guy. Could use this to my advantage to make them target each other which is possible since Jordan wants Rhett gone just as much, so once garret is gone this game will heat up with ties being cut and one of the best blindsided being Rhett voted out by Jordan with us. I actually feel kinda like a villain, probably am. If I can actually get them to vote the way I want for each tribal I'll have a huge case at final tribal council.

And then Jordan finally, because he'll obviously win at the end. He's got all the jury votes.
2321 days 6 hours ago
Mud N. (mudndawilderness):

So... last night Rhett cast a line and hoped that Jake would bite. He said that he wanted me out, but he was only doing it to see if Jake actually wanted me out of not. Sure enough, Jake made a group chat with Rhett and Garret, saying he wanted to play his idol on Garret and vote me out. However, Jake came to me and told me about this plan, and that he was not a fan of jay’s alliance. I’m not sure if he’s actually playing his idol for Garret, i don’t think he is, but I’m still gonna vote him out. I have too many connections in this game, and it’s time that I have to start making excuses to vote people out, that way I’m not called a snake when they’re on the way out.
2321 days 6 hours ago
Mud N. (mudndawilderness):

So I guess Jake DOES want me out, I heard it from Marto and Rhett now, so hopefully everyone stays loyal and votes out Jake with his idol. I'm not super worried, but I'm the most worried about Garret since I haven't worked with him at all before this vote. Even if he does tell Jake to play his idol and votes with him, it would be dumb for Garret because it would be a 2-2 tie between the two of us, and he'd leave. So hopefully everything goes as planned, and at least I have a valid reason to send Jake home now.
2321 days 6 hours ago
Brandon S. (BrandonBam):

Once again I have the power in deciding who goes home tonight and  I can choose to send mud home or jake. I am deciding to send jake home because of his idol and if he plays it for garret and jake ends up going home it will be hilarious and a very and move on him. I believe I am aware of all the dynamics existing in the game right now and I am safe for the next few rounds I feel good with everyone minus Jordan I need Jordan to leave next because all his friends are on the jury. My decision in keeping mud is vecasuse I want the game I play to reflect me as a person, loyal. If I keep mud and marto safe then my loyalty will be demonstrated as I’ve been loyal to them since the start. I really don’t want him to use his god power against me as well and I want to be on his side so that it benefits me as well and not against me. I think I need to keep being alligned with Rhett and garret on the side (middle alliance) and have mud and marto on my other side. Best possible order of going home from here and out would be Jake, Jordan, Jay, Mud or Rhett, final 3myself marto and garret. This would be ideal because I believe marto has not done much to deserve to win and Garret has not played the best game so far.
2321 days 6 hours ago
Jordan M. (jman96):

Well, I managed to win 3 in a row. At this point, I need to win the rest of them in order to make it to the end.

So it looks like Garret is gonna be voted out. I tried to make people think Rhett should be the one to go without pushing too hard, but they ain't budging. Now I can't just join them to take out Jake and Mud as Rhett clearly hates me. Can't imagine what his confessionals are like. lol.

Jake/Mud and Jay says that they are gonna vote Rhett after garret leaves. I don't think I can believe them as I do think that they will vote me out if I lose immunity. I kinda regret voting Absol but it only "kinda" as I didn't know the vote till the very last minute and I thought all of the votes were going to absol. So I didn't know that if I voted Brandon, he would be gone. But I do feel like I made my time in the game a little harder.

My goal is to be safe now. I always hated placing 7th place and it has happened a lot to me on this site. I always feel like the unlucky 7th placing means unimportant, a sad placement. So I kept calling it "Pathetic Seventh" and will keep saying it for the rest of my time on Tengaged.

I will say that I'm having more of a fun time this season then in Sapian despite the rough obstacles. So It will be heartbreaking if after all of this, I end up getting pathetic seventh again just like last season. It would just be hard. All I can do look for the idol, be polite as possible, and win immunity.

Wish me luck.
2321 days 6 hours ago
Rhett W. (Valero7):

I’m not sure how much I trust Garret. If I trust him or not will be determined by how this vote goes down. But lordy if he betrays me.....
2321 days 6 hours ago
Mud N. (mudndawilderness):

I'm actually really nervous about this vote. Part of me wants to throw a vote on Garret, that way it ensures that I stay in the game. If Garret flips and uses his Poseidon on Jordan or Jay, Jake plays his idol, that means I leave. But if I vote for Garret, worst case scenario is 3-2-2, me and Garret tie, and he leaves in the revote. Brandon would be an easy scapegoat since Garret is already worried about him, but it would make him paranoid for next time. Rhett says that he is absolutely sure Garret will stick with us, so I'm gonna hold back. I don't want it to seem like someone betrayed the alliance. So Jake is my final vote, and I'll be back online at 6.
2321 days 6 hours ago
-----JAKE GETS 8TH-----
2321 days 6 hours ago
Jay H. (Peterparker16):

Mud is a traitor. So I'm play solo, done with these bum ass niggas. Just need to win immunity to make sure I'm safe every tribal. No matter how straining it is. Gonna start playing the Jay starret game.

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