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#NTM14 - Beach House

Topic » #NTM14 - Beach House

1586 days 11 hours ago
Panel will be on February 19, 7PM EST :)
1586 days 4 hours ago
I'm so sick of Sui! Ughhh
1586 days 3 hours ago
Jhona CF:
1586 days 2 hours ago
Jon: my exact reaction, Jhonna!! Sucks even more for you considering that you need top 3 to stay.

Jon CF: Im ngl n act unfazed... I want a FCO so bad and its so annoying how Sui keeps getting in the way. I think I'm a strong enough model to win even with a judge sabotaging me. We'll just have to see
1585 days 22 hours ago
I'm sad @ how inactive the house is rn. clearly the numbers are dwindling down
1585 days 10 hours ago
Sorry Jon :(
1585 days 7 hours ago
Hello all! It’s your favorite Judge, Lenox, with your second favorite judge, Garrett! We just wanted to talk to you guys about some things that the judges are missing from you all as individuals! Not saying your shots aren’t worthy of the positions you are in right now, because they have all been top notch and are making it very difficult for us as judges! But just to give each of you an edge on your competition!
1585 days 6 hours ago
Okay, so we’re gonna start with Coco! I think what separates you from these other models is that you not only aren’t afraid to take risks, but you take them to levels these other models wouldn’t dream of! (I.e. lighting your hair on fire!) As judges we LOVE seeing shots like that! It pulls us in and makes us want more! We want that passion and drive! We need THAT Coco to come front and center!

Next we have Bella! I think the biggest concern for us as judges is it seems you might not have paved yourself this season and tried “sprinting” to the finish line. Some of us think that you might have gassed out and won’t be able to recover, but if you make it past this week, I want to see Bella from the first few weeks! I want to see the Bella that was ready to MOW DOWN the competition!

Now let’s talk about Jon! As a panel, the majority of us feel as though while nearly every single one of your shots have been great, they lack diversity. If you make it past this this panel, we want to see something that still stays true to Jon, but is something we haven’t seen before!

Jhonattan, some judges 👀 say you don’t push yourself enough. You need to stay true to Jhonattan, but elevate it a bit! If you stay in this competition, we all need to see an elevated Jhonattan!

And last, but not least, Miles! We think your photos are versatile, but sometimes they seem very one note. Please, if you continue, make sure your photos aren’t one note and make them all feel special and unique!

As models, you are all phenomenal and I don’t want you to take these critiques as us seeing you lesser than, but they are here to help guide you to that crown that both Garrett and Myself have won!
1585 days 6 hours ago
Bella: Oh lovely so the judges think I’ve run out of gas and cannot recover. That’s great to hear! You might as well just straight out say I’m not winning lol
1585 days 5 hours ago
Garrett Nods-

I agree, Coco, I feel like, in the beginning, you were doing very well, but it seems like that fuse has started to run out, and the judges would like to see that fire Lenox speaks of re-emerge because I know you have it in you.  Bella, I feel like you are almost like a female version of myself back in Season 12, as I was very much unwavering at the very top for a long time. I hope that you haven't given your everything so early because right now is the time to pick up the pace we're very close to the finale, and that goes for all of you were so close to the end now is not the time to slow down bring your absolute best each week. If this finale is like the other ones, we will be judging your entire portfolio from week one up until the final week ranking you against one another, bring your best as what you have done in the past week will be one of the deciding factors. On to Jon, I agree with Lenox. You have to bring more diversity. If you look at my portfolio, Lenox portfolio, and any other winners portfolio, I promise there will be a diverse collection of photos. Jhonattan, I used my save on you, so I need a spark we've seen that spark when it mattered most bring it back because it matters most now. I said back during the Go-Sees I see myself in a lot of your shots bring your best bring that Jhonatan that I booked in Garrett's Gala because he impressed me a lot that week. And finally Miles I 100% agree with what Lenox said, I would like to see you go beyond what we've seen from you in past weeks one shot is all it takes trust me I know you can do it. It's anyone of you six crown for the taking use these tips and win this entire thing. Best of luck, Models I look forward to seeing your future shots. *Exits*
1585 days 3 hours ago
Thanks Lenox and Garrett! I'll try to switch things up next time if I get a chance.

CF: My panel comments are kinda mixed and I can't afford that since my challenge score is basically 0. For the first time in several panels, I think I could be the one getting the axe.
1585 days 1 hour ago
CF: Fuck Sui! I'm so scared. I hope I don't get sent home, but I probably will.
1585 days ago
Final 4!!

CF: I'm still here! Sui, I know you're big mad! LOL. Honestly, I don't even think I'll read her comments moving forward just to preserve my own outside of competition sanity. I spent hours on my last challenge in an attempt to impress her and she still gave me a 0.8, so I was unhealthily hard on myself about my low scores this week.

Now that I'm here, I will work to switch things up. I will be jumping off cliffs, do pie eating contests, climb on a stripper pole... Give me an assignment and I will show yall how diverse my portfolio can really get!
1585 days ago
CF: Well I’m still here and still going strong baby! I want that title, I need that title and I deserve that title. I’ve shown everything a top model can show so I’m ready to put it on my head already. Throw anything at me, I’m ready to come for blood.
1585 days ago
CF: I’m soo soo happy Jon and Jhona are still both here and that Coco was sent home. This whole competition can still be a sausage fest between us 3, wouldn’t that be fun. I’m super nervous moving forward however as I don’t know if I’ll be able to perform well enough or even find amazing photos to perform well enough but I’m not giving up, I will never give up!

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