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TSC 275 Final

Topic » TSC 275 Final

2571 days 1 hour ago
Dallas Nobody is asking you to sleep with anyone you are not attracted to weather it be a fat woman or another man thus you shouldn't expect anyone else to sleep with someone they're not attracted too either.
2571 days 1 hour ago
Let's just make a difference: my first remark was about a totally different way of 'homosexual's actions' and that was about promoting themselves. And I just said that I don't find it logical to have a LGBT theme before other themes. I even didn't refuse or deny it, I just said I didn't find one normal. And to remind it, this theme is not a LGBT one, it was confirmed that. Then, as far as I know, there are homosexuals that are choosing to be like that, from different reasons, one being the big manipulation and promotion. I can't really agree on people forcing themselves being homosexuals and this I'm not saying it by discrimination (not racism, right), it is simply my point of view. I don't know what medical abbilities have you guys to be so sure that you're 100% right, but the other part of homosexuals is congenital practically and it is, somehow, a disorder. That is not necessarily a bad thing, a disorder is also to be too tall, to small, to have mental minor problems, like ADHD for example. People are not afraid to say that an ADHD or a person that reach 2,2 meters have a disorder, but for some reasons they can't say that an attraction for the same sex is a disorder. So what I say it is not that a homosexual should die virgin, it is his right to find another person with the same disorder and do what he wants to it. But, from my point of view, it remains the opinion that that person is not doing a natural thing and I don't see any reason to promote the style. That totally doesn't mean I deny it, I discriminate it. All people can have disorders, some are too furious, some are too senzitive etc. Other people can judge them for their attitude, sorry for telling this, I have the right to not like a furious person. That doesn't mean I am against her, or I tell her to change. And, about onemans' example, I would like to add another example that could go same way. It is a little force, cause there it is a difference, one is legal, the other not, but the ideology is the same: why if a person is attracted by children. We all know that they exists and it is like you, they can't change that feeling, they are truly attracted by children. You don't have to remain virgin, but please tell me your opinion oneman, should such a person die virgin or not? Should I be accused of discrimination if I say that I don't agree to a pedophile's actions? I don't know if I can explain better than this, if I'm still discriminating and I offend people, I don't know, I'm even too fool or too smart. Or I have a disorder and I'm thinking too much.
2571 days ago
Comparing homosexuality to pedophilia now? HOLY SHIT.

I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT ANYONE HAS TO EXPLAIN THEIR OPINION ON THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO THINGS. One is hopefully a consensual act between adults, while the other is a sometimes forceful act against someone who is not responsible enough to make decisions for themselves, if they even HAVE a choice. Does OMA really have to answer if he thinks that one group of people should die a virgin or not?

This is ridiculous.
2571 days ago
Man, the fact is pretty simple, I've mentioned the difference between the 2 things, I've said that the example is pretty forced. But a man gave me the example of his feelings that he has and that he can't change that things. I've gave him another example. The thing about dying virgin was said by him, not by me, it's a methaphoric saying, if you have the ability to notice that. What about people mutilating themselves? They are doing this on purpose, they even don't bring other people in it. Am I allowed to say that I don't agree with them doing that? Yeah, it's everybody's right to mutilate himself, I know, am I discriminating if I say I don't agree with that?
I know, I can come with any theory or example, people are pissed off and they won't accept anything. What can I say, I didn't want to offend anybody and it is their business that they are offended. From now on, I will report anything that could make me feel offended too, cause until now I didn't think that you have to report anything you don't agree to.
2571 days ago
or maybe because your examples are shitty as hell
2571 days ago
Oh well, this is going nowhere but down. My progressive thinking is too modern.
2570 days 22 hours ago
Dallas get the fuck out of here and don't come back you pathetic excuse of a human being.
2570 days 21 hours ago
'Pathetic excuse of a human being'. Let's see what CharlieBibi will get after this remark. His comment isn't even deleted, like other comments of mine. Let's see admins, what word will you have on him. I didn't talk to anybody like that here.
2570 days 21 hours ago
stop victimising yourself lol
2570 days 21 hours ago
don't expect a group of people to respond peacefully after pretty much discriminating them
2570 days 21 hours ago
Proove me a discriminating act of mine and I believe you. I didn't discriminate. Then, I don't expect nobody to respond peacefully, but I don't accept that language, ok? And I think that you are responsible to act about that remark.
2570 days 21 hours ago
you are so deluded to ignore that everyone who went against you showed you proof that you did in fact discriminate.

case closed.
2570 days 20 hours ago
:))) So a majority declares what a word means just because they are more? Pathetic! That everyone are 4-5 people. There are about more than 15 people who participates constantly in this contest and abstained of saying anything, so don't get yourself too high. I got it, I've offende and I've exagerated saying some things when I should have shut up. But I didn't discriminate, that's a fact. Maybe you should start reading some books Rick, cause you seem to have problems on the terms of what some words are meant to be. It's ok, I can't make rude comments, I can't tell people things they don't like, on another hand other people have the right to do rude comments or talk dirty to me. Some would say this is discrimination. Being on minority, it is me victimizing myself.
PS: How dare you to call me homophobic? Do you have any idea what that word means?
2570 days 20 hours ago
This community is slowly falling apart, seriously ugh...
First we have a rebellion for rule changes, then we have homophobic remarks and an argument about it, what next?
Why cant we just have fun like for fucks sake, respect each other, thats everything I ask
2570 days 20 hours ago
telling me to read some books when you can't even construct a paragraph without any errors


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