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Episode 16 - Jury Vote

Topic » Episode 16 - Jury Vote

1965 days 4 hours ago
Actually, John, my smartest move specifically could be:

How I got to the end from Final 7. At this point, my position felt solid with everyone bar Jayson and Leah. Keeping comfortable with Andrea was my key concern because I knew she'd ultimately control that side's vote. Surviving 4-3, put me, along with Mike, in a firm 4-2 minority. It was THIS point when LQ was reminded about the 'F3' deal of her, Mike and I. Instantly that would mean it would be 3-3 at WORST, and assumably, going off of what we believed Andrea's bootlist would say, we could 4-2 Jayson.

Then F5. It was THIS point when the 'F3' deal of Leah, LQ and myself came into play. It was THIS round that I knew I would make the end, not receiving LQ/Leah's vote. Despite me not wanting to do Mike, and actually trying to get him to survive, I knew it wasn't going to have a major repercussion and that I was making the end regardless.

Following that, I felt bad for Mike but comfortable with my chances of making the end, as I knew Andrea was not online, so once we reached F4, I just had to big up the fact we were voting Andrea at F4, in case I didn't secure my spot here and had to be brought.

So yeah, I went from a 4-3 ---> 4-2 minority with a strong chance of leaving, to making the end. I do think that kinda outlines my game as a whole. Minority. I was the minority literally always, so HAD to use the brain cells I have to tactically get myself further.

TO ALL: I apologise for messiness, I rarely get this opportunity, and I woke up not too long ago hahaha, and can reanswer any questions, should any of you feel dissatisfied with a current answer!
1965 days 4 hours ago
ok guess I’m awake so I can get this done. Well Hello Final 3, firstly I’m gonna congratulate you guys from getting there, it seems there are a couple of hostile (bitter) jury members here tonight (Mike) regardless of that, I will be keeping it fair and I have said my mind isn’t fully made up until I feel all that’s been said here tonight, regardless I still have some questions for you all.

congrats on making it here, however for me out of the 3 people left, you are the person I am finding it hardest to vote for, not because of Physical game but due to your lack of social game and social awareness, whenever we spoke, it seems forced on your end and even when I was out the game, watching you play, I didn’t appreciate every time someone was voted out you would post gifs being heartbroken even though most of the time you had written their name down, to me that’s rather fake. I mean you can justify your reasons however I will be open and say that I most likely won’t be writing down your name tonight

Now I do wanna applaud you for making it this far, since you had one of the most uphill battles to climb in this game and I want everyone to acknowledge this since from very early on, people branded you as a snake, untrustworthy and selfish so for most of the game, people had given you this title which out you at a disadvantage so kudos to you on that. However my vote off, I’m still unsure of where your vote was as both yourself and Andrea both told me you voted for James, however the reason I believe Andrea over you is because my friendship with Andrea goes past this game, plus you weren’t not online when the “supposed” flip last minute happened. So here is your chance to either confess that you voted me out or call out the other person who said they voted me. Regardless this doesn’t affect my decision (too much)

LQ: my bitch, again similar to Leah you had an uphill battle and I genuinely do believe people are giving you a hard time cause from Tribe 1 you were put in a minority position so for people to say you are trustworthy or you rode cocktails is complete bullshit in my opinion because you had to ensure you were safe during the pre-merge because on 2 tribes for certain you were an easy boot and the funny thing is those people who did not trust you are currently sitting on the jury in 10th-7th (and 5th) and for the most part (apart from Felix) they discredit your game which to me is their own insecurities

Now jury, i wanna move over to you guys for a second and call some shit out. You guys “pride” yourselves on being good players who will never vote bitter and on emotional feelings. Are you entitled to feel mad at someone? Yes. However once everyone got into ponderosa (about to spill some tea) for the most part you all slated James game, you all thought LQ played a good game but once arrogant Mike come into the equation, people decided that the person they slated the most should deserve to win even though they didn’t play the best game, so I just wanna say, leave your egos at the door and vote for who played the game bloody game, you can slate their personality all you want but if good game, recognises good game play so don’t be bitter, be better x

Thanks Shawn x
1965 days 2 hours ago
LQ: my bitch, again similar to Leah you had an uphill battle and I genuinely do believe people are giving you a hard time cause from Tribe 1 you were put in a minority position so for people to say you are trustworthy or you rode cocktails is complete bullshit in my opinion because you had to ensure you were safe during the pre-merge because on 2 tribes for certain you were an easy boot and the funny thing is those people who did not trust you are currently sitting on the jury in 10th-7th (and 5th) and for the most part (apart from Felix) they discredit your game which to me is their own insecurities

Thank you Oli yes for the most part I was battling uphill, I was constantly fighting against me going home yet never encounter a vote! I had to jump to the other to ensure my safety and propel myself forward! But still even tho I turned on the majority I still had really good connections with sagar, Ben, Felix and John! I kept myself out of danger constantly while still abling myself to count my numbers and move myself through the middle especially at the end!
1965 days 2 hours ago
I kept my allies safe for as long as I could before it became obvious I had to vote them out! For og my closest allies I kept till seven! Then those four I dominated back to back to ensure I had a better chance on front of you all here today! I do stand by my decisions and o do think this was the best scenario for me
1965 days 1 hour ago
@ John

Hey I’m sorry I seemed like such a wall to you, that ain’t the real me. At your vote By that point in the game I was constantly in hot water and people were always wanting me out so I didn’t necessarily know who I could trust. Our lack of communication led me to believe you weren’t interested in actually aligning with me as it was pretty late in the game at that point. It’s not like ppl would come up to me and tell me who they actually voted when I survived a tribal. I was just being wary and was paranoid cuz again, 13 votes lolz.
1965 days 1 hour ago
@ Oli

At your vote, I heard from the other from Anthony that they were doing Oli but I still voted for James because I didn’t want you gone. In other words... I VOTED AGAINST ANTHONY YALL SEE!? I DIDNT DO WHAT HE “TOLD ME”
I thoroughly wanted you to stay and disagreed with the vote but the majority wanted you gone. Nonetheless I was okay with sticking out my vote for u cuz I wanted you here.
1964 days 23 hours ago
Alright, so I slept on it.  I actually have one last question for all of you then I'm locking in.

All - What would each of you define as your biggest weakness in the game and explain?  If you think that you played the perfect game to get where you at then own up to it.

Also, I'm gonna steal this from ThePug but give out awards for the season which include "Hero of the Season, Villain of the Season, and vice versa."  You can make up your own awards but do like 5 of them and give a reason why.  However, I think some people would appreciate their dicks stroked XD

The first question is much more important than the awards.
1964 days 22 hours ago

congrats on making it here, however for me out of the 3 people left, you are the person I am finding it hardest to vote for, not because of Physical game but due to your lack of social game and social awareness, whenever we spoke, it seems forced on your end and even when I was out the game, watching you play, I didn’t appreciate every time someone was voted out you would post gifs being heartbroken even though most of the time you had written their name down, to me that’s rather fake. I mean you can justify your reasons however I will be open and say that I most likely won’t be writing down your name tonight

I respect that, and will still provide you with an answer. Honestly, in almost every case I DIDN'T write their name down. I posted it for you because I genuinely felt bad. I posted it for Jayson because he is a good guy, despite us not working well together. And the situation of the gif, at that time Eddie DID receive votes from the person leaving, so it WAS fitting in my opinion.

I WAS the minority the entire game basically. I did have a social game, yes not especially one with you, but I had one with almost everyone, and in reality the only people I didn't (especially later merge) were the people I knew just weren't going to be willing to work with me. I was aware of everything happening/ being a possibility. The ONE time this game I believe I may have lacked some 'awareness' was Anthony's vote, though in reality I HAD been told it was occurring, just it didn't click with me properly.

The way I personally play in games is I try connecting a bit less with the players I don't plan to go far with, but equally enough to TRY have a security blanket. MAINLY due to the fact we never were on a tribe UNTIL merge, Oli, that was in default you. So yes, I suppose it would appear fake and forced, but it was my attempts to try stay on good terms in your books, without connecting too much because I often think with emotions in games where I sometimes do really need to use my head more.
1964 days 21 hours ago
All - What would each of you define as your biggest weakness in the game and explain?  If you think that you played the perfect game to get where you at then own up to it.

I would say my biggest weakness at times was my hap-hazard gameplay style! At times it was fought around the edges but you look at it from a survivor standpoint I would be the person people say were robbed! I believe James is the Michelle to me being Aurbry! James well liked didn’t make enemies where I played a hap-hazard at times dangerous game!
1964 days 21 hours ago

Hero of the season - to me this was Jayson! Jayson did for the most part did stick with his allies and was loyal to a fault! That means to me he was the quintessential hero!

Villain of the season - I think I’m probably the only person to award this to die to my gameplay I voted four of my allies back to back of eachother to better my chances here today! That to me could look like a villain move

Perception is key - this award is for the person who I think had the best gauge and perception on the game! This for me was Ben I believe Ben knew exactly what was going on at most times of the game and deffo had his single on the pulse throughout!

It’s all about eye candy - this award is for the most charismatic! I believe it would be a toss up between Leah and oli both when speaking to them I felt were genuine and I felt we’re very charasmatic in their approach in the game!

Relying on that strength? - this award is obvious it’s for the person who was the immunity threat and pretty much relied on their physical ability! This obviously goes to James I do believe James’ immunities did save him so kudos to him but I don’t know if his social and strategic game matched up to his physical prowess
1964 days 21 hours ago

All - What would each of you define as your biggest weakness in the game and explain?  If you think that you played the perfect game to get where you at then own up to it.

Also, I'm gonna steal this from ThePug but give out awards for the season which include "Hero of the Season, Villain of the Season, and vice versa."  You can make up your own awards but do like 5 of them and give a reason why.  However, I think some people would appreciate their dicks stroked XD

The first question is much more important than the awards.

Question 1:
I'll kinda split it into 2 as there's 2 kind of small things and as a whole may equal 1

Though honestly I like this question, as I DO know when I fault, so I'm fine admitting both my faults this game, from my perspective.

MY main issue with my game was honestly the round Anthony left. I won the exile challenge, and sent Andrea, as I did say "whoever wants to go to exile if I win PM me" and she was the only one who did. I kept Anthony because I strongly believed he'd tell me that sides vote etc, as he was a close ally, which he did. But ultimately him leaving, I did feel a lot of guilt for, and in hindsight I perhaps would have sent him to exile.

Alternatively, winning 3 immunities appears to have not been the best. Whilst I DO feel like I won the three I needed this season, people assumed me as the 'comp threat', and aren't acknowledging the fact that outside of that I DID have a strong strategic game, on the most part I DID have a strong social game. So yeah, if you understand what I'm getting at, me winning immunities appears to have changed people's perception and are viewing it as if I did less things in the game, relying on that, when that is not the case at all!

If you feel there is something else, please let me know as I can own it, or confirm/deny.

OK question 2, awards:

Hero - Ben/Sagar. Other than the vote Anthony left, I don't recall either of you ever lying to me all game. There is a couple others who are similar, but when you consider. Had either of you made the end, your odds of winning were STRONG. You had all the qualities a hero possesses, very likeable, sweet, honest, etc.

Villain - Honestly Andrea, but definitely in a positive way. Andrea had her minions, 2 of which I am against right now, and controlled them from day 1 they were together until her exit. I DO believe without Andrea it would've been a lot more of a one sided season, and her having the complete control over multiple votes is why I think she deserves this. Plus she got 4th and often a villainess winner does get robbed near the end!

Player of the Season - I'd go with Mike. Whether this is just because I understood Mike's game MORE than I did anyone else's, as I believe I played similarly, Mike remained unvoted until Final 5, was social with everybody, generally well liked, strategic, etc.

Robbed PreMerger - I'd say AJ honestly. I say AJ because his vote off was controlled by someone NOT on the tribe, actually that's further reason why Andrea deserves villain of the season! Maybe I am a bit biased, but I mean AJ dominated Ghost Island, making final 3, and could've caused some great damage had he survived that tribal.

Best Episode - I'd say episode 11. Oli's boot. That vote was initially going to be on John or myself, but after discussing with one another and then other people's help, the vote then landed on Oli. It wasn't suspected by him, I don't believe, despite all bar 3 voters doing so. The aftermath of his elimination would have caused some good TV! So yeah. Definite contenders are the merge episode, one day tribes and episode 14 (Sagar's elimination) in my opinion.

Best Blindside - Honestly there's 3 contenders, and they're equal in my opinion. Either Anthony's boot, Alan's boot or Nick J.'s boot, for different reasons.

Anthony's because I do believe that was unexpected, I mean I didn't think it was happening despite having a faint idea, like Anthony and LQ could've used their shared idol, causing John to leave, but it didn't happen. As alluded to above, I felt awful, but yeah strong blindside.

Alan's because that round successfully allowed Nick M. to implode, causing disarray on our tribe of the time. Ultimately, as I was aware Alan was leaving, I had to repeatedly tell Nick to chill and stop stressing, but all round as it was unknown Alan was leaving to a solid 7 people or so UNTIL vote reveal, well until 5 mins before lock, it did allow a strong blindside to occur, on a definite potential winner.

And thirdly Nick J.'s. This was my first round of firmly being in the middle, so I knew the side who voted Felix, which I sided with this round, for reasons (thinking it was the minority, which technically it was considering it was like 7-6, had 2 received votes, meaning it appeared I was firm with that side, yet the other side would still want me) were unaware Nick J. was leaving. Considering they were the minority, not overly impossible to believe, but I view it as strong as ultimately he left due to an idol play, and had he made top 10 he very much so could've gone a lot further, because he IS a strong player. So 1 of the best in the case of 'smart' rather than 'surprising'.
1964 days 20 hours ago
James to clarify I wasn’t Andreas minion we’ve established I went against her numerous times, the oli vote, telling Ben and all of finale so minion I was not! If you really think catergorising me as a minion is valid then you need to put yourself there as well! Difference is I went against the grain, you stayed behind mike and never went against his word, it’s depends on wether the jury deem that as a loyal ally or someone who was minulpalted and carried!
1964 days 20 hours ago
All - What would each of you define as your biggest weakness in the game and explain?  If you think that you played the perfect game to get where you at then own up to it.

My biggest weakness was wearing out on constantly adapting. With having to play so much by going to a lot of early tribals, getting swapped without allies, I had to go back to square one many times but in doing that each time I was less and less cautious due to it being exhausting. I was as social on Day 10 as I was on Day 1. I wasn’t as trustworthy as I was on Day One. So I began to wear out. Then come the endgame later merge she I picked it back up again.

Also, I'm gonna steal this from ThePug but give out awards for the season which include "Hero of the Season, Villain of the Season, and vice versa."  You can make up your own awards but do like 5 of them and give a reason why.  However, I think some people would appreciate their dicks stroked XD

Hero of the Season - Jayson - Good heart, good intentions, great gameplay, understanding and mature human make you my pick for hero of the season. You have many traits I value in my day to day real world.
Villain of the Season - Mike - Bully
Strategic Mastermind - Andrea - You know what felt like every inch of this game. Had your bases covered and protected.
Gone Too Soon - Oli - I didn’t like you going home. It didn’t make sense to me which is prolly why I didn’t have a hand in it. You were someone I wanted to continue the game with.
Class Clown - Ben - You’re a peach and I like your approach to the game. It was refreshing to work with u even though we weren’t the tightest of allies. It was lovely and entertaining.
Gimme the Tea Sis - NJ. Social butterfly. Knows how to get the tea/info. I always enjoyed their posts they made me giggle in the midst of the drama.
Best Blindside - Anthony. It was actually the worst for me tho lolol but yeah took my whole game by surprise!
1964 days 20 hours ago
(Sorry for the delayed responses I’m at a speech tournament today and the internet at this school is trash)
1964 days 20 hours ago
^^^Yeah LQ and I both didn’t vote w Andrea on a few occasions like we were doin what we wanted

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