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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Nov 9, 2013 by oceanborn
Ok so I'm a white gay guy and what I simply can't believe is how certain black people think that it is ok to put down gay people when they themselves were an oppressed group and still are to a large extent. What I especially can't believe is the vile, self-serving anger black homophobes have lately over gays supposedly 'stealing' the black civil rights movement when we say quite simply (and correctly), that attacking a gay person is just as bad as attacking a black person.

I'll put this bluntly. Being homophobic is just as bad as being racist BECAUSE THEY ARE BOTH WAYS TO ATTACK A VICTIMISED GROUP OF PEOPLE. Homophobic black people who think that gay people are simply riding on the coattails of their civil rights movement need to royally get f'ed. Race and sexuality may not be one and the same but I can guarantee you that we are BOTH born the way we are even though it may be more obvious for one group than the other.

If you want to be a f'king bigot, no matter who you are or what colour you are, just stay away from whoever you hate and shutup. Don't tell other people how to live their lives or how they were 'born', especially if you feel you've been systematically victimized for something YOU are and can't control.


quuuuuueeeeeeerr stfu
Sent by staymellow,Nov 9, 2013
It's not happening. I will NEVER shutup because I am a human being too with as much rights as anyone else, even if others choose not to admit it.
Sent by oceanborn,Nov 9, 2013
staymellow , I reported you. your getting banned.
Sent by burkett8975,Nov 9, 2013
ill be so happy when he is banned
Sent by scribbleman,Nov 9, 2013
i kinda get what you're saying but i think homophobia is just as wrong when it's coming from white people lol
Sent by Etienne,Nov 9, 2013
I know it's just as bad when it comes from whites and I fully acknowledge that fact. I just read some stuff about black people not wanting gays to compare their movement to the black civil rights movement because gays are apparently 'wrong' for being who they are and that really pissed me off and I would have exploded had I not expressed this right now.
Sent by oceanborn,Nov 9, 2013
Sent by Etienne,Nov 9, 2013
I understand where you're coming from, BUT the oppression black people suffered was 100x worse than what homosexuals go through.
Black people were treated like animals and tools.
It is no where near equivalent to the neglect of rights towards homosexuals.
Black people deserve to be treated like people and have the right to have opinions, just like everyone else.
That's like saying Jewish people should never stereotype because millions were victims of being stereotyped.
Sent by Yoshitomi,Nov 9, 2013
This is really graphic, but there was this gay person in Iran who got his anus glued together and was force fed laxatives and water until his insides ruptured and he died. In countries like Iran, people get hung for coming out of the closet. Homosexual people are a minority in every country you go while Africa has several countries with a black majority. I understand perfectly that black people were hideously oppressed, but in the present day most African Americans would not know the first hand horror that Iranian homosexual I mentioned went through, and if that did happen to them for being black - it would be world news. That Iranian man was not on the news. Gays in the west have it quite easy too, and since they are in plain sight and seem to be rich and healthy in the media a lot of the time, people forget how they can be treated in third world countries. I am not trying to discredit the suffering of Africans or African Americans I just feel that there should be more understanding. Not to mention the people in the world who are both black and gay.
Sent by oceanborn,Nov 9, 2013
OceanBorn You're forgetting a key thing.
These are villages who do corrupt things and those are everywhere. No law or rights will stop horrific things from happening to minorities and even women in these places.
Do not just assume it is homosexuals suffering.
Disabled kids get buried alive or left on the street.
Women get punished if men rape her.
So do not for one second think that gays are the only victims here.
My mum's friend's sister had an infantt with special needs.
The girl was neglected and was never seen in family photos.
A few months ago,  the girl died from 'mysterious causes'.
We all know the truth and it hurts, but because it's a village in Pakistan, nothing will be done.
Sent by Yoshitomi,Nov 9, 2013
You are right Yoshitomi. All people suffer and I'd usually be the first to say that, I just got super angry over what a group of nasty people were saying and probably made an ass out of myself because of it. Thanks for bringing me back to reality.
Sent by oceanborn,Nov 9, 2013
lol burkett8975
queer isn't a bannable word so go troll somewhere else.
The fact that you are offended by a word shows how sad your life must be and how insecure you are
Sent by staymellow,Nov 9, 2013
I like you oceanborn, strong minded individual who isn't detered by others. Willing to fight back against scum who oppose them. Reminds me of myself. I'm glad to have you on this site. Not like the rest of spineless tengaged.
Sent by staymellow,Nov 9, 2013
Yeah I can get pretty angry sometimes but I try to balance it out with rationality every now and again. :P
Sent by oceanborn,Nov 9, 2013
oceanborn, don't worry pal. They're haters everywhere just keep being yourself and don't let them shake your beliefs just cause they're a mob thinking. I think you're awesome  :)
Sent by staymellow,Nov 9, 2013
you do realize that back when black people were slaves was during the same time period as when if any homosexual behavior was even suspected the person would be castrated and exiled.?

but homophobic behavior is bannable. and I wasn't offended, I just don't tolerate fucktards.
Sent by burkett8975,Nov 9, 2013
also he was just making a point. I notice that you have a snarky comment for every blog anybody with an opinion makes and you act like your opinion is the absolute truth.

what he was saying is that he was upset with the African americans who were being hypocritical. He never once said anything about any other race or group of people. you were the one who brought that up. And im sorry to tell you this but a race of people who are segregated but then gain rights are hypocritical if they are going to segregate others.

As far as your argument of African treatment being bad way long ago, well I have news for you..... everyone but the white, straight, heterosexual , adult, fit male was treated like shit. so that makes your argument pretty irrelevant. I mean if a gay person even inclined any type of suspicion he was gay then they would casterate him and exile him or her. so yeah, just saying.
Sent by burkett8975,Nov 9, 2013
@burkett9975 LOL fuck off queer troll. You don't even know the rules. You wclearly are offended by a 5 letter word cause you're a closet homo. Just come out already you pathetic swine.
Sent by staymellow,Nov 10, 2013
burkett8975 I guess that's also why you're a dumbshit emo wearing lip rings. Gaaay!
Sent by staymellow,Nov 10, 2013
it was actually the only gift design I got.....
im actually my class cabinet president and probally the farthest from and emo you can get you illiterate twat
Sent by burkett8975,Nov 10, 2013
Lol you pathetic swine. Calling me illiterate when you're clearly a prime old douchebag. You can't be literate when you use so many swear words so insult someone for a problem you hold yourself. honestly you might just be the dumbest asshole on here. How about you go fuck yourself with your dildo you closeted bigot.
Sent by staymellow,Nov 10, 2013

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