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Survivor Mongolia Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Mongolia..

2651 days 16 hours ago
Brady S. (bradyspaulding16) [Tribal Council #4]

Wow I've been waiting to do one of these okay

So first of all I was very excited to be on this season it seemed like a new series for me to hopefully make a name for myself and hopefully be one of the best and I hope to do that this season.

We get unleashed of this twist and it's very interesting to say the least it is called the Black Vote and what this Black Vote does is it gives the person voted out that previous tribal council a vote at that upcoming tribal council which really makes this game crazy because that 1 vote could change the game so this season it's crucial to not piss people off as they're going home because you could be getting their black vote

So our tribe lose my the first immunity challenge which really sucked and at the time I was very nervous because I didn't show up to the challenge and I enrolled in stars twice so I wasn't able to see the group like I had to ask Erik if we went to tribal that night because I didn't know.

Btw I got my account back but then I got added into the group and I basically just approached Erik I'm like hey man help me out I've been out of the loop lately because of my account and I'm like I'll vote however you vote.

And surprisingly my name wasn't involved at all as to even being a possible vote out so I was glad with that but our choices were basically Alvin and Issa. Issa because he was at 2 days and Alvin because he cost us the challenge.

And me and Erik both thought the same thing was that we wanted to keep Issa just because we knew he would probably get med evacd the next vote anyways so it gave us a by for the next vote automatically and why not get rid of more of a player like Alvin? Like it just makes sense instead of wasting a vote.

So we were on board but we knew we needed at least 4 votes and we got them since we both talked to Ben and Ben talked to Wanj and we got Alvin out first.

And let me tell you Luis was not happy at all lol. He was pissed at Erik and Ben for not including him on the vote and not voting with him and I'm like hey that's great for me because as long as he's mad at them and not me then it totally makes them look and that way Luis will try and get them out before me

So at this time I mean everything is going perfect.
2651 days 16 hours ago
Brady S. (bradyspaulding16) [Tribal Council #4]

So after the first vote I knew I was in a good position because nobody on the tribe was mad at me for doing what I did and I thought that was just really funny lol.

Basically my strategy was to come to hard out of the gate that's how most people get voted off and to kind of lay low make social relationships but not talk to too many people and make sure I'm nobody's target.

And right now I seem like I'm doing just that I mean I've been talking to Ben and Erik a lot and Luis a little bit and honestly that's all I need because if people see that I'm trying to form relationships with everyone then they'll try and take me out so this way I have enough people to keep me in the game and not make me look like a threat which is great.

So yeah we lost the next challenge and after that whole Luis outburst we all felt very suspicious about him like Luis is a player that will do anything to win so Luis told Erik he wanted Jorge out so we used that to our advantage and told Jorge and I'm pretty sure we were all voting Luis but no Issa gets evacuated so Luis survived another day.

With Luis surviving I didn't like that I mean he should of been the one going home but he got spared so I was hoping we'd lose the next challenge lol and of course we win it ugh another wasted opportunity to get Luis out.

At tribal Bernie gets the boot which I was actually mad about because we are friends which sucked but hey we lost the next challenge and I knew Bernie wouldn't give me his black vote so it's pretty much a win win situation for me.

With us being at f13 I'm thinking everyone is possibly looking at having a switch at f12. However we just can't risk having Luis stay another round because he has proven that he is pretty shady so it was the perfect time to finally get him out of here. I mean me Erik and Ben were all on board so that was 3. I'm pretty sure Ben is pulling in Wanj but even if he doesn't well still have majority.

Because Luis is telling everyone that Jorge is the vote and we all just lied to him lol but I know for a fact Me Ben and Erik are putting our votes on Luis.

Jorge won't vote for himself so he'll vote someone else causing it to be a 3-3 tie at worst case and they we will just get Luis out on the revote.

So I'm pretty sure Luis will be going home the only way he will stay is if Jorge self votes and Wanj doesn't vote with us but I can't see that happening so if he goes then that will be great.

Me Ben and Erik will have control over our tribe from their on out which is why I'm praying their isn't a swap but if there is then that will really suck.
2651 days 16 hours ago
----------LUIS GETS 13TH-----------
2651 days 16 hours ago
Erik N. (Youndandreckless) [After Tribal Council #4]

Okay, so it's been awhile since I've last talked to you all. And yes, I was salty. So, I went a strike until my ego was soothed with that satisfaction of Luis' torch being snuffed. Now, that he's gone. I feel as though I am in a pretty good spot minus the target I have acquired for my inability to keep my mouth shut. Yes, I'm playing hard. I may not be doing a swell job of being UTR about it. But, I want people I can trust in this game. And this last Tribal exposed one person's hand. So, here's a rundown on what happened this past Episode.....

*Brady pulls me aside to soothe my soul*

Brady - "What's the matter King?"

ME - "Just salty because that savage was saved and may possibly make a swap where we could each be possibly flipped on if it occurs and we end up on the same tribe as him"

Brady - "Yes, Let's throw the next challenge and make sure he goes home. We can't have the King unhappy!"

Plan set into Action. Then Tribal hits. Hours go by and everything occurs within the Final hour of Tribal.

Sunfire - "King, I come with grave Newz! Luis said Will is flipping and voting me out tonight. I need your shield as guidance!"

*I lend thy Shield in the Form of a duo with Brady the Jockey by my side*

For a moment; I thought I had one more soul by my side. But, Tribal does reveal all. And it could not have been Will. Not, he is playing UTR and trying to play the middle as he "forgot to vote".

But, what occurred to me was the vote was supposed to be 4-3 or 4-2-1 depending on the Black Vote. It could not have been my loyal jockey or the child who begged for thy shield as it was clear what their intentions were. But, it was Benjamin Button! He fooled me! That he did! But, Tribal does reveal all! And I now am aware. So, let this be a warning that he should beware!
2651 days 16 hours ago
Jorge H. (Sunfire) [After Tribal Council #4]

I was close to being voted out. I almost didn't even vote, but luckily I did because it saved me. I'm lacking focus on this game. I want to change that and play hard.
It's funny that Luis thinks we're sheeping Erik, because that's exactly what I wanted to happen. I guess you could say we're sheeping Erik, but there's nothing stopping me from turning on him. The only thing that keeps me aligned with him is that we agree on who to vote out, and he's one of the few on this tribe not wanting to vote me out.
I'm hoping we swap or merge soon because this tribe is boring. I need my social game to show.
2651 days 16 hours ago
Qaz W. (Qazwdxedc) [Tribal Council #5]

Hey so after I spoke to everyone I got great responses. I got deals with everyone but Nolan at this point, Nolan's head is in cmacks game and definitely not this one. So that makes tonight's vote easy. I'm gonna try and get Nolan out, stay the course, as I am now tight with Zach.

My conversation with Zach was short since he only gives quick answers and doesn't put thought into them but at this point I think he would consider me his number one. I hope that's the case and if it is then hopefully I can carry him as far as I can as a goat.

Lequisha told me she was like a step ahead of me and already thought it was her and I to the end. I'm glad you did, but that answer made me less confident in our relationship and idk if I can trust her moving forwards as much.

Billy and I had a good conversation, he trusts me and wants a core 3 going. I told him I'd do it with bob as I feel bob doesn't present much of a threat to me.

Brock said he was good with me and wanted to go all the way.

Bob knows we've been tight and we can make it all the way.

Now here's a heated part. I show up to every challenge, do the best I can to help our tribe win, and then the one challenge I can't make, I'm the only fucking one that lets the world know and no one else shows up. Really? You had to do that to me? U guys all suck. Honestly wtf were you guys doing. Anyways it's 2:20 so I'm gonna sleep good night.
2651 days 16 hours ago
LeQuisha Q. (LusciousLips5) [Tribal Council #5]

Of course no one showed up to the challenge! That's because my tribe rely on me in live challenges I mean overall I have never seen so many people uninterested in a game of survivor and that's from both tribes! Like no one has any game no one is making moves!!!

I know it's just an online game and I need to keep telling myself that but I'm so used to seasons where is three have payed together and it's fast paced someone is always scheming, plans are arranged and then rearranged because the game changes so quickly! Here I feel like I couldn't make a move because it would make me a huge target! A massive bullseye would be placed right in my back and I would be for sure voted out!

I have to be patient but at this rate I'm getting fidgety and bored I want something to happen! Anything to happen this game needs to get moving and maybe I'm the only one who can do that!!!
2651 days 16 hours ago
----------NOLAN GETS 12TH-----------
2651 days 16 hours ago
LeQuisha Q. (LusciousLips5) [Tribal Council #6]

So this game keeps plodding along as it normally does! 5 squared ,again this makes me feel sick every time I type it , wants to go for zach and obvious target because he is the minority, yeah that would be super easy but it's not what I want!

Billy asked me to exclusively work together as the power duo in the alliance and if we have to go back to tribal we should work together to take out the rest! No I'm not in he can think I am but I'm not! There is no doubt in my mind billy has said this to everyone, billy isn't trustworthy and I don't want a returning player reaching anywhere near the end! What I want to happen is I get, qaz, myself and zach to vote Billy the rest will vote zach so I'm going to have to get another person! But I'm think one of them will self vote it'll probably be brock!

But it's too risky going to a tie I can convince zach Billy wants him gone I can convince qaz Billy is going behind people's back but I don't know who else to pull in? If I get my way Billy should be the next casualty of this game and if the plan fails I still have enough power in this game to keep myself safe
2651 days 16 hours ago
Qaz W. (Qazwdxedc) [Tribal Council #6]

So after Nolan got medically evacuated. The next step had to be winning that challenge. A merge will happen at 10 or 9, so it's imperative that we win, however we lose, due to one person. Zach decided it was finally time to show up for a challenge and when he did he literally kept guessing two new numbers opening the board up for the other tribe. The premise of that challenge is to match them up, so use one of the same number and one different number bro!

They went on to slaughter us due to that, so he's going to pay for losing us the challenge and not letting me get one more idol clue which I believe could have led me to that idol. So I'll be writing his name down and the end of my confessional. The alliance seems down to do this so I am happy.

Two things happened. I will now discuss those. So according to LeQuisha, Billy has asked her for a final 2. Billy's target is now open for a blindside once I feel like it's the right time to do so in the merge. I made an alliance with him and one of the reasons was to have control on him, and he wants to get off of his dog leash, but all I've done is put the harness on him, so now he has to do what I want or he will be in trouble soon.

Next is brock. So Brock told me why he was inactive. I will not discuss what he told me as it's between him and I, and I feel bad for him, but I'm happy he shared this information with me. Maybe it's not true, but right now I believe it and that's made him and I closer. I believe I have a good ally in him for now until he pulls a Billy if he ever does.

My thoughts are if we merge next, Zach will use his black vote with that other tribe, making it 6-5 them. But Ben and I have been talking the whole game and he's ready to pull a fast one on them and flip to my side. Once merge hits, it's my kingdom vs Erik's kingdom, and he's gaining my lost troop for a vote I assume unless I somehow convince him to stay with me, but I'm gaining his healthy and powerful troop, and he's going down.
2651 days 16 hours ago
----------ZACH GETS 11TH-----------
2651 days 16 hours ago
Zach B. (tuter32) [Exiting Confessional]

I had fun! It was an experience and they truly blindsided me tonight. I wish I could have dedicated more of my time to this game but in the end I was already in a full returnee season (That game started a little earlier than expected and your guys' started later than expected, which is no one's fault just how it fell.) I hope that maybe one day I'll get a second shot and a fresh chance to play this game! Thanks for a great game!
2651 days 16 hours ago
LeQuisha Q. (LusciousLips5) [After Tribal Council #6]

Wow, qaz is really getting on my last nerve! He is going on like he is running the game and everyone is let him take it! I thought Billy was becoming too powerful but qaz is increasing his target and I'm dying to make a wave so please stop giving me the option
2651 days 16 hours ago
2651 days 16 hours ago
Brady S. (bradyspaulding16) [After Merge Announcement]

So far in this game everything has gone my way and nothing bad has happened to me yet.

Luis finally went home which was a relief because he could of been trouble in the future but it was very interesting because it turns out Ben voted against us which was odd because I thought Ben was totally with it but that bitch lied right to our faces because Jorge obviously didn't vote for himself so the 3 votes were Jorge Erik and myself for Luis to leave

So yeah right now I know to keep a close eye on Ben he lied to us and as far as I know he has Wanj in his back pocket so that was very scary but after that me Jorge and Erik gathered together and solidified an alliance between the 3 of us so I was glad not to switch tribes at f12 but the good thing is from there on we won the next 2 challenges.

So now the merge came and I was fucking excited because this is the time to play ruthless and dirty and people are clearly going to do anything to win this season so it is very tough but I know I can do it and my relationships with Qaz and Lequisha could really help me because I was solid with those 2 right away but we were on different tribes now I can use that to my advantage because if they were to vote off someone from my original tribe it probably wouldn't be me which is great.

So I'm already talking with those 2 and Erik/Jorge/Myself have agreed to stay together but Erik gave me some very crucial information and he said that Brock is really Gaia whose friends with Qaz Ben and Green.

That is very scary but I feel like I could use that to my advantage because I could relay this back to Lequisha to get her closer to me and realize that Brock has to go and we'll use Tuters black vote to hopefully send him home.

I mean this black vote is huge which makes it even more crucial that my tribe didn't go to tribal that night because Tuter is most likely going to vote off a member of his tribe since they just sent him home which gives us an advantage.

So if I had to vote someone out right now it would be Brock since he is Gaia and he is a scary player so he really needs to go so I'm planning on getting Me/Erik/Jorge/Lequisha/Bob/Tuter

To vote out Brock because Wanj will just follow Ben so it is crucial that we have those 6 votes to hopefully take control of this game but it will definitely take some convincing from that other tribe to want to jump on board with us but it's game on and I'll play so dirty to make sure I win this game.

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