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Survivor Mongolia Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Mongolia..

2660 days 10 hours ago
Bob P. (islandsurvivor) [Tribal Council #8]

Well this backfired. Im like yeah i can get them to change to Ben or Brock. But of course it didnt work -_- i did get them alittle scared of Qaz having an idol but they didnt change. Also now LQ is being a fuckinf idiot going to 5 Sq and saying that Erik is talking to Brock. Which pretty much 100% shows that she flipped cause she wouldnt really be talking to Erik otherwise -_- but now im right back to square one. And i just have to do this im really sorry man. I hope this doesnt bite me in the ass but im going with my gut
2660 days 10 hours ago
LeQuisha Q. (LusciousLips5) [Tribal Council #8]

So my social game is on point I have really had to knuckle down and work and not showing I have flipped firstly I come up with the plan to vote qaz and of course my alliance jumps right on board I mean it's a great fucking plan and hopefully it comes to light tonight but as long as it's not me I'm fine *cue Sandra edit* hahahaha I joke

But I've planted little seeds to cover my tracks firstly I start a fake argument with Erik and come to brock's aids and message brock how I believe him and everything! And then I tail Erik to mail me a fake mail from him to me and then I 'run' back to qaz to show him and my alliance and now most are like yeah we have this!!! And I'm gonna piss everyone off but I'm trying to better myself I'm making moves and I'm creating better positions for myself!!

Maybe I should run for president  or something hahaha I mean I'm saying this and watch me get voted out hahaha that's what I get for being a cocky bastard but believer me I feel great but I never ever feel comfortable that's just survivor 101!!!

2660 days 10 hours ago
----------QAZ GETS 9TH-----------
2660 days 10 hours ago
Qaz W. (Qazwdxedc) [Exiting Confessional]

Bummer! I will admit, I got cocky and it all makes sense to me now, I'm not going to be a bitter juror or anything... I know people saw a mean side in me in confessionals and I'm sometimes a dick when I talk to them but if i were them I would've made a similar move, although for people like LeQuisha I would've gotten rid of Erik first since Erik has no loyalty to her I have a slight one... I feel I played a good hard game in the time I was there, I know I stood out as a threat and I knew I was going to be targeted at some point but I honestly expected it more around final 7. I hope that isn't the last time I play since I feel I can win and I did have a fun time. Send me a mail when you want me back I'll accept it unless I'm busy!
2660 days 10 hours ago
LeQuisha Q. (LusciousLips5) [After Tribal Council #8]

Yes!!! Woohoo I de-throwned qaz but I know I'm probably public enemy number 1 but I'm still gonna try and re-claim some relationships because I still need these people to appreciate the moves. Hate me all you want but still award me the win because I deserved it
2660 days 10 hours ago
LeQuisha Q. (LusciousLips5) [Tribal Council #9]

I'm starting to like that people think I'm a sheep. I'm getting more info then I would have had I been a "big" player.
2660 days 10 hours ago
Bob P. (islandsurvivor) [Tribal Council #9]

Omfg -_- so tribal went as planned. Qaz went home and Eric thankfully wasted his idol :). So thats good but now it looks like im fucked. First Qaz seems to think Billy did it but it makes no sense but whatever. Now someone leaked a screenshot of our alliance convo. I have been told that Eric and Brady are throwing me under the bus. Which fucking sucks. I now need to flip back and vote with Billy Ben Brock and Qaz BV which if i can get Qaz to trust me will work
2660 days 10 hours ago
Benjamin X. (BENLINUS) [Tribal Council #9]

So uh Bob is acting like he didnt flip... and said he thinks it was Brock... Brock says it wasnt him and thinks it was Billy... but now says Brady told him it was Bob

... That's too many B's and I cant deal with it

Point is the other tribe are idiots who gave away a majority to Erik and his pocket votes... but all may not be lost and we could maybe.... maybe find a way to take someone else out tonight
2660 days 10 hours ago
Benjamin X. (BENLINUS) [Tribal Council #9]

I'm taking a huge risk tonight by spilling bits of information from person to person... hoping one of them drowns in the process and gets sent packing.

If I sit back and do nothing there's a huge chance that I'm next to go... and even if its not tonight I'll be gone in 3-6 days so I'd rather cause a shit storm right now than sit comfortably waiting for my head to be put on a pike.

I've spoken with Bob, Billy, Brock, Jorge and I know some of them are talking absolute bollocks... and others are legitimately wanting to make moves. I'm now approaching Brady and hoping we can work something out there.

If all goes well LeQuisha or Erik will be sharing a bed with Qaz tonight... with an outside chance that the flipper (if its Bob) gets his comeuppance.
2660 days 10 hours ago
Bob P. (islandsurvivor) [Tribal Council #9]

Well then this is bye :(. Im like 99% sure that im going tonight. I havent exactly heard my name or anything but theres the feeling you get when your gonna go and i have that. It sucks cause the merge has been fun. Im not even sure why they are targeting me lol. I even voted out Qaz for no reason -_-. I get how Brock Billy and Ben wouldnt want to work with someone who flipped but honestly i was there only chance, idiots. I could spend hrs looking for the idol but there is literally no reason to do that when i would just go next vote. Id be surprised if im still her after the vote. But i hope i am, and maybe bring me back for all stars or fans vs favs ;). But whatever im just gonna vote

2660 days 10 hours ago
Benjamin X. (BENLINUS) [Tribal Council #9]

Erik posting that he's playing the idol feels a little dramatic and could be a bluff ... as if I was him Id rather take the element of surprise and see who wasn't being loyal rather than to scare people to get in line.

Bob is apparently a sheepish rat or some sort of hybrid sheep-rat creature... which makes him perfect to try and steer the others into confusion. I acted like I was so sad that Erik found out he's getting votes and that instead we're all voting LeQuisha out and it'll be this amazing bkindside ...

That way if there is an idol ... which idk if there is ... Then they could play it on the wrong person. If not then I look forward to going to jury and watching these bores play predictable insomnia curing games.
2660 days 10 hours ago
Brady S. (bradyspaulding16) [Tribal Council #9]

Omg where do I begin okay so I was very excited to make the merge I knew I could do it and I was in a very good position on my tribe when the Luis vote went my way and Jorge me and Erik made an alliance.

Coming into the merge was 5-5 but the problem with our tribe was that Ben and Wanj were very separate from us so I was nervous coming into the merge so I was searching for the idol like crazy because that is power.

What do you know? I fucking find the Turgen tribe idol lol and I find it too late but this is good because I screenshotted it so if I find myself in a rough position I will absolutely use that to my advantage.

But we talked with Lequisha and she was actually on board with us and Bob was in as well so us 4 created a 4 person alliance called the Hated 4 which BTW is the dumbest fucking name ever.

And we decided to use Jorge and Wanj as our side votes and we were going to vote Ben out because he was kind of playing both sides but that bitch Wanj got med evacd and Ben got spared.

So our alliance was still good with Bob/Lequisha/Erik and Jorge as our puppy dog lol and we knew we had majority so we had to fracture that other group first and that cocky bitch qaz who was so confident decided to split the votes and it made us that much more easier to take him out.

I mean I wanted that bitch Billy out because of what happened at that challenge but I was overpowered and I'm sick of these bitches not listening to me.

And then what do you know Erik found the idol lol and he wastes it what a fucking fool but hey an idols gone and we had numbers to take out qaz now this is where the game begins.
2660 days 10 hours ago
Brady S. (bradyspaulding16) [Tribal Council #9]

So after the qaz vote I was speculating on doing something to change this game because these asses don't want to listen to me so they can go fuck off and I'll make sure they leave for it.

So Brock reached out to me and I thought this could be a time to kind of make an alliance with him because I wanted to have the other side close to me so we did.

And we were the last 2 in the immunity challenge and I personally didn't feel like I was going home so what do I do I threw it to Brock. I knew I would need him for this vote and he really wanted it so now it starts to show that he has trust in me.

Now this vote was really important because I knew Erik had to go I mean this is a game who the heck is loyal these days like I'm here to win and make big moves and this is where I want to start because I'm jury tired of doing people's dirty work.

So I had to make sure the crew was on board. I told Brock and Billy about it and they seemed cool and I thought this would be a really good chance for me to have a better relationship with Billy and I'm like I'm sorry for all the stuff at the challenge but I think like me you and Brock should work together because nobody will know that we are together.

They seemed down and Ben approached me and he was desperate he's like Brady I know I'm going home soon and am on the bottom and I thought this was literally the perfect chance to use Ben and I told him don't worry about it man I want to make a move and take Erik out tonight. My group was voting Ben so I told him but I don't want you to go.

And he was very grateful and obviously in I mean his ass is on the line he would be a dumbass not to be in with it so I feel like I got the troops on board and I told Qaz about it and I know he'll want to vote Erik with his black vote.

So that is 5 that should be for Erik tonight. However if the vote goes how I think it's going to go I have to come up with a plan so my thought is I'll send a fake mail to you guys saying I vote Ben but then in another maIL to you guys I'll say that was fake my real vote goes to Erik.

That way I screenshot the fake vote and when they ask I'll have proof that I voted Ben and so then my goal will be to throw Jorge under the bus which should be easy I mean he isn't even in the Hated 4 and Bob and Lq will say that makes sense because he also barely talks in the group.

Then if Erik goes I'll screenshot mails of Lq and Bob saying they don't trust Jorge once I tell them that he voted out Erik. Then I will use that to get Jorge closer to me because having Erik gone will also put Jorge closer to me and then my plan from there is maybe have me Ben and Jorge get back together and get the same group that voted out Erik to vote our Lq and Bob back to back and hopefully have me Ben and Jorge run this game because I feel I can beat them in the end.

Omg it's a genius plan but I got to make sure that it goes in to place but I hope Erik gets blindsided so he can finally leave hahaha omg I can't wait to see if he gets blindsided tonight.
2660 days 10 hours ago
----------ERIK GETS 8TH-----------
2655 days 21 hours ago
Brock S.(Sanebrock) [Tribal Council #10]

i think this is like my first one lol rip.

So obviously pre-merge i laid SUPER fucking low. i mean i came to a few challenges but besides that i was UTR. i think that helped my game for sure. people saw others as big threats early on like qaz, brady, benlinus. no one really considered me a threat until erik spread the Gaia rumor but now hes out. i dont think its going to be much of a factor anymore.

i however do now have 2 challenge wins in a row. One being speed, the other being spam. I overplayed the spam lol. 17 ppl in 3 mins? unheard of. people will latch on to this challenge as a reason to vote me out.

i trust benlinus a lot, i trust greenranger a lot. brady flipped to us but the dude is still shady.

lq is talking to me now, jorge and erik apparently wanna vote bob?

idk its a mess, im just so glad im safe PLUS only me benlinus and billy have idol clues

time to idol hunt again

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