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Final Tribal Council (Survivor Blood vs Water)

Topic » Final Tribal Council (Survivor..

2188 days 9 hours ago
which question?
2188 days 9 hours ago
To the finalists: my last question:

Tell me why each finalist (including yourself) does not deserve to win. Please be honest and fair in your judgement

It can wait till tomorrow get some sleep
2188 days 9 hours ago
I should not win because I made some slips in the game as vote Chance out thinking that he would flip but he was loyal and i failed on reading the game.

Taylor should not win because she was rude to everyone in the game forgetting that Survivor is also a social game and that even if you cant stand someone you cant get out offending everyone cause this will not make you win

Kyle should not win because he also forgot that Survivor is a social game. You cant make flip flops in every holy tribal council thinking that no one will be upset.
2188 days 9 hours ago
well, I'll sleep.
Please, think of what I said.
I was to the person who started blinds. I was the necessary vote to make them begin to happen.
The blindside of Jae and Birks were totally mine.
I had several advantages and basically dont needed them for having received just 1 vote during the game.
I think that my game was a good mix of social and strategic, and I belive that I played like Kelley WentWorth in Second Chances, where she found 2 idols and also as Sarah Lacina in Game Changers, who had a super aggressive game that nobody saw because of your great social game and she also had a legacy advance.
2188 days 9 hours ago
I think it's time to finally change.What do you think is the change I am speaking of?
2188 days 9 hours ago
@Birks no offense, but did you really call yourself a badass player?
2188 days 9 hours ago
Oof. Hey Jae. Do you have a question for me
2188 days 8 hours ago
I've been gone for a little bit, so I haven't been kept super up to date with what's been happening since Chancellor's elimination. Flipping through these pages has been helpful, but my vote is still up in the air.

Taylor-- I think it's super clear that you were in an underdog position throughout the game, but some people here might see the moves that you made as coming out of a place of desperation. When you called people out in the tribal council forums, lots of the times, it appeared to me that you were not completely correct in your assumptions or what you thought was going on in the game. Can you tell me the points in this game where YOU were the one in control and calling the shots, and when you WEREN'T in an underdog position? How woke were you in this game? Because I'm really not sure.

Chandler-- You played a very similar game to what I wanted to play, but you clearly outplayed me because you got to the end... well done :) My question for you is-- what makes your game different from Kyle's, who also flipped between alliances? Was it your plan all along to flip your way through the game, and if so, what prompted you to do so?

Kyle-- You made lots of people angry this game. I think that some of this might have to do with the fact that you flipped on people so much, but you still pulled a "poor me" card instead of OWNING your game! Right now, I want to see you own your game, list off who you did dirty, and explain to us why you had to do what you did.

Congrats you three! I literally have no bad blood with any of you, and I'm not voting emotionally-- my vote is going to who I think played the best strategic game.
2188 days 8 hours ago
My Argument

Overall, I am known as the flip flopper or the idiot of the game, and some say I cannot win. However, I don鈥檛 believe I am down and out just yet. Yes, I have betrayed many people, and yes, I have made some dumb moves, but with everything that I did, I was able to bounce back and survive. I am the last newcomer in the game, and I have been to every single tribal except one. Yes Chandler and Taylor have played good games, but they never took the rough and bumpy road to the FTC. I had the most tough decisions to make, and unfortunately, friendships were tarnished due to it. However, with all the negative aspects of my game, I have had bright sides too.

I was the riskiest player in the game. Almost everything I did could have led to my downfall in merge, but I managed to persevere.

While this topic is debatable, I have played a strong social game in certain ways. For example, I could鈥檝e been the next one to leave at any time. But through the use of strong alliances, I managed to survive by the skin of my teeth in some tribals.

I have proven myself to have a physical game to by winning immunity once.

This is what my game is all about. I have made moves such as getting Brian X and Birks out. Yes I saved x the first time, but that lit a fire under my ass, and I played a near flawless strategic game that helped me get to final 3. The Hoop vote was to ensure I had a safer path to the final 3.

It did not seem like I had loyalties to people, but I did. I was loyal to Jae throughout the beginning of merge, and even after my X saveing vote, I returned to Jae and we stayed loyal to each other. Chancellor was another person I remained loyal to. Throughout the Steamroller alliance, I had conversations with him, and I even warned him I was gonna betray the alliance. But I stayed loyal to him throughout afterwards. Chandler was another person I remained loyal to. The only time I voted against him was when he threatened the collapse of the final 3 alliance between me him and Jae. I was loyal to that final 3 and I attempted to save it when it was in danger.

Throughout the game I have faced more hardships than Taylor and Chansler combined. I used the little allies I had and the little trust people had for me to the fullest, and with every misstep I bounced back.

I worked my ass off to get here, and I hope you, the jury can see what that work has done for me. I am sorry for anyone I betrayed along the way, and I hope you can see my point of view through this argument. Great game everyone!
2188 days 8 hours ago
There are two people that I truly disowned in my game
BRIAN- he invited me to the Steamroller Alliance and put his full trust in me. The reason I betrayed him so much was because before Brady left, I was trying to act as the spy for your side Jae, but after Brady left, I knew my flip flopping was gonna screw me over and I felt that I was their last priority in the alliance, therefore I betrayed the alliance but stuck with Chancellor.

X- I truly do feel bad for fucking over X multiple times. The only reason I got back together with him was because I needed temporary support, and I had voted him out in the final four because I needed to correct a mistake made a long time ago. Also, I felt that Liam Brady Brian and most of the jury would pick him to win, and I felt I had a better chance against anyone else.

I do not regret betraying the Steamroller alliance BTW. It was the main source of my problems
2188 days 7 hours ago
Hey to survivors.

Brady= Jessica from MvGenX
Both Brady and Jessica were playing great games. However the only reason they did not make it far was due to the rock draw

Jae= Savage from Cambodia
An amazing idol play got the best of them

X = Joe from Cambodia
Immunity run! Need I say more?

Birks= Richard Hatch from All Stars
Both were former winners and both were getting cocky and got blindsided

Hoop= Colby Donaldson from HvV
Returned from a previous season, but did absolutely nothing in his new season.

Liam= Abi-Maria from Philippines and Cambodia
Can be toxic, and they make the royal couple of real bitches

Brian= Edgardo from Survivor Fiji
Alex used an idol, and his ally Edgardo was voted out
Similarly, X won immunity, and Brian, his closest ally, was voted out
2188 days 2 hours ago
8 hours 14 min agoBrainJak

Stop yelling at me. You play the victim and said that you cried when you were "backstabbed". The truth that you can't accept is you were one of the biggest bullies here. You've called me an idiot, a bitch, a piece of shit and a dumbass.

And you did say I said his name. At that moment, and you have the screenshot to prove it, Kyle asked you what I said. You said that I aid it was Kyle, so that is a lie unless you don't understand the meaning of the word.
2188 days 1 hour ago
8 hours 14 min agoBrainJak
Birks you act like a big shot because you won a single game. I've won many and I know when I get played and can accept it (albeit after a lot of bitching) you just need to stop trying to be so damn Superior to everyone and accept the fact you got your victory pladen ass handed to you on a silver platter and I warned you it was coming. 馃槀

I haven't once acted like a big shot so you can make stuff up all you want. How am I trying to be superior to everyone? Can you really not read? I've literally said that the F3 all played way better then us. I haven't been acting like a big shot or a superior so you can stop bs-ing now.
2188 days 1 hour ago
7 hours 17 min agoPoohSnap
@Birks no offense, but did you really call yourself a badass player?

Not in that way. I meant people that were threats at the time and were continuously being targeted.
2188 days 1 hour ago
So here I come, it seems that all of this mess started from a certain vote which I still don鈥檛 understand which is my vote. I mean I had nothing against anyone here. But it鈥檚 about you 3.

Socially- Taylor and Chandler were cool, I liked them. But here鈥檚 comes Kyle, my definition of Kyle would an hypocritical narcissistic asshole who just doesn鈥檛 feels sorry for anything. You鈥檙e truly disgusting, and I鈥檓 not here for it. Not ever. It鈥檚 a point I have been proving since a very very very long time, now people see it

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