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The oceanborn's blog

Posts 4 posts

I apologise Nov 9, 2013
I really made an ass out of myself on a blog I recently posted. I let a group of bitter, nasty people get to me and called out another minority group because of it and I just wanted to say sorry because I know how badly this reflects on myself and people who identify the same way I do. Everyone experiences suffering at some point in their lives and people from all walks of life can be jerks, and to get through it all we need to be tolerant and patient with others and this time I really slipped up and got too tangled up in my own identity to see the big picture.

The last thing I want to be is a hater and so I acknowledge that I made a mistake and will try to deal with people more calmly in the future. Thanks everyone for your replies cause without them I'd probably still be in a seething rage over what I read.
Points: 18 1 comments
Just to clarify Nov 9, 2013
Now that I have calmed down a bit, I have to say my last blog may have been somewhat misconstrued. I think it is bad for all people to be against gay people regardless of whether they are black or white. It is bad for people to be against anyone for who they are.

It just really disappointed me to see another victimised minority attacking someone else who also cops a lot of marginalisation in society. I would think that minority groups would try and stick together a little more and understand eachother's causes unlike people who may be too privileged and blind to see what suffering at the hands of society feels like.

Life is give and take. If you want respect yourself, you should be willing to give it to others as well, otherwise no one will take you seriously if you complain. If you don't agree with a lifestyle or a culture then you can simply not take part in it, it doesn't mean you should walk all over it. I think that's about all I have to say on the matter.
Points: 11 3 comments
Ok so I'm a white gay guy and what I simply can't believe is how certain black people think that it is ok to put down gay people when they themselves were an oppressed group and still are to a large extent. What I especially can't believe is the vile, self-serving anger black homophobes have lately over gays supposedly 'stealing' the black civil rights movement when we say quite simply (and correctly), that attacking a gay person is just as bad as attacking a black person.

I'll put this bluntly. Being homophobic is just as bad as being racist BECAUSE THEY ARE BOTH WAYS TO ATTACK A VICTIMISED GROUP OF PEOPLE. Homophobic black people who think that gay people are simply riding on the coattails of their civil rights movement need to royally get f'ed. Race and sexuality may not be one and the same but I can guarantee you that we are BOTH born the way we are even though it may be more obvious for one group than the other.

If you want to be a f'king bigot, no matter who you are or what colour you are, just stay away from whoever you hate and shutup. Don't tell other people how to live their lives or how they were 'born', especially if you feel you've been systematically victimized for something YOU are and can't control.
Points: 5 21 comments
"When Love Takes Over", a blog by Oceanborn Jun 12, 2012
Points: 15 2 comments