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Survivor Mongolia Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Mongolia..

2651 days 16 hours ago
Erik N. (Youndandreckless) [Tribal Council #2]

So, I did well with my bond-making enough to get rid of Alvin who was likely cast as a sabotage for our first challenge. But, then the real saboteur was unmasked as Luis went rampant over being blindsided? Excuse you sir bitch of the evening. But, that's exactly what I'm going to make you into. Tonight you will be the Lady of the night. I put my social skills to work and got my alliance consisting of Will and Jorge behind me to vote Luis. And only because I know Brady needs to cling to someone to stay in this game. I knew he'd be down as well. Now, I just needed to convince Ben who might I say has become all too close with me as of recent. Which is weird because I can see myself blinded by his charm. Oh well, I like Ben. What I don't care for is Luis' attitude and this means he has ulterior plans to flip on this tribe if he were to make it to a Tribe swap or even the merge. So, he can get to steppping!
2651 days 16 hours ago
LeQuisha Q. (LusciousLips5) [After Immunity Challenge #2]

So I pretty much held my tribe together at last immunity challenge! I need to be careful though I want to come across strong where my tribe feels like they need me but I do not want to become too much of a threat that they want me gone!

Right now I feel I have made close connections with people but still there hasn't been a solid alliance come through yet... and hopefully yet is the word I'm hoping for, I know I have qaz in my back pocket for sure and I could deffo get Billy there as well and from the other tribe I deffo have Erik I think I'm positioning myself well in this game I'm socialable with everyone but, I feel I need the security of an alliance but it's still very early days!!!
2651 days 16 hours ago
Luis L. (_Adidas_) [Tribal Council #2]

I think I'm too sarcastic when it comes to being shady. In what possible way would I benefit from trying to blindside someone with alvins black vote? I never even spoke to him xD
This tribe is completely idiotic idk what in their left mind makes them do things without brain knowledge
I'm starting to consider that this person who is at 3 days ago is actually a multi of sole sort and has 2 votes in the game but idk that's just me
My vote is isaa
If I go Ok
2651 days 16 hours ago
Benjamin X. (BENLINUS) [Tribal Council #2]

I would like to offer sex services in exchange for myself and Luis to mutiny before our tribe gets ulonged

Realistically Luis caused some trouble this round by painting the target on himself, and the pre-group alliance (that's what I'll refer to them as) has decided to pick active people off in exchange for their own group of four to keep surviving. This is all despite the fact that Will, Brady and Jorge are inactive and when they're here wont even be good in challenges... so I don't see a positive future for this tribe.

I'm going to stop being an Atheist for a bit and start praying to God that something comes about to change our fate, as well as Isaa staying offline so he's pulled from the game next. That means if we lose again I'll still have Luis as a shield to hopefully buy myself another three days. The sad thing is a tribe swap (if one happens at all) likely wont occur until the final twelve, and with our group being as inactive in challenges as it is I fear I may not make it there...

Not even Alvin's black vote can save us </3
2651 days 16 hours ago
Erik N. (Youndandreckless) [Tribal Council #2]

So, after checking the Entire Top 700 of the Hall of Fame. I felt blistered and beat in my search for my Tribe's Idol. But, then it occurred to me that these Swell Hosts must've went an alternate route with hiding their Idols by placing them on some random noobs blog. And after hous of searching I flippin fucking did it. Like flippin fucking yeah!

Now, I'm voting Luis out tonight because something crawled up his ass and he wanted to put his foot down and not vote for Isaa tonight like I didn't put all that effort into securing everyone at least one more day by saving his scraggly self by blindsiding Alvin. So, since Luis wants to abstain and voice out his opinions. He can get to stepping. I think I gathered enough votes to vote him out. But, with Alvin's Black vote. Luis might get by one more tribal if it somehow ties between Luis and Isaa. I'm unsure of it. But, I voiced my opinions clear to this tribe of what my thoughts were of Luis. So, hopefully all works out as planned.

Other than that. I'm going to chill like a villain and enjoy my puppetry at it's work because I feel I have a great handle on this tribe. I just need to maintain my bonds I've made and keep my mouth shut about my Idol find. Because Scotty doesn't know! And I don't plan on telling any Scotties anything!
2651 days 16 hours ago
----------ISAA GETS 15TH-----------
2651 days 16 hours ago
Luis L. (_Adidas_) [After Tribal Council #2]

Honestly, that medical evacuation was awesome. That's what happens when you get inactivitus i guess. I hope it isn't an infectious disease...
I was hoping for the votes to be read tho, because I wanted to see how loyal these were actually loyal, because i'm rejecting the Ho! (stats joke hehe)
If there's a mutiny, i swap in a heart beat
2651 days 16 hours ago
Bob P. (islandsurvivor) [Tribal Council #3]

So sorry i havent sent one sooner but glad to be here :) we won the first two challenges which were good even tho i did pretty much shit in helping. But either way we won. Tonight we lost the immunity challenge :( even tho i started a comeback. For tonights vote there are pretty much 3 possiblities, Nolan Tuter or Bernie. Id prefer it to be Nolan or Bernie as i know Tuter kinda from playing in his group. The other 5 of us me Brock Billy Qaz and Laquisha are in a f5 alliance and without a swap we should easily be able to control this tribe till merge. The black vote will be scary af come merge but wont do alot rn. Qaz is my #1 as i knew him well before this. We have a F2 deal that i believe he'll stick to. Im also really good friends with Luis and i kinda know Will and Erik on the other tribe. Good to have as many allies as possible
2651 days 16 hours ago
Qaz W. (Qazwdxedc) [Tribal Council #3]

So after winning that last challenge, I tried to convince Ben to go after Jorge. I heard he was trying to make this happen but of course some idiot named Isaa gets evacuated due to inactivity. You can tell by their names sometimes, who would name themselves Isaa. I know my name is qaz but qaz is one of those names that make you think oh shit this guy is sick better not mess with him. It's true, Isaa just sounds like a name for an inactive person. Works out in the end I guess eh?

I went on some idol hunt but of course mike or newz (whichever one of you hid this idol) had to hide it in some tengaged player who hasn't been on in 19737392 days and no ones ever heard of. Like I've looked everywhere and i can't find it. I'll just hope that another clue helps me, but this will end up being just as broad, guarantee it.

So challenge today, I'm on mobile, not much of a help, and I did my best, got us a point but Luis won the challenge for them. I need more from my tribe. I could've done that on my computer but here are guys who have all the tools they need and can't do jackshit. Bob did decent I'll give him that but Billy did absolutely nothing and blames it on his essays that are distracting him. BOI, the whole challenge you're just saying "how the fuck do you guys do this, holy shit you guys are good, my god can I have your autograph?". Dude, have you heard of a search engine called google? Hell, if you're really not feeling it, use yahoo or bing search. It's 2017, not 1985 where the only thing you could do was play pacman for hours at a time.

So alliance developments happened, I made a final 5 of the 5 "fairly" active people. I guarantee I'm the busiest yet I'm the most active, these people are dead weight and don't do anything. It's me, LeQuisha, bob, Billy and Brock. Brock is barely active, Billy doesn't do stuff when he's active, I feel bob sometimes is missing a screw upstairs in the brain and lequisha is fine but she wasn't there today. I'll miss a challenge here or there so it's fine I understand.

The plan for the vote is berniebudd. I don't find him help while I feel Nolan and Zach are more beneficial to my game moving forward. Zach seems to agree with what I say, Nolan told me he's focusing on cmacks but hopefully he can at least vote as berniebudd is by far one of the worst players this season. His social game is like the social game of my dead fish. Anyways here's my vote.

"Berniebudd, I actually don't know your name I just know you have some part called "bigg" in it. "Bigg" my ass, I barely noticed you. Only good players have the ability for those names. I have the ability but I don't want one anyways. I'm getting off track, but moral is you're irrel so get off this island."
2651 days 16 hours ago
Billy L. (greenranger8) [Tribal Council #3]

2651 days 16 hours ago
----------BERNIE GETS 14TH-----------
2651 days 16 hours ago
LeQuisha Q. (LusciousLips5) [After Tribal Council #3]

So as you are we aware me, qaz, billy, bob and the other one who's name I can't remember is it bane or brick ahaha are in an alliance! It was my idea but I let qaz do the forming of it because I don't want to get a target on my back for recruiting the active people!

So we are called 5 squared... (insert tumble weed affect) what an absolutely abysmal name I mean billy said it was because there are five people on the alliance and then it's season 5 so my logic that adds to 10 no??? So five squared is actually 25 it's just horrid name but of course I sat all fake being like 'omg I love it!' 'It's the best thing ever' really it's a pile of shit!!!

Also my tribe does not give me hope that fact that half tribe voted themselves for this tribal just goes to show how irrelevant and inactive they are which for challenges is rubbish! Like I don't want to be keep coming to tribal and loosing my peasants to back me up when merge hits!!!
2651 days 16 hours ago
Benjamin X. (BENLINUS) [Tribal Council #4]

Well my tribe is officially just a group of social deserts and physical invalids. Last challenge I missed because I got my time zones mixed up, but thankfully Luis was there to help us out. This challenge was non-live and I thought it would be perfect ... but after I finished work this afternoon I messaged the tribe and said "Has anyone done any challenges yet, I don't want to submit for the wrong one"...

I wait for a while ... No response. Nothing. So I had to continue on with my day, went out and check my phone to find both Luis and Erik saying they can't really compete either... Of course Will and Jorge do nothing as usual...

Then as I'm on the bus on my way home I see that we have been told no one had competed hours before the deadline... And still none of them did anything. Do I take partial responsibility? Yes. Does that excuse Will and Jorge not even communicating and doing fuck all? No.

I actually just remembered Brady existed ... Oh my. 0_0

Tonight myself or Luis are fucked... I think Luis may be in danger as he's rubbed the out of game foursome the wrong way and Brady/Erik want him gone. I keep praying to the Mongolian shaman that a tribe swap, mutiny, dissolve, permanent exile for Benjamin is around the corner ...

As for my vote... I can't bring myself to actually vote Luis out... He doesn't deserve to go but the fact is the others have a pre-existing bond that they'll want to be keeping, so I'll be voting Jorge but again I'll have to do a fake vote for Luis just to cover my tracks. If Jorge self votes again then it could be a tie ... And Then Luis goes on re-vote anyway :(
2651 days 16 hours ago
Luis L. (_Adidas_) [Tribal Council #4]

Lost again, :/
And Erik has decided to be a hypocrite and act childish. So for every council he has the chance, he will vote for me. That gameplay may get me out at one point, but it will definitely not give him the win.
Now, ill have to work extra hard to make sure I know how everyone is saying they'll vote and make sure im always on the right side of the vote.
It's a duel im willing to fight
2651 days 16 hours ago
Qaz W. (Qazwdxedc) [After Immunity Challenge #4]

I'm tired af rn but I have a lot to catch u guys up on. So knowing that we won the challenge most people would take the night off, however in the midst of my busy night I decided to make room for some good strategizing. Knowing that the tribe swap is right around the corner and that I can't make the challenge tomorrow, I figured I should solidify some deals to make myself safer in the game. So basically I went and talked to most of my tribe and made final 2 deals. I feel I used words correctly and I think it's the best time for them to believe me. I can't have 5 final 2's lmao, but I want them to think that I only have them.

So I talked to Brock and got an answer, he said he was down, he's someone I know I could easily beat and I know I convince this guy to do whatever the hell I wanted. I mentioned Ben said good stuff about him (which he did) and that I loved his loyal game when he won Benlinus' game, so that he would work with me.

Lequisha I feel will 100% take my deal, as I have been close with her and I have had good vibes with her since the start. Yes, she is a great player, but having her on my side will make me so much more powerful and I feel she'd be down to ride with me to the end any day of the week.

Bob is kind of my pet I feel like at this point, he doesn't talk strategy from what I know, and I've known him for a while. I've told him he's my boy and everything to convince him. I have a potentially evil plan which I feel guilty about doing, in which I'd apply for his survivor if that would make him closer to me, and then just not try in his game, as frankly I don't have too much time on my hands.

Billy is the one I'm not too sure about. He doesn't give me great vibes but I needed to get with him to make sure his vibes about me are better than before, as I don't know where his head is at, whether it's up my ass or whether it's not in the game, regardless I need him on my side.

Zach and Nolan aren't active, but they'd be ideal to take to the end if I could. If i can take them all the way, i win. Idk how I'm gonna get them both there as there is likely still a few votes before merge and they're inactive, but if they make it there I got them. I might even make a final 3 with them very soon as they're both in cmacks and I can use that as leverage for me going forward.

I will also check in with Ben and Brady to make sure I'm good with them. I need Erik and Jorge gone asap in a tribe switch or merge as I don't trust them. They could also fuck me up with the black vote. Ideally, if we swap, I wanna be with maybe like Nolan and Zach to protect them, one of LQ/Bob/Brock and then maybe with Jorge and Erik so I can throw challenges and get them out. If I don't try then only Erik and one of those coming with me will try in the challenge.

These are risky moves but they have to be made if I want to win. This is a very weak cast compared to my cmacks and gaias, and I mainly only do returnee seasons on tengaged, so this is my chance to really take control. Idol is hard to find, I've searched for years, but if I can cover my bases I'm good.

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