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TSC 275 Final

Topic » TSC 275 Final

2571 days 12 hours ago
How dare you keep up bibbles past her bedtime Dallas!
2571 days 12 hours ago
thats why im not understanding whats going on, im too tired!!
2571 days 12 hours ago
Bibbles' word: you should shut up some times. I won't apologize, that's absolutely sure cause I didn't say anything wrong. I'm just tired of being accused for things other people are doing too (yeah, I was accused for being rude in comments, others weren't and I didn't get upset) and I'm tired of one single person making the rules here. I'll take my punishment and shut up, when you speak it's not good, so it is better this way.
2571 days 12 hours ago
Sorry bibbs! I guess it was too intrigueing :))
2571 days 12 hours ago
and that's a conversation we can have if you feel like you're being held to double standards. I mean we posted a thread last week about various issues about voting and entries.

But bear in mind that is not how we've gotten into this messy situation. You've evolved the argument.

You've already apologised in the TSC 276 thread. I thought that was going to be the end of it.
2571 days 12 hours ago
I don't know if I am held to double standards. Practically I am, but I am because of a single person, who accused me of making comments and who sanctioned me this time too. I mean, I can't report some rude comments about a song, I can't be offended be every phrase on the forum, that is normal. But when one of the hosts can't wait to put me away, yeah, I'm finding myself into a difficult situation in this contest. I don't want to accuse anybody for that comment about DeGraw's song, it's his opinion, but I don't want to be accused either if I say sth like that. And if I am, sorry but I want him to be too, if this are the rules. What can I say, sorry for apologising, but if people are getting upset by my 'racist' comments and I shouldn't expect flowers for that, what you should expect when I am not allowed to participate? Of course I will say my point of view.
2571 days 11 hours ago
the fact that you "apologised" and decided to keep going on about it really shows what your true intention is

there is a reason people here are all against you, it's not because it's a double standard, what you said actually attacked a group of people that had to endure discrimination in the past and still endure discrimination in conservative areas of the world

the fact that you even compare being offended for what you said and harsh opinions about some of your entries is honestly so laughable, because the degree of what you compare is completely different

you started this mess, so I would assume you'd actually try to make amends and reflect over your actions, but you are so deluded that you think what you did was right...obviously there is no room for discussion here when you are so stubborn with your view that discriminating a group of people is okay.
2571 days 11 hours ago
and before you say you are not discriminating anyone:

I mean you're singling out a group of ppl and saying u disagree w/ their lifestyle.. how is that not discrimination
2571 days 5 hours ago
Dallas one can disagree with anything they choose to disagree with such as 2+2 = 4, one can disagree that it equals 4 all they want, their right to disagree but it doesn't make them any less of an idiot. Its one thing to not get it, but to disagree is saying it equals something else and is unwilling to compromise on it because they know they are right.

The fact that you compare smoking to homosexuality and had no clue what LGTBQ stood for just proves how uneducated on the matter you are yet you choose to disagree with something you clearly know nothing about, yes that makes you an idiot in my eyes.

What is Homosexuality? It's sexual attraction to the same sex which does exist, this is fact.

Saying you disagree with homosexuality is saying same sex attraction doesn't exist and is not fact, Yes Dallas disagreeing with Homosexuality does make one an idiot.

It exists and it exists with purpose, we need a percentage of the population to have sexual attraction towards the same sex to avoid over population, it has a purpose.
2571 days 3 hours ago
What? 'Saying that I disagree with homosexuality is saying same sex attraction doesn't exist and is not fact'? How can I disagree to sth that doesn't exist? :)) I'll explain again: I disagree to the actions of a homosexual (I'm just sincere, nobody can tell me what to agree to or disagree to), that doesn't mean I don't accept it. And what I did it's not discrimination. There are certain group of people (and here I will be accused of discrimination again, but it is real) that are very pretected because they weren't accepted in the past and nowadays you can't say anything that doesn't go with their lifestyles. And what it is done here is not a democratic way to discuss. I've just shared a point of view that some people weren't agreeing. And to feel offended by not agreeing with your lifestyle...if someone comes and tell me that he is not agreeing about my lifestyle should I be offended? I could even agree that I do abnormal things or I could consider that what I'm doing it's ok and continue without listen to him. I don't think I'd call him racist.
I've made my defence enough, if people want to still call me racist... I think they are starting being racist :)) Call a jourist eventually, ask him if what I did was discrimination, no normal person could do that.
2571 days 3 hours ago
Ok, I've changed my mind, I've decided to become a better man: I finally agree witht he actions of homosexuals, I even love their lifestyle and I want to promote and explain people that what they are doing not that it is natural, it's even better to choose. I'm thinking on becoming personally a homosexual, now that I've found its truly meaning. And I truly apologize for what I've said earlier, please forgive me!
I hope it's better.
2571 days 2 hours ago
Yeah, screw it. For a second, I almost defended you when you were being called an idiot. I'm glad I listened to the current contest and gave you proper time to respond and prove OMA correct. The "manifestation of my homosexuality" has brought me here tonight to tell you that you, indeed, are being a callous idiot.

You do realize that this website is filled with a lot of LGBTQ youth that aren't yet comfortable with the way that they're looked down upon, right? Ones that have to hide who they are for fear or rejection (certainly, I don't think they're missing anything with rejection from YOU in particular), being disowned, and even worse. I don't expect you to do any research because you're clearly very set in your ways, and I was ALMOST okay with that until you decided to make a post filled with mockery. There are people that come on this site to get away from all judgment and shame they may feel about being a part of the LGBTQ community, and perhaps if you had any sort of ability to empathize with people or read a room, you'd keep your mouth shut on a topic that you are clearly VERY inexperienced and uninformed about.

Perhaps words got mixed up, but they DO have meaning. It looks as though you compared your views on homosexuality to your views on someone smoking, which would indicate that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Thus, in a group filled with people who deal with the actual ramifications of being LGBTQ (NOT a choice, unlike smoking) that are VERY real and go way beyond your closed-minded views, perhaps you should try to educate yourself or keep it mute. The former doesn't seem to be an option, so let's go with the latter.
2571 days 2 hours ago
So what do you tell me is that people are ashamed of their lifestyle? Or they are frightened? Of what? Aren't people allowed to tell their opinions anymore? Are you forced to agree on sth we actually don't?  I am not comfortable with the LGBT people? But from what I'm noticing, they are not comfortable with me. Why? Because I've expressed my opinion about their lifestyle. I have no problem to talk and to share opinioIfns about LGBT people as far as we see, right? I'm being told idiot, racist etc, I didn't put some words on anybody so far, so please, take a good breath and look at my dialogue with people here and your dialogues with me. I've expressed an opinion on the most normal language and I received just aggressive and repulsive answers. Should I ask, this is the way LGBT people are responding to the people are not part of their group? If LGBT is put away today, it is not because their lifestyle, it is because their aggressive behaviour with others, their victimizing, their distance to other people. And nowadays they are not negatively discriminated, they are protected and it is almost forbidden to share opinions about them, like we see it here. They are absolutely accepted, but they are putting themselves on distance. If I say that I don't like to fuck fat women, am I racist? No. If I say I don't like to fuck a man? It seems I am. Sorry, you can't force me saying that I would like to fuck a man, cause I wouldn't. Neither a fat woman.
And just to show you Fritz, from where all has started: 'Oh, didn't know what LGBTQ means. I'm happy that the theme is colours and not sth about sth like that, let's be honest, we didn't have a Christmas or an Eastern theme and to have one about a community about sex orientation?!'
And this is the answer I've received: 'if someone wants to be homophobic they may as well not participate in a pride themed tsc'.
Analyse the texts and tell me who should have been disqualified first, please! I was made homophobic for prefering a Christmas theme before a LGBT one and it seems that from that moment Rick is talking about my non-participation in the contest, which is happening in the end.
So, sorry, you can feel discrimated as you want for people talking about yourselves, but firstly I was accused for homophobia for nothing.
2571 days 1 hour ago
Dallas no it's not better cause it's not choice, you can't choose to be sexually attracted to one sex or the other. Personally I don't get why it's even refereed to as lifestyle, I am sexually attracted to the same sex only, I can go my whole life a virgin and die a virgin, I am still a homosexual regardless how I live my life. Lifestyle is smoking, drinking, partying til 2am every night, going to church etc not whom you are attracted to. You can choose to be a massive slut or save virginity til marraige regardless if straight or gay we all have different morals we live by. Homosexuality is simply same sex attraction not how you live your life.

Also Dallas where are you getting racism from? Homosexuality is not a No one has called you racist. NO ONE! At least not here in this chat. Also Fat Women are not a Race is Asians, Blacks, Whites, Natives etc Nothing to do with sexuality which again is common knowledge but clearly not to you so ya I shake my head and say idiot under my breath

Dallas Homosexual actions ....What exactly are my actions? Oh you mean when I mate.

So you understand that same sex attraction exist but you think we should die virgins?
2571 days 1 hour ago
"Or they are frightened? Of what?" I'm not sure about where you live, but in the US, hate crimes against LGBTQ people are the highest of any community. I'm not saying you're committing them or would ever do anything like that, but there are people in said community that do live in fear of people with likeminded opinions that you hold. The fact that you think LGBTQ people aren't discriminated against in parts of the world is alarming, considering you yourself keep digging yourself further and further into that territory with each post. Nice job at victim blaming, too.

I quite frankly don't give a shit that you were banned for one contest. I'll gladly sit out the next contest for my views on you being discriminatory during this conversation, if others feel that I've taken it too far. In the grand-scale of this entire topic, I think being banned for one round from a SONG CONTEST ON TENGAGED should be least concerning. For LGBT, Pride is a big deal, so frankly even if I did care about your ~one week ban~ I would agree that if you have any issues with it, you probably shouldn't be participating in it to begin with.

I don't think anyone in this thread had a pressing need to know if you'd have sex with a male, nor do we care even less that you find overweight women unattractive.

To stand up for you in one regard: I'm not sure why anyone called you racist, because I didn't see anything you said that's RACIST. That particular insult being hurled at you is misguided from what I've seen.

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