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Topic » FINALE

3541 days 13 hours ago
Near the end I had more opportunity to show my ability to win immunites and also had a HII up my sleeve as well. The vote where Max used the idol on me to get Matt out pretty much ensured I was safe for one more week, as I knew I had my own HII to fall back on if I didn’t win. We had the numbers to get Matt out at that stage, but let Max play it anyway just in case.
The end game was really just about trying to win immunity, and I showed that I can hold my own with the best of them, winning two in a row to ensure my safety. The final challenge Allan won, not because we didn’t know the answers, but because he was faster to post them, so in the end he did not dominate us in any way, and to be honest if he didn’t win – Andrea, Eli, and I would be in the F3 right now anyway.
3541 days 13 hours ago
I made a promise to Andrea, and Eli that I would have their backs, and I did just that. I never once voted for them in the entire game, I protected them when I had to (by using the idol on Andrea) and was always in communication before submitting any vote. Even at the final 4 when Andrea was not online, Allen wanted them to vote for me because I was the biggest threat to win. He even told me that he was voting me out because he “could not beat me” in the final. I told Eli I would not vote for him, so it was his decision what he wanted to do. I actually self-voted at the end – causing a tied vote – hence Andrea left when she drew the purple rock. I purposely let them choose the rocks first so that whatever happened they were in control of their own fate. I was willing to let the f3 come down to that as I could not honestly vote either one of them out.  My ideal f3 would have been Andrea, Eli and myself, but 2 out of three isn’t bad considering I had no part in Andrea being eliminated.
I believe I played the best game I could, moving fluidly from one crazy twist to another, keeping my alliance intact right to the end. From start to finish Eli and I were together. Pretty good considering the odds were stacked against me.
3541 days 12 hours ago

Nigel- Congrats on making the finals, But why should i vote for you over Eli and Allan

I think you should vote for whomever you think played the best game. I think I deserve your vote because I had the hardest road to the final, I actively sought opportunities to get myself and my two allies further in this game and had to make moves as the game progressed to make sure I was still here at the end. Not a lot of people approached me to align with them this game so I had to be proactive and make myself seen, I didn’t float along, and I didn’t play under the radar. I put myself out there and was seen to be playing the best game I could under the circumstances.
3541 days 12 hours ago
Nigel- What was one big move that you did on your own?

I went to the other alliance to warn them about the Vote where Sam was evicted, offering them an opportunity to turn this game around. Obviously they did not believe me because he was evicted and Matt stayed. But after that vote they actually trusted me to give them new life in this game, and hence the next tribal Matt was voted out, much to his surprise. If Max had not have taken that vase option in the next challenge I believe that he would still be here now.

Another big move was actually playing for immunity even though I had a HII – I could have sat back and gone – nope I’m safe, but I chose to play and prove my worth in this final. I ended up using my HII to keep you safe in this game for another week.

I also chose to self – vote knowing that Eli and Allan wanted me out, because I did not want to go back on my word to either you or Eli. My self-vote actually caused a tie between us three – the only fair way to determine who went into the finals as I believe we all deserved to be there. If I had of voted with them -  for you, you would have been gone, guaranteeing me a spot at your expense. I chose to let you both choose rocks first, as that also meant that you both were in control of you own destiny. I knew that if I was meant to be in the finals then it would be. Karma – got to love it.
3541 days 12 hours ago

Nigel, Eli, and Allan I have 2 questions that I want each of you to answer. Question #1- How did your games adapt after Bualu and Taro vs Auki went away?

I actually bridged the gap between the divide by offering them an opportunity to flip the game with my vote. Unfortunately they did not believe I was sincere and Sam ended up going home because of their distrust. At the next vote they were ready to trust me and we successfully removed Matt from the game – hence removing the tribal alliances completely. This left original alliances intact, for me that was Eli and Andrea, and Max and Allan – with Brian floating between us. In a numbers game it was very much about who could secure numbers and guarantee no one would flip. That is where Andrea, Eli and I had the advantage; we trusted each other to stick together. At this point it was just a matter of either pulling in Brian or pulling in Max and Allan. It was also dependant on who won individual immunity as well as to who went home. With a solid three – we knew it would be one side or the other.
3541 days 12 hours ago

Nigel - You are a very well liked player. Why should I vote you over some new players who would want a win in his pocket? Also, the only time you talked was when you decided that you wanted Matt out for some reason. What game feelings did you have for me?

To be honest - and no offense, but no one in this game even approached me for any sort of alliance, or even to say hi, so it does go both ways. People always expect that the good players should approach the newer players, but sometimes that is in fact intimidating.

I actually approached your whole alliance with an offer to flip the vote becuase I knew you wer on the block. I wasn't necessarily doing it to get Matt out, but to save you. You all refused to believe my motives were pure and simple and read too much into it. I love getting to know new players, hence why I continue to play group games. Feel free to add me and we can team up some time.

We were never on the same tribe and with three distinct tribes there really was no crossover in this game. Usually with two tribes tere are always cross tribal alliances. It didn't happen in this game unfortunately.
3541 days 11 hours ago
Cole: Welcome to jury. Good luck with your vote.
3541 days 11 hours ago
Now time for my speech
3541 days 10 hours ago
Starting this game there were 2 people I wanted to allign with, and that was dryicebros and me2013, Reason being I knew dryicebros was a trustful person and I wanted to gain me2013 trust back since we weren't good allies in Malaysia, unfortunately Dryicebros was evicted before merge do there was only 1 person that I wanted to remain loyal 2 this entire game and that was Mel, our tribe were doing really bad at competitions and one comp we did I was the only 1 playing, it was 2-0 and three was the point to win and I slowly went from 0-2 to 3-2 winning by 4 seconds (with some help and u know who u are) I won our tribe immunity sending taro to tribal but after the merge we all realized how dangerous auki really was so Bualua and taro teamed up to take out Auki, however when kool kid came back it was a little harder because no one knew which side he really was on, I was a really friendly person only having 1 vote against me in this entire game, comps were optional to me because in my mind I was thinking why do u need to win comps if u already know ur safe. Well hopefully I proved to mel that I am a trustworthy person and good luck Allan and Mel
3541 days 10 hours ago
Eli - We never really talked. Why should I vote for you over people who tried to make an interaction with me? Well wat I learned from survivor and big brother is keep ur friends close and enemies closer and at the moment u were around, u never seemed like my enemy now I'm not saying that Mel is my enemy since we were close in the game im just saying I didn't really need to talk to u because I felt like u wouldn't have voted me out
3541 days 10 hours ago
Well I think the only question I haven't answered yet was yinzer so here it goes
3541 days 10 hours ago

Nigel, Eli, and Allan I have 2 questions that I want each of you to answer. Question #1- How did your games adapt after Bualu and Taro vs Auki went away?

Well It didn't necessarily go until f5 I think because buaulua and taro members were getting voted off cuz someone was being a snake in the group. I think the auki targets slowly went away since we just started voting out the most strategic members of the group.
3541 days 10 hours ago
************************************   CONFESSONAL  **********************************************

Believe it or not:

I am a girl. I used the name "Nigel" as it is a term teachers use when students don't put their name on their work. In Australia we call them "Nigel No-Name"

I usually use the name "me" in group games but the host insisted I pick a real name..... so "nigel" it was. If you have Played with me before in group games you will probably more commonly know me as "Mel"
3541 days 4 hours ago
I say it in the afternoon (Work)
3540 days 22 hours ago
Well I have to go to work now for the next 8 hours (Australia)

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