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Final Tribal Council [Mongolia]

Topic » Final Tribal Council..

2647 days 12 hours ago
Hello Finalists. You 3 made it here and did what the rest of could not. Now the power turns over to us as the Jury to crown one of your three Finalists as the Sole Survivor.

I'll begin with an OPEN QUESTION for all 3 of you.

During the Will vote; who; to your knowledge; was saved by the med-evac of Will? Go into detail of your plans for this Tribal and what you knew was going on during this vote?  (This question will show how much control you had over this game I feel because someone was indeed saved during this vote and someone caught a HUGE break)

And to my personal questions to each of you. I'll begin with Ben and LQ since it is the same  question.

BEN and LQ - The night I was voted out. I literally fell asleep taking an afternoon nap. So one of you two was once again spared. This time it wasn't due to inactivity; but, a mistake on my part. So, for my question. Had I played my Idol; it would have went to a TIE between you two. Explain to me and he Jury why you feel you would be the castaway remaining in the game after the re-vote that would have happened?

Bob - My Question to you. Who do you vote out during the re-vote had I played my Idol correctly?

I may have another question or two. I just feel these particular two Tribal Councils can potentially influence how I as a Juror will cast my vote for a winner. Good luck Finalist.
2647 days 12 hours ago

Thank you for the kind words and respect for the game I played. In terms of your question I think the nation will be pleased with how I offered genuine connections to people in place of false promises and deals, and got to the end playing a game cleaner than Id normally play. I don't think it's possible to get to the end without blood on your hands and saying a few lies, but I also don't think its a necessity to burn as many bridges and break as many deals as my co-finalists did... I mean if they're saying I didn't get my hands dirty enough then how did my game take me to the exact same spot they did, but I managed to do it without pissing as many people off. Yes there's elements of luck to all of us being here but if you take that out of it we all got to the same spot, my means just hurt less feelings unnecessarily.

The nation will also be pleased to see that I managed to make friends with two people who I otherwise didn't have connections with prior to the game in Brock and Jorge. Although Brock and I were familiar it's nice that he and I managed to become close allies after you got taken out. Finally, as you know the nation preaches forgiveness and I feel (hope) that Erik and I squashed whatever awkwardness there was between him, and he ended up being my main social connection pre-merge ... Half the time I think we talked about non-game related stuff too so it was nice to have that normality with someone who Id otherwise worried would be hating me for past actions.
2647 days 12 hours ago
16th: Alvin - You didn't really speak to me other than during the challenge, and didn't make a case to save yourself.

15th: Bigg B. - Your name intrigued me but you will forever remain a enigma

14th: Isaa - You came online and I tried talking game with you but you still didn't vote and disappeared again :/

13th: Luis - Someone I wanted to work with, and although I had hoped you'd go further in the game you didn't help your case by being indecisive with your language to myself and Erik

12th: Nolan - ... Inactive I guess

11th: Zach - All I know is that I was speaking to the Qaz and he told me you were going to be voted out unanimously ... that's about it
2647 days 12 hours ago
10th: Will - Voted you the tribal you left, you didn't seem to care about the game and thankfully your inactiveness worked to my advantage

9th: Qaz - I have no idea what kind of game you were playing, but it must've been strong considering people felt the need to flip on you so early despite it being what placed them in unstable positions throughout the entire merge

8th: Erik - Regarded as the leader on your side of the vote. Was shocked that people so willingly turned on you considering you had only just gained a majority ... but I suppose they were threatened by how you were playing

7th: Brady - After the Erik vote you were picked out as the target due to being the most social of your side, and although it was pretty shitty of us to turn on you immediately after you flipped it needed to be done to remove who we regarded as the strongest person in your group in terms of their connection to both sides

6th: Brock - My partner for most of the game. I was so grateful to have you on side as I felt you were someone who I could relay ideas to whilst you worked your own ass off to find out where things were going. I picked you out as the winner had you got to the end, and it sucks that you were flipped on right after we got our power. Just glad I had immunity that night or it would probably have turned sour for our entire group :(

5th: Jorge - I feel ive said a lot of how I feel about our bond in the game, but I just find it amazing how it was something that felt low key for most of the merge, but in the end probably turned out to be the most important friendship I made. You're one of the few people who had a good sense of humour and didn't need to crumble or switch loyalties due to paranoia, and that's something that probably gets overlooked despite how difficult it truly is.

4th: Billy - super nice guy, really quiet at times but someone I felt I could be honest with and just discuss where our loyalties would be. Shame you fell at the last hurdle due to not turning up, but wish you the best for the future bud :(
2647 days 11 hours ago

The final ten I began speaking to both Qaz and Brock about a potential vote, with LeQuisha approaching me to tell me she didn't trust Qaz and then offered me a deal (not sure why if she planned to break it immediatly ... but just giving all the details :/). I told Qaz that I felt LeQuisha wasn't 100% genuine with her loyalty to his group but he assured me otherwise. As none of the Turgen side approached me I figured there was probably a rat within Qaz's alliance, hence my suspicion of certain members. The plan as far as I remember was to vote Will in order to utilise what we assumed would be him self voting, making it a majority to send him home. However, medevac occured we were left without knowledge of where the vote was going to go... and based off the following tribal it would've been myself, Qaz, Brock or Billy leaving had LQ/Bob been persuaded to flip at the final 10 (heard conflicting stories on whether they would or wouldn't have). At the final 7 Brady told me that it was me going at the final 10 (if the other 2 had flipped), so if I'm to take Brady's word as being the truth there then I was the individual spared at the final 10 had Will not been evacuated. I said pre-merge in a confessional that Will's inactivity would either help or hinder my game ... and it depended on whether or not he was on my side at the merge. Clearly it helped my game for one single vote, but didn't effect it much beyond that considering Qaz left the following tribal council and I was put into the Minority.

Had you used your idol and locked myself and LeQuisha in a tie, LeQuisha would be the individual out the game that evening. That night I had Billy, Brock and the Black Vote on my side. Earlier in the vote Bob had approached me asking who to vote and I told him to vote LeQuisha, because we didn't trust him to not leak that you were our target and because I wanted to spread votes in the case of an idol. Rather than to assume Jorge/Bob would be persuaded to swap their votes it would go. 

LeQuisha - BV, Bob, Brock, Billy
Ben - Erik, Jorge, Brady

After this I think Bob is still in a position where he feels your side is targetting him, and Brady most likely continues with his goal to get you out of the game, meaning if you were idoless you'd have left the next tribal. If not I think myself/Brock/Billy would have aimed to spread votes on Bob in the case of an idol play. I think from there the game most likely turns out similar, with some combination of myself/Jorge/Billy/Brock at the final 3. Again it's a hard one as I can't assume those on the jury's future intentions, but this is what Id predict would most likely go down had you played your idol and LeQuisha left in the re-vote
2647 days 10 hours ago
Congratulations to all 3 of you! This is a great final 3 and you're all deserving. That's not cliche, I really think you all played great games.

I'll have questions tomorrow!
2647 days 9 hours ago
Okay I'll answer my questions soon! Just going to go through them all :)
2647 days 9 hours ago

Why did you vote me so early?
Plain and simple and honest! You had Billy, brock and ben in your back pocket! Where Erik only had Jorge and Brady! And to me at the time qaz you were the strongest player And I believed the biggest leader! Erik was also a leader but I felt you were the bigger one with more ties! Maybe looking back it was silly to just Abandon the trust I had with you! But for my game I couldn't keep you around long at all because I knew you were a player who came to win
2647 days 8 hours ago

The will vote I know Ben would of 100% been out of here! He was the individual who lucked out on that part! My plans for this tribal were simple it was the first merge vote and I already knew I was going to flip later in the game I knew I needed to! And at the time I thought ben was playing the middle like myself, and I didn't want him to be around! TBH I thought it would be an easier vote to keep both sides that I was still working with safe while Ben who I felt at the time was doing the same could be voted off! And I know the other side were voting Will because your side Erik found out what the vote was, due to me, and they changed it to will

Had you used your idol and I still self voted! First of all of you still had your idol I wouldn't be stupid enough to put all the votes on you so I feel like I would of changed it? However, if it's just you used your idol then I do believe the odds would of been stacked against me! On palate yes I probably would have went home but I think ben is underestimating my persuasion I feel like I could of got bob and Brady to flip back if I was in that situation. But I must be honest on paper it wouldn't of looked good for me
2647 days 8 hours ago
So I just wrote out a full write of passage which took me like an hour to write and dodder post so I'll do one later :( so annoyed
2647 days 8 hours ago
2647 days 6 hours ago
16, Alvin - i never got to know you unfortunately. i'm sure your a really lovely and maybe if you got past the first vote we could of worked together but, we'll never know

15, Isaa - funnily enough i really wanted you on my tribe! Like Ben you really intrigued me and i thought we really could of worked together. However, you went inactive which is a shame

14, Bernie - This specifically to keep the tribe strong and at the time i felt and others thought you were the most inactive and the easiest target, sorry you didn't get to play the game fully.

13, Luis - Now i was quite surprised you went as i thought you could of been a leader of your tribe. i knew you were getting votes due to the open comments at your tribe's tribal but i didn't think you'd actually go. but im sure you could of gone to do big things in this game

12, Nolan - Nolan i really wanted to work with you, i knew you from a different game and you were one of the first i mailed. But the response i got wasnt exactly what i was hoping for. For someone as social as me and who loves talk, giving one word answers kinda kills the vibe for me so i had to abandon these tactics and move on... plus you went inactive.

11, Zach - i still feel really bad i lied to you zach but honestly, you were not my first choice to vote out at all! but i was up against a majority and i didn't want to make a wave to early, but i do think your vote showed me who was running the tribe which later impacted moves that i would make later on

10, Will - Will i honestly feel we could of worked together had you voted this tribal i know for sure Ben would of been eliminated so he should thank you!! but i think we could of made a great team but it wasnt meant to be

9, Qaz - I know i burnt trust with you Qaz but i want you and everyone who i targeted to take it as a complement. In my eyes you were seen as the biggest power player and maybe thats because i spends lot of time with you and seen what you can do, but you most definitely would of been a power player in this game and i had to get rid of you when i could! im sorry for throwing away our relationship but please take it as a complement

8, Erik - now if i got Qaz out for being a power player then you had to go next. I also think you could taken a lot of immunities if you stayed and you had used up your idol. so there was a clear shot at you. Along with Qaz i could of seeing you go all the way and i am sorry on turning on you as you were always lovely to me and made me feel extremely comfortable. However, i had to put my game first.

7, Brady - From the beginning me and you hit it off and we vouched to go to the end with each other. And i was fully intending to do that. When everyone left you and gave up on you i was the one who still fought your corner i wasnt willing to give up on me friend. And people can vouch for this i fought hard to keep you around and even when i told you it wasnt working i still spared you a vote as i couldn't bare writing your name down you were my number . I honestly wish you were here with me Brady

6, Brock - Even though we spoke a fair bit in this game i kinda think we were both fake to each other. however, i still find you really likeable and i like you as a person! if your plan had worked i probably would of still liked you, and we all know i can go crazy, but i find you so genuine and warm and i would love to play with you again. Plus you were becoming a challenge threat brock and something had to be done about that

5, Jorge - your vote hurt me the most i cant lie! more so because i really thought we were friends and it hurt to think that our whole relationship was fake to you when it wasnt to me at all! I underestimated you Jorge and im sorry for that because the end of the game you came to play but, i would like to speak to try and discuss in detail if our relationship was just for the game or genuine. And i know you don't think this but i do think you deserved to be here, and i wa
2647 days 6 hours ago
5, Jorge - your vote hurt me the most i cant lie! more so because i really thought we were friends and it hurt to think that our whole relationship was fake to you when it wasnt to me at all! I underestimated you Jorge and im sorry for that because the end of the game you came to play but, i would like to speak to try and discuss in detail if our relationship was just for the game or genuine. And i know you don't think this but i do think you deserved to be here, and i wanted you here. its sad you went to purple rock but drop me pm to talk because i just want to get your thought process of that vote

4, Billy - i believe you were guaranteed to get to the end. As far as i know everyone wanted you there and i certainly did. And if you got here i do think you could of made a compelling story about how you were a returning player, stayed out of trouble and still got here! However, you went inactive a crucial part of this game Billy and thats a shame

to my fellow finalist you all day great things to get here and well done! may the best man or WOMAN, since this is such a man fest, win hahaha! At the end of day many shots were fired at me throughout this game and none landed! im still stood here and persevered and made it all the way to the end!!!
2647 days 4 hours ago
Hey bitches I'm going to keep it real I'm not bitter towards 2 of you however I'm bitter towards one person

Ben- I hate hate hate the way you played this season and am disgusted by the fact that people might actually vote you to win because their bitter. You were spared twice in this game. You were spared at the f5 by the loyalty of Jorge and spared at the f10 from the Will evacuation  so when people are saying you had social game you didn't because you shouldn't even be here tbh. And let me say this time after time you were in the minority for the votes. I mean the Qaz vote The Brock vote The Jorge vote didn't go your way. Also the Luis vote didn't go your way that is not a winner in my opinion. You also were the biggest pussy ever in this game I gave you every opportunity to turn against your fucking alliance and you fucking gave everyone hope that you would and you never did which really pissed me off. You got to the f3 because of loyalty to others. You didn't do anything to put yourself in this situation so I hope you're the goat and do get 3rd because you deserve it and even if you get 1 vote I'll be pissed since you were the biggest bitch in this game.

Lq- Lq we were very good allies throughout the game and I appreciate you fighting for me when I got voted off but that doesn't mean you are getting my vote. Lq as much as I believe you would of voted Erik I just really can't tbh because you self voted so saying that the Erik vote worked your way well you self voted so how do we know? I think you played a good game though because you were a fighter you turned against qaz which was a big move and you made a big move getting Brock out. But at f5 I'm pretty sure you also got spared because I do not believe if Billy had been online that you would've made it here

So my questions for you are
1) At f5 do you think if Billy was online you'd be out right now
2)  What was you're toughest decision in this game you had to make.
3) How was your strategy throughout the game a key factor to getting you here

Bob- As much as these jurors can say they all hate your game play I personally love it you had guts this season and the way you were able to betray everyone in this game and flip back to them at a certain point is awesome because that's not easy and people saying you didn't have social relationships well you did in the game because you were aligned with everybody at one point or another so you did and that really impressed me because you did change the game with you're game play and I love that so I'm not bitter at all towards you for that I think that's awesome and you won the last 2 immunity challenges to for sure get you here.

1) Who do you regret flipping on the most and why?
2) You were a big threat at the end and made it here so you think you deserve to win tonight for that?
3) you were also never spared elimination so you feel that should win for you tonight?

2647 days 4 hours ago
Why was flip flopping your strategy? Flip flopping didnt start out as my strategy. Going into the merge i fully 100% expected to stay loyal to 5 squared. Then i was approached to flip to Eriks side. Eventually i decided to do that. Once i had already started i knew that i had to take out big threats. Most of my flipping was to do that. If i hadnt flipped to take out Brock he coulda swept final immunity challenges fucking me over.

Why did you lie to me when I knew you were lying and I'm on the jury? Like I said, if i was still in the game i would've been fine with you lying, but I was out. I started lying to once you were eliminated cause at that point i wanted to go back to Brock Ben and Billy. If i told you i voted you out then you wouldve told Brock Ben and Billy who then would have been pissed at me. So i was trying to frame it on Billy till i think Brady screenshoted you the convo so then i just gave up but it worked anyway

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M&N's Survivor (2016-2020)

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