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The woah's blog

Posts 80 posts

Good morning Jun 20, 2023
How is everyone doing today?
Points: 17 1 comments
The only reason Jun 19, 2023
Why these dorks log on to blog stupid shit is because you all give them the attention they鈥檙e craving. They鈥檙e not developed enough to put out any independent thoughts and just screech out the shit they find funny on their twitter page.
Points: 74 9 comments
Big Brother Second Chances Jun 9, 2023
I'm starting a project I've been planning out for a while; I'm going to write out an entire season of a hypothetical Big Brother: Second Chances season. I don't expect this to gain much traction and at the end of the day it's something I am just doing for fun.

HOWEVER, I have decided to allow Tengaged to have a role in the outcome of the season. You guys will be playing as "America" and will impact the game significantly throughout its entirety. This means that nothing is completely planned out and will change as Tengaged votes on different things. The cast is 20 players that have already been selected by me.

This blog is simply going to serve as an introduction to what my blog has turned into as well as an opportunity for anyone who might be interested in reading and/or voting to comment and I will tag you in each episode. Any voting related to the game will be open as long as the blog is active. With that being said, this is obviously going to be a lengthy process and I'm excited to start :)

Tl;DR: Writing a Big Brother game that you can vote & change throughout the season. PYN to be tagged throughout.
Points: 72 5 comments
Does anyone else Apr 25, 2023
Hold on to friendships for like way too long?

Like people will be so impactful to me for such small shit and I feel so weird valuing them when they probably don鈥檛 even remember me 馃お
Points: 93 7 comments
PYN Mar 21, 2023
For my honest and unfiltered opinion of you. I will not be holding back
Points: 152 23 comments
Nommed for 5th! 猸愶笍 Mar 17, 2023
imageAll I wanted was to take a nap! They couldn't even give me that! The departure of Bryan left this game on its head. I made sure to position myself well, but, obviously, I'm not very good at this game. In honor of my 5th place nomination, I figured I'd share even more juicy gossip about the friends I've made in this game.

FACT #1: Tryphena is only nominated because the cast is now beginning to fear for their safety, when Tanya overheard she was a set, she began levitating in the kitchen. The pots and pans kept orbiting around her while she began speaking in tongues. Production had to resort to calling in the Fire Department, whom successfully calmed Tanya down with a nonstop loop of German EDM music.

FACT #2: Dbonee has in fact gained access to his account back. However, I kind of miss him being a soulless vessel for Bryan's tricks. Ever since he came back he has cooked an impressive & alarming amount of scrambled eggs EVERY DAY. In this economy? Zach doesn't even season his eggs either. He just turns the pan up and eats them with his bare hands. I think they're lowering the grand prize to simply adjust to the debt Zach's egg consumption has but them in.

FACT #3: bbfanuk_reborn still thinks this is survivor. Drew spent the last 12 hours trying to explain the importance of jury management to me. When I tried to explain the truth to him, he kept trying to show me the idol SaskiaRae gave him on her way out. It's literally just a spoon. At this point I didn't have the heart to tell him the truth so I told him to use it in the 4th place poll.

FACT #4: cheritaisdelicious was not bluffing with her reference and comparison to a llama. She brought one with her here. How did we manage to not notice an adult llama in the house the last few weeks? Your guess is as good as mine. Personally I think Cherita pulled it out of a hat like a magician. Nonetheless, this llama is eating all the food, is not potty trained, and spit all over my clothes. Cherita finds this kind of behavior funny. Between you & me, I'm not quite sure if it's the llama doing the spitting or if it's Cherry.

Tengaged, do you really want to vote for these lunatics? I would, because they're the funny kind of lunatics, not the burn-your-house-down type. BUT, I do worry for the health and safety of my housemates without at least one level headed person in there.

FUN FACT: This poll is actually a vote to SAVE, if you want to SAVE Tanya, click her button. If you want to SAVE me, click her button too. I don't make the rules!
Points: 183 4 comments