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Survivor Mongolia Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Mongolia..

2660 days 12 hours ago
Bob P. (islandsurvivor) [Tribal Council #7]

So we have merged! Honestly i havent really done shit challenge wise and sorry bout that. I just cant really make the challenge time. But either way we are merged at 10. Pretty much the way it stands now is there is the 5 sq of me Brock Qaz Lequisha and Billy. Also Qaz says that he has got Ben to flip. However Erik approached me and Lequisha saying that Brock is Gaiaphagees multi. Meaning he has alot of close ties. Erik wants us to flip. So the way it is now there is a 4 of Erik Will Jorge and Brady voting Brock. A 4 of Brock Billy Qaz and Ben voting Brady or Jorge probably. With me and Lequisha as swings. We can make a move and vote out Brock. But i have a f3 with Qaz and Billy. So its hard it really doesnt make a ton of sense to flip but i dont want to get down to 6 and get backstabbed cause they kept Ben. Its a hard decesion
2660 days 12 hours ago
Qaz W. (Qazwdxedc) [Tribal Council #7]

The vote went as planned, Zach is gone, see ya later I guess? I didn't trust him too much so going into the merge we can't have a guy like him in the merge where the game is opened up.

Merge time! I got my alliance of 5, plus Ben, which makes sense to me, but these inactive peasants need to just listen to me, do as I ask and we will be golden! So I tried to fill them in on how Ben would be coming over to our side, but I rarely get responses as they're so inactive. I have to win a season like this, I'm one of the few who's actually trying it's literally ridiculous.

The immunity challenge was a longer version of a coin toss,  it sucked to lose to Erik as I was so close to pulling out the immunity. But hey, if i get past this vote I'm less of a threat than Erik as i don't have an immunity on my name while he does.

So I made an alliance with Billy and bob as I need to solidify some things if Billy is really making all these deals, i need him close as fuck to me as he may be a guy i have to blindside at some point. He's just gotta stay calm and listen to me.

Erik stirred this shit up about Brock being gaiaphage and shit according to LeQuisha which I really find weird, why would he be Gaiaphage? I know he's not, i am 99% sure he isn't, Erik is just throwing shit out there to flip one of us.

Brock and I may start a final 3 deal with Ben so I can be covered in many facets of the game.

I'll do a quick cast assessment.

LeQuisha is super loyal to me, and I'm super loyal to her. I see her as a potential threat although she doesn't show up to too many immunities so I could possibly go to the end with her if she has a bit of an inactive perception.

Brock is another guy I'm loyal too and I 100% want to take to the end. He's been pretty inactive, and I know he trusts me all the way, so I want to make it as far as possible with him.

Bob is also really loyal to me, and inactive, so there's another guy I can bring all the way to the end with me. I just need to keep all these guys on the same page.

Billy is also SOMEWHAT inactive as he's not on all the time but I believe he reaches out to people. I certainly don't trust him as much from what I've heard, but I do believe he considers me a close ally so I can keep him around.

Ben is the guy I'm trying to flip. Ben is someone who yes could beat me, but he's one of my best friends on the site and I'd hate to vote him out. I doubt he'd do that to me but we will have to see how the rest of the game unfolds before I make any decisions.

Brady is someone who I'm close with as well. He seems more focused on cmacks, but if I could find a way in this game to make it far with him I'd really like to as I feel we have trust going both ways and he could help me blindside a Billy if I had to.

Will was someone I was hoping would work with me, but he ignored my mail so I have those doubts now, and there is a chance I will vote him as I feel I'm manipulating Jorge to feel close to me.

Jorge is kind of an oddball, and he doesn't make sense to me, but he's easy to manipulate and that's what I'm doing to him right now. I want Jorge to feel close to me, so I basically said I'm sorry and I grew up and I shouldn't have done what I did and I felt like he ate that up and would work with me again.

Erik is arch enemy #1 right now, as I said earlier, it's my people vs his to get the majority, and I want my kingdom to do it. Erik would vote me out in a heartbeat and I really want to do it to him.

I feel like I'm at the top of the social class. I'm the king, my 4 other Sutai members are my troops, Ben is my information guide, Brady is my safety option, Jorge is my sacrifice if I can pull him in, will has been put into danger zone, and all bullets will fire at Erik when he's not immune. There is my take on it.
2660 days 12 hours ago
Qaz W. (Qazwdxedc) [Tribal Council #7]

I had campaigned for Jorge to go but now I feel like will going might be a better idea. Most people seem to have gone to bed so I will have to talk to these guys in the morning and get them on my side. The only hard thing about this is the activity factor, they have to at least log on to the site so they can do what I say.
2660 days 12 hours ago
Benjamin X. (BENLINUS) [Tribal Council #7]

So thankful to have made it to the merge after my gross inactive tribe nearly saw my game end early ...

However, I don't feel any more secure now that we have merged into one group. On one hand we've got the obviousness of me flipping, because sticking with Erik and co would just be suicide at this point. I've spoken with LeQuisha, Brock and Qaz and feel better about going with them further down the line. What worries me is that these people are all so unsocial ... So I can't tell if they're not talking because of apathy, or if they're not talking because they're voting me out tonight.

I'll likely be voting for Will if I don't hear anything back soon... and it may be a vote just to test my loyalty and Jorge/Brady go home. It's really out of my hands right now and ive got to just roll with whatever comes my way ... and hopefully it's not something that sees me cut first :/
2660 days 12 hours ago
LeQuisha Q. (LusciousLips5) [Tribal Council #7]

So right now there are two king pins in this game running things, Erik on their side and qaz on our side now you would think I would stick with my original tribe but I don't want a pagonging I want a mixed alliance to get the best of both worlds! For me I think that's better for my social game!

There is one too many people trying to play the middle ground and that's dangerous for my game as I'm already occupying that postition! Ben for me is a huge threat and is already playing the middle very well, he has qaz in his back pocket and he is telling both sides information! I want him gone so I get Brady and bob on my side, me and bob have been put IN The middle together as we are both liked by either side, anyway I get those two and Brady gets Erik and Jorge! I'm hoping this works and Ben is the casualty

Also Brady has the idol which I know and I want it used tonight so I'm telling him to use it on Jorge which was the original plan for my alliance however I know the vote has changed to will but do they need to know that I don't know???
2660 days 12 hours ago
Bob P. (islandsurvivor) [Tribal Council #7]

Ok so alot has happened. So 5 sq + Ben were orignally going for Brady or Jorge. But then Qaz said there was some idol talk or whatever and he wanted to switch it to Will. I dont want that to happen cause im friends with Will (he actually won my first group game) so i could work with him. Qaz also seems to think that he is the leader of this alliance which i dont like. Laquisha has the same thoughts as me. So we decided to flip over to other side. We have formed the hated 4 (or TH4) which is me Laquisha Erik and Brady. We are all voting Ben which is the vote i want. Cause first Ben is on the original other tribe so keep our numbers up. Plus it takes out one of Qaz closest allies meaning that he needs me more ;). The rest of 5 sq is gonna be pissed and this vote is gonna shake a whole ton of shit up. I still have my F3 with Qaz and Billy and my F2 with Qaz. I have so many alliances idk who to stay loyal to. But tonight i want to make a big move that furthers my game. It will piss people off but im doing it anyway. Its way more fun being villainous.
2660 days 12 hours ago
----------WILL GETS 10TH-----------
2660 days 10 hours ago
LeQuisha Q. (LusciousLips5) [After Tribal Council #7]

I am so annoyed at you two why cast a bunch of fucking dimwits who are inactive and don't show up!!! I'm actually so annoyed I just ocherstrated a great fucking blindside and now it's what... oh I'll tell you thrown down the fucking drain because we have another led evac??? Why is the vote not going ahead I demand this happens like are ya'll for real!!! This is actually a joke you two are giving me an under the radar edit and I hate it
2660 days 10 hours ago
LeQuisha Q. (LusciousLips5) [Tribal Council #8]

My day can't get any worse!!! Firstly ben sticks around because of an inactive then Billy pisses me off and wins immunity and people think I have flipped hahaha well duh of course I have I'm pretty much running th4 and shock we are voting qaz which they won't see coming!! Hopefully

I have had to do so much damage control with my original tribe to come across like it's still tribe v tribe but it ain't it's LeQuisha knocks off her targets one by one! And right now I'm sitting pretty but not comfortable I know o have a target on my back but I'm ready to bring some killer moves to this dull season let's get the blindside train moving and guess what I'm the conductor
2660 days 10 hours ago
Bob P. (islandsurvivor) [Tribal Council #8]


Ok now let me spill this shit and how im gonna twist this game the fuck around. A way to become a returnee is to do big moves and be remembered if this doesnt get me remembered nothing will. Ok so we have 5 Sq (me Qaz Billy Brock and LQ) and Ben. We are supposidly spliting the votes between Erik and Jorge in case of an idol. Now there is TH4 (me LQ Erik and Brady) and Jorge. They are voting Qaz. So with that if i went with TH4 it would go 5 Qaz 2 Jorge and 2 Erik. I was totally fine with going with TH4 when Ben was the target cause idk Ben. But now Qaz is a whole different thing. I trust Qaz. I dont want him gone. Now i could go to 5 sq and me Qaz Billy Brock and Ben can vote together make 5 and take someone out. But im not sure if i want to do that. Really right now i am the swing vote. I want to keep Qaz but i also like TH4 alliance. This is hard
2660 days 10 hours ago
Jorge H. (Sunfire) [Tribal Council #8]

I'm about to update you guys because I haven't sent one of these in forever. I'm gonna go back in time a little though.

I think I've been getting a lot of votes at all these tribals because people probably see me as Erik's pet. It didn't help that in the last tribal immunity Erik was giving me all this unnecessary advice. He kept bossing me around in public and in private messages. He had good intentions, but now I look like a sheep.
I think the other side is arrogant and thinks they have the numbers, but they don't. Billy rubbed LQ the wrong way, and pushed her further from their side.
I got put into another alliance. This time it's with LQ, Erik, Brady, and Bob. It's all good for now, but at some point I'm going to vote out Erik. I have to!
The alliance added me a bit late. They thought I was in the middle. That's funny. I'll probably play the middle at final 7, but this is not a good time to be in the middle. The person in the middle is about to get shot down at this tribal council.
I think Qaz wants me to flip just to guarantee that his side has the numbers, but it's not going to happen. I didn't reply to him until earlier today about votes, but he's asking me again. I'm going to try to make it seem like I want to flip. My answers at tribal hopefully make it seem like I'm considering flipping.
I'll send another confessional once I start getting more info.
2660 days 10 hours ago
Qaz W. (Qazwdxedc) [Tribal Council #8]

I spent hours of my day campaigning for will to go and what happened? He went but I could've said nothing and he would've went. Another guy got infected by that disease? That's life threatning, but I honestly feel I'm the only reason the season has active players since I mail people all the time so they kinda have to reply or they go home.

Immunity was interesting, Billy proved he could be a goat I can bring to the end, so I liked what happened but I didn't like that it's going to take even more work to get these people to stick together cause now LQ and Billy have beef so I mean they're going to drain me eventually.

My plan for the vote is simple, the vote continues to be trying to get rid of Erik. He may have an idol, but as long as I can get everyone on board to split the votes between him and Jorge, I'll make it out alive and well. I know I got Billy and bob on board, I got Ben on board and I will have Brock on board, LQ seems fine with the plan but after that blowup at immunity you always gotta be careful about plans flipping. Idk if I will be able to flip brady even though I want to keep him around but as long as I get by and Erik/Jorge/idol is gone.

Everyone wants to be some villain of the season but I feel I'm truly the only one who knows what one is. I play villainous through strategy and talk shit in confessionals, but I don't want to get involved in fights like those to hit my social reputation. I need people to like me at the end of the day, and if people don't like Billy that's one less person I have to worry about in the finals.

I apologized to Jorge so easily that I think it will help me not get votes. I think Erik and his alliance will vote me, but improving my relationship with Jorge could help me prevent that target off my back.

This Gaia=Brock thing is ridiculous, I really don't think it's true, if it was gaiaphage he would be way more active and i know how gaiaphage talks since I'm tight friends with him, it's definitely not Brock.

Since this one is a little short, I'll put my alliance situation in.

Billy: final 2
Bob: final 2
LQ: final 2
Ben: final 2
Brock: final 2
Brady: final 2
Jorge: on talking terms, could lead to an alliance
Erik: I actually respect him but hell to the no
Bob, Billy: final 3
Bob, LQ: final 3
Brock, Ben: final 3
Billy, Bob, Brock, LQ: final 5
Ben, Billy, Bob, Brock, LQ: final 6.

The only way I go home is getting idoled out or due to self votes or a vote fuck up. That's why it's vital Erik goes, once he goes I'm not a target anymore, Jorge may still go after me, but come on, who cares about him?
2660 days 10 hours ago
Bob P. (islandsurvivor) [Tribal Council #8]

This is so hard. I am the swing. Ive spent awhile deciding what to do. Get Qaz out or save him. Why cant the vote just be Ben like it was supposed to be? Ivw thought of the pros and cons and it pretty much comes down to what is more worth it to me. Keeping Qaz and Billy or eliminating Ben and Brock. I just dont know
2660 days 10 hours ago
Bob P. (islandsurvivor) [Tribal Council #8]

Since i dont want Qaz to go and i want to play both sides as much as i can. I told TH4 that Qaz told me hes thinking of playing an idol at tribal. Thats complete bullshit he doesnt have an idol as far as i know. But what i hope it does is it scares them into thinking Qaz will play an idol. They then change the vote to Brock or Ben. Who are the 2 people i want out of this game. It keeps Qaz in and i get my target out :)
2660 days 10 hours ago
Brock S.(Sanebrock) [Tribal Council #8]

Eric is getting bold. Last round he spread rumors about me behind the scenes but now he's going balls to the wall. His answer at tribal straight up called me out.

I asked him why he thinks I'm gaiaphage. He just says "it makes sense" but fails to explain why

Seems like he's grabbing things out of thin air so props to him. I just think it'll backfire

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