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Final Tribal Council [Mongolia]

Topic » Final Tribal Council..

2646 days 8 hours ago

We had conversations outside the one you were in because we were working on a backup plan :/ Brock and I were saying we needed to change the vote, which Billy I think was agreeing to. Then you brought it up within the other mail and it prevented any of us needing to plead the case to flip.
2646 days 8 hours ago
Against these two Bob flipped too much and burnt too many bridges, Ben I believe didn't do enough to justify the win! I believe I was a healthy medium I made bold, big moves resulting in blindsides and I was able to vote them off and still have them say to me I respect your game you deffo could have my vote! That to me is a true survivor winner!
2646 days 8 hours ago
LQ i may have flipped too much but it worked. I was the swing almost every vote. I was able to control the game. For Brock's vote off and Jorge's vote off you were at the mercy of me. You wouldnt be anywhere near the finals if it wasnt for me. I was able to take myself to the end. I didnt need people to take me.
2646 days 8 hours ago

I think you're making the misjudgment between not doing enough and doing far too much. For example, Brady asked me the night he left why I wasnt voting him out... and why I wouldn't just turn on Brock and Billy.

The move was carefully timed, and I'd created a bond with two people that I wanted to utilize both for the game AND for the fact that I got on with them. If I was to flip and say "look at me I made a huge move" I ran the risk of placing myself in a horrible position... like what happened to many of you guys after you flipped on Qaz/Erik ... whilst unnecessarily burning the bridges with two people for the sake of a "big move".

Undoubtedly you both played flashy games in that you switched allegiances every second day... but was that all necessary? No. Because you could've sat in an alliance post-some of those flips and kept yourselves safe with a reliable group, but instead you alienated people and it looked less strategic and more ... fickle
2646 days 8 hours ago
Was it necessary? No
Was it a ton of fun? FUCK YES

2646 days 8 hours ago

But I was willing to sit with my alliance! I would of happily gone to the end with Brady and Jorge but as you know that didn't work out so from then I was kinda a lone wolf so I had to do what had to do to ge me to my place here today
2646 days 8 hours ago
It didnt work out cause of me.
I like how the 3 of us are just fighting and one jury member has spoken
2646 days 8 hours ago

Okay I admit you could of easily voted me off but why didn't you because I feel like I portrayed how much both of us were hated after our first flip I was saying we have to take each other to FTC because at least we are both hated o do think that stuck with you and you thought I need her here because we played similar games!

You really should of voted me out bob I think that was a silly mistake on your oartn
2646 days 8 hours ago
Lq the reason i didnt take you out was.

I was scared of an idol and i didnt want to fuck myself so i went with who no one expected Brady. If there was no idol threat i would have easily taken you out there.

For the Jorge vote i felt like if i went i would have been in a 3-1 situation needing to win 1 or 2 immuniyes cause i thought it was F2. I was actually planninf on takinf u out @ 4 if Billy was on it wouldve easily worked but ofc it didnt
2646 days 8 hours ago
Now im going to sleep
2646 days 8 hours ago
Lq i would say my game was similar to Tony's while yours was similar to Kass im not exactly sure but id say Bens was kinda like LJ if he made it alot farther lol
2646 days 8 hours ago
2646 days 8 hours ago
2646 days 7 hours ago
Bob your autism is worse than more cases. I came in here ready to give you a chance to plead your case but first off, you lied to me about voting you, that would be fine if I was still in the game, but when I'm out i expect honesty. Secondly, saying you're like Tony Vlachos and that you're a hardcore villain and strategist is delusional since you played this game like it was a fasting with a bunch of white levels. You flip flopped your way here and the only reason I believe you're here is because if the jury is like most, they won't respect players like you. But main reason is is that I expect honesty when I'm out and you didn't do that so ya. If you answer my questions without delusion and bitterness, and with full honesty, ill consider voting you.

Lequisha, I don't know what to think of your game. On one side, I respect it. On the other side, I don't know why you made certain moves, like voting me out BEFORE erik. Erik is also a really good player and he didn't trust you, while I was good, I did have some trust in you. I don't have everything in front of me but I believe you self voted and your thoughts were all over the place. You did do a great job at convincing me I was safe, so props to ya.

Ben, you know you're like my best friend on this site, and I would be pissed if you weren't in the finals. I think you played the smartest game out of the three, and I don't know why people like Bob consider you like kass when they flip flopped and you played a loyal safe game. You also are the only one giving full honest answers so the jury needs to know that.

Questions for all of you.
Do a rites of passage.

Why was flip flopping your strategy?
Why did you lie to me when I knew you were lying and I'm on the jury? Like I said, if i was still in the game i would've been fine with you lying, but I was out.

Why did you vote me so early?

What will the nation of Bislam think of your game when this is televised?
2646 days 7 hours ago
Also want to say some stuff to jurors...
Brock I think you played great once I left so im proud of ya bud
Erik i know we may never be friends again, but know im not bitter and i respect you more than almost everyone here

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