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Survivor Second Chances Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Second Chances..

2331 days 1 hour ago
Noah K. (noah_kondon):

This is fucking fucked

EVERYONE knows it's me now because of fucking Rhett, i've completely lost the element of surprise with this blindside, and now EVERYTHING is ruined.
2331 days 1 hour ago
Noah K. (noah_kondon):

Looks like I'm fucking committed now, worst part is I wanted to go to the end with Rhett but I forgot that he isn't actually sane so, this is a problem.  I've always said my problem is when people don't act logical and Rhett might just be the least logical person I know.
2331 days 1 hour ago
Brandon S. (BrandonBam):

I'm really about to get sent home packing..... SIKE I'm going to do the absolute most that I can to keep my ass here and send DAMN ABSOL packing. NOAH is a complete idiot for making the move that he did, me? why would he vote someone that has his back, I was honestly going to stay loyal to Noah. MUD and MARTO are my #1 and #2  we have created a final 3 allaince and Im down to ride with them to the end. and Noah was #3, but still he's still considered a great ally of mine that I would've helped get far in this game, but he'll soon regret this move and if I leave, I hope the other side votes him out next so I can laugh. As of now its a 4-4 split vote but Im threatening Noah and scaring him to not go into rocks, but if he does want to then it'll be his ass on the line. I really do not want to go home before Absol Alan and especially Brittany, I trusted Brittany but she is a snake as well trying to always use people and this move helped me realize I cannot trust her. I wonder if there was talk about the fake idol that I claimed I had?? lol
2331 days 1 hour ago
Mud N. (mudndawilderness):

WOW this vote has me shook. Not only did my vote get cancelled, and NOT ONLY did a tie occur, but it was fucking NOAH to flip. I feel super betrayed, especially when he tried to put Rhett at fault for it (even though I was planning on blindsiding him later but that's besides the point). Then Rhett just goes and blows Noah's game up, and Noah is stuck on the other side lol. So we have a new alliance, aimed towards voting Noah out. Garret is the swing here, so I messaged him that I'd negotiate with him. However, if Garret doesn't get online, Noah is fucking scared when it comes to rocks, so I'm pretty sure he'll frantically flip back to us. We hopefully have the upper hand, I'm not sure how Garret will go but I'm really tense rn. I'm trying to make everyone in our new alliance comfortable, when really I'm super concerned about Garret. I want them to feel comfortable going to rocks for this team, and not back out and flip. If we can pull this off, I love this new alliance because it seems like everyone here wants to go to the end with me. Seems like I've been elected new king to replace Noah, and it sure is great to be king. It would be a lot nicer though if we were in that's why I need everyone to stay here. So in a way, Noah's flipping would be a good thing for me as long as we win this revote, because I'd be in such a good position in this alliance, and I wouldn't have to go through the hassles of blindsiding Noah. I guess you gotta risk it to get the biscuit.
2331 days 1 hour ago
Noah K. (noah_kondon):

Well, looks like my full on Sargeness has fucked me in the ass, my ENTIRE game depends on Garret and it's COMPLETELY bonkers.  You know how they say it takes years to build up a good reputation and only seconds to destroy it?  Yea, that's me.  I trusted Rhett with info and he just clearly didn't want to work with me anymore.  That's fine in all honesty, but Rhett is a complete idiot who should not win this game ever, he's been a complete trainwreck since day 1 and I was pretty much the only person left in the entire damn game that still wanted to work with him? So yea...
2331 days 1 hour ago
Rhett W. (Valero7):

I started getting weird vibes from Noah last night. He kept on asking me “wanna make a move?” First of all, sit down Ciera Eastin. Second of all, Noah’s problem was that he wanted to make a move for the sake of making a move. THERE WAS NO NEED FOR ONE. He already started talking to Brittany’s crew, telling them to nullify Mid and to vote Brandon and then approached me ASSUMING ID JUST FUCKING GO ALONG WITH IT.

So when I said I wanted to wait and vote Absolita off, Noah didn’t give a fuck. He caused the tie. THEN THIS BITCH HAD THE AUDACITY TO RUN BACK TO MUD, JAY, JAKE, AND MARTO AND BLAME ME FOR CAUSING THE TIE!

As soon as the vote came down as a tie, I sent Mud screenshots of Noah admitting to me he caused the tie. AND AS SOON as Mud told me that Noah was blaming me, I knew it was time to blow Noah’s shit out the water. So I exposed his fake ass to all of Headquarters!

Noah then tried to play the “I voted Brandon for YOU, Rhett. You didn’t like him.”
Well guess what Noah, I don’t like you either but I don’t see you quitting so don’t bring that shit to me. I don’t care if I get targeted for what I did, but I damn sure will never regret it. You didn’t want to fuck up your second chance. But you fucked up the second you ever said my name.
2331 days 1 hour ago
Noah K. (noah_kondon):

I'm literally hating my life rn, I, do not, want to, draw rocks.  This plan was pretty much genius and now not only do my former allies have the ability to talk Garret into joining them, I no longer have ANY ins with them, and If Garret does not recover from his heart thing?  Idk what to call it but as his friend I do hope he get better, I am in a screwed position and possibly i'm going to rocks, something I NEVER wanted to do.  This is my second chance and I would hate for not even my personal life, but someone else's to screw everything up for me.  And now i'm almost forced to do something I NEVER EVER want to do in any game, pull a rock out of a bag.
2331 days 1 hour ago
Jay H. (Peterparker16):

Oh boi, Noah absolutely fucked his own game by flopping. He tried to say it was to gain the other sides trust but he tried to throw Rhett under the bus after it, so obviously he's playing both sides. All that matters now is taking out absol, I'm sure noah will be a target for both sides.
2331 days 1 hour ago
Noah K. (noah_kondon):

I'm about to scream, vomit, cry, kill, and I REALLY want to fucking punch something.  I PERFECTLY crafted a blindside plan and due to Garret's fucking medical condition (It feels bad to complain about this but i'm fuckin doing it anyways) I am now in a horrible position, the game I wanted to play is pretty much over and it's incredibly frustrating knowing I did everythign right.
2331 days 1 hour ago
-----ALAN GETS 12TH-----
2331 days 1 hour ago
Brandon S. (BrandonBam):

Oh god!!! This episode was so intense!!! I cannot believe I am still here literally I thought someone was going to flip and vote me off... because who would want to go to rocks, I sure wouldn’t have but I’m glad this allowed me to stay in the game and see that those kept their word. I’m so glad everything backfired on Brittany too!! If it wasn’t her I’m glad it’s Alan, her ally now they have one less person on their side and I don’t know why Britney and them wanted to target me Brittany and I have known each other for years since we played on the same group games and I even wrote on my application that I wanted to play the game with her hahahah she lost an ally in me that she had I wouldn’t have voted her off but her rest of the alliance I would’ve. So I hope Noah regrets everything that he did and I’m shocked he didn’t vote off absol after I made some valid points but his game is shattering in front of us and honestly I’m glad it is because I was scared of him the most. Absol and Brittany are still targets of mine as well as Noah. THere is talk that absol has an idol so maybe a split vote should be the way to go next tribal. Also I hope garret is fine and healthy, though I really don’t know where he stands with me considering  that I broke off the final 3 alliance I had with him and Ross after I voted Ross home. Even though I’ve been really close to being sent home the past tribals I’ve gone to me still being here proves that I’m playing the game and working the social dynamics of this game, as for other people... it seems they haven’t really done much.
2331 days 1 hour ago
Jake N. (JakeGoesOnline):

Praise the rock gods!
Five seasons ago in the first jury tribal council a bunch of people went to rocks for me, saving me but screwing them.
Going to rocks this time was my way of thanking them.
And it actually went my way, Alan goes.
My plan is to continue laying low and only trying in challenges I know I can win, and then I cut some throats
Simple plan.
2331 days 1 hour ago
Jordan M. (jman96):

So, everything was going to plan, things were finally going right, but then garret goes offline for 24 hours and self votes. leading to rocks being drawn and an ally in alan leaving the game, putting me in a worse position. And now joining "The dying Crusade" is Noah who has no choice as "The Other Side" seems to hate him now. Glad that I was able to reach out to someone that will willing to flip.

Noah and Brittany wanted me to duel garret during the revote to gain the vote and get Brandon out. So I asked the hosts if it was allowed and it was denied with a simple "nah". Just as I was ready to let garret get evacuated and start planning at final 10, garret comes back. Turned out he had things going on in his personal life so he wasn't able to vote. Couldn't have come at a worse time, but you can't always control what goes on in real life.

Now I have to think of something different now without having to duel someone. First I want to win immunity so that I can be safe from more chaos. It's not easy being in a game full of Benedict Arnolds.

Wish me luck as I'm gonna need it for the rest of the game.
2331 days 1 hour ago
Noah K. (noah_kondon):

This shady little fucker

[2/6/18, 3:36:36 PM] Noah Kondon: Also bravo can I have the idol like?
[2/6/18, 3:36:53 PM] Noah Kondon: you have had it for 2 rounds LMAO
[2/6/18, 4:17:38 PM] Noah Kondon: so?
[2/6/18, 4:30:44 PM] Noah Kondon: garret
[2/6/18, 4:30:45 PM] Noah Kondon: fam
[2/6/18, 4:30:56 PM] #Garret: hii
[2/6/18, 4:31:07 PM] Noah Kondon: can you give me the idol?  it is my turn
2331 days 1 hour ago
Noah K. (noah_kondon):



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