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Topic » Finale+Reunion

4514 days 5 hours ago
OMG I lost the rest of it. I'll re-write it in the morning!
4514 days 5 hours ago
Colleen. Thanks for some of your input. Snake is someone that slithers in the background ready to strike against anyone or anybody. I will give you credit on the social game. But, WHERE IS THE BIG MOVE??? NAME ONE MOVE THAT YOU MADE IN THIS GAME!!  As, we did not see it at all.
4514 days 5 hours ago
You know I the totem pole thing is kinda true and I tried asking where is colleen in our discussion adn therefore it did ruin our game to not have you part of our chatzy or at least invited to one which I give props to you colleen for making finals and playing a good game that you have.
4514 days 5 hours ago
Checking in from back home.
Congratulations to the final 3
:O Colleen voted for me in the original vote the night I went home.
4514 days 5 hours ago
Guys, I'd just like to take a page out of Edna's book and share something with you guys before the jury questioning actually begins.

Congratulations. We're all here to play Survivor, everybody knows that. And the inherent ingredient is manipulation. We're all going to be manipulated and the majority of our time, we're going to be manipulating people. We shouldn't be sitting here feeling duped. It was our own fault. We all accepted Gaia's invitation to compete in this season, knowing that we'd be duped. We shouldn't hold any hard feelings by these people duping us because we all signed up for this. And these people did it successfully. They managed to dupe every one of us. Congratulations.

I hope you guys' take my modified words from Edna to heart.
4514 days 5 hours ago
Edna's best moment of the season. Apart from in the immunity challenge where everyone was trying to get her out and she still finished 2nd
4514 days 5 hours ago
I'm going to keep this short because I'm heading out

Social gameplay- I talked to people before I did anything, and I made personal connections with people. I mad sure that I was keeping up with what was happening, and I put my input in whenever it was needed. I was playing for myself, and I knew I needed to do that.

Strategic gameplay- I think my strategic gameplay can be viewed in my alliances. I was loyal to the people I knew were going to be with me, and then when I found out about other plans, I cut ties before anything could be done to me. I didn't just go "oh hey, this is an easy tribal" Tribals were never easy, and there were a lot of difficult decisions, but ultimately things had to be done. The way I voted was to help me get here. There were certain people I wanted to keep around because I knew they'd be targets, so it might take the pressure off of me if I felt in danger.

I did pretty good in the challenges. I won a few, but I know I put effort into all of them because, it may be hard to believe, but I never really felt safe.

But, I think I owe my spot in the finals to luck. Getting the idol at the reward really helped me out, and it helped my alliance claim majority. And then the auction was the ultimate display of luck. I was safe from tribal, and I had an idol. But sadly my two closest allies had been taken out of the game, so I needed to go on a string of immunity wins, and if I hadn't had immunity, then I had my idol. The f6 tribal where I didn't play my idol was probably the most nervous I had ever been in the game, but I just felt like I would be wasting an idol, but I wasn't the target and I got safety from another round.

In conclusion, I didn't play the best game, but I played a good one.
4514 days 3 hours ago
Alec. I don't have time for your bitterness. You may not like me, but in the end it was your friends that voted you out.

Strategy-wise, I wasn't the best. In the beginning I just tried to make really close alliances with people to keep my name out of the picture, and it worked, and I was able to gain majority on Nuku. When we got to the merge, I didn't have any strategy at first, I just waited for people to approach me, and Rich was the only one to approach me about working together. At the beginning of the merge it was all about getting rid of close allies, and when you were pushing for Ian to go on the reward when Chris won the immunity challenge, I knew had you met up, you would have been solid allies. And since we were friends, I didn't want to vote for you, so I suggested we vote for Ian. The vote for Carl was pretty easy, since he was calling me out, which wasn't the first time. I tried to keep the majority on my side, and that worked out until Rich wanted to get rid of Chris. Chris is a really good friend, and I wish he didn't have to go on vacation, but it looked as if he wasn't coming back for a while, and I used that fact to keep him in the game because the longer he stayed, the more pissed people would have gotten, and it would make him more likely to get voted off, keeping me safe for another week. Yeah so the way I made alliances was my strategy.
4514 days 3 hours ago
Sean, when I told you that no one was writing your name down, that was the truth because no one had told me that they were voting for you. I just thought Carl was trying to stir some stuff up. I was shocked when you received so many votes because Rich had told me that Eddie and Ian had already voted for me, and I was expecting votes from the rest of Faka and Keith. Honestly, if I knew you were getting so many votes, I wouldn't have told you because that would have put me in jeopardy had you played your idol. My alliance had already been formed by that tribal, and if I knew you were getting voted off and told you, that could have easily meant me or one of my allies getting voted off instead, and I wouldn't want that to happen. But I didn't know.
4514 days 3 hours ago
Ok, this won't be long, but I've got a few things I will say. Let me start off by saying I came into this game with a vengeance against the game! :P I really knew that I was gonna work my ass off in this and made sure I got to the final 3 with a strong game to back me up. Sure, I made a few mistakes, but haven't we all? I focused on each day as it came, performing my best in challenges, which include 2 immunities and winning at Redemption. With Redemption, I came back and made the most of this 2nd chance. I wasn't gonna get screwed again, and I achieved that goal. Usually when people return from Redemption they get voted out. I upped my game and now I'm here. I'm ready for everything you wanna throw at me.
4514 days 3 hours ago
Blackout's Q: Keith: Did you vote for me? and if so why? If you didn't why do u deserve my vote.

At the last tribal council? Yes I did. Me and Colleen voted for you, really hoping that either of us 2 would then go into a tie breaker challenge against you. I couldn't just vote Colleen out after how close I was to both to you, and a challenge for all of us was the most honourable and respectful way to leave the game.
4514 days 2 hours ago
Sean: Kieth: grats on being here to F3 former Comoros player I respect that. Me and you were on different tribes so tell me your gameplay behind this and how it was different from comoros and why you deserve to win over the other 2 next to you?

Ok, on day 1 me, Husein and Chris talked and discussed being a tight trio on our tribe. That sort of alliance can be hard to crack. Anyways, I just began to talk with everyone and get a feel for where everyone stood. I was accused of aligning with everyone, which is bull. I discussed things with people, but never made deals, as there's a big difference. Fast forward to 5 left on Nuku, and Chris and Husein screwed me over and voted me out. Funny how Husein was the 1 who accused me of playing, right? What was different from Comoros at merge, I felt comfortable. I had a strong alliance with Ian, Eddie, Alec, Colleen and Carl. Sadly Ian and Carl got screwed by idols, so then Rich approached me about me, him and Eddie for F3. I took it on board, and was up for it, except 1
4514 days 2 hours ago
(continued) 1 thing held me back: Colleen. I was TORN between the two sides, and there was no hope of an alliance with Rich and Colleen, who never got on. Now let me tell you something, I was close to them both equally, and at the F5 tribal, choosing between them was the toughest decision I had to make the entire game. Honestly, I can't even explain the choice.
4514 days 2 hours ago
Congrats on making it to the Final 3!!!!!
Whether I like it or not, I have to vote for 1 of you to win

Colleen: Your gameplay as you say was to stay loyal to your alliance. Oh yeah, except Jarrod. You did infact manipulate soo many people that you were never a target until F6. You won some immunity and a tie breaker, woohoo, but I don't think you played the best game of the people in the Final 3. Sorry, but that is my opinion. I still think you are great!

Keith: You seemed to be sooo out of it when the merge happened. I think you scrambled more than me, and I scrambled ALOT. Personally, I think you are a great player. You won Redemption and survived 9 Tribal Councils that put us 9 on the Jury. I think your game was luck. You fell into the Final 3 and it just so happens, you were supposedly a huge target? The question I am wondering is why anybody wants to vote you out? It never crossed my mind to ever get rid of you if you literally did nothing. You are great too!

Husein: First off, i'd like to apoligize if I made any remarks about your game that were infact false. But, if you say you had no control, who did? You are very very lucky to have made it far enough to start winning each immunity at the end. I think your game was full of emotions, rather than gameplay. You voted most of the time with your emotions rather than your head. You took 2 people who basically did nothing besides sit behind all the big players. I am struggling to find out a reason why you deserve to win, when you barely voted with your head.

I may ask questions, but for now.....i'll watch
4514 days 2 hours ago
Keith:  You keep stating we never had a Final 3 deal since the beginning of the game. Also, we both said we would never vote each other out.  I def. held up my end?  Why would you ever break that deal? Honestly, tell me was it worth backstabbing Alec and me to bring a follower like Colleen to the Finals?

Rich, I'm just saying it wasn't established on day 1. Pre-merge, we helped each other with the Alien, I said it all in Sean's question, voting you out tore me up. Also, I didn't backstab Alec, I helped make it a tie, leaving fate in his own hands. I wasn't one to decide their game after coming so close

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