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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

I apologise

Nov 9, 2013 by oceanborn
I really made an ass out of myself on a blog I recently posted. I let a group of bitter, nasty people get to me and called out another minority group because of it and I just wanted to say sorry because I know how badly this reflects on myself and people who identify the same way I do. Everyone experiences suffering at some point in their lives and people from all walks of life can be jerks, and to get through it all we need to be tolerant and patient with others and this time I really slipped up and got too tangled up in my own identity to see the big picture.

The last thing I want to be is a hater and so I acknowledge that I made a mistake and will try to deal with people more calmly in the future. Thanks everyone for your replies cause without them I'd probably still be in a seething rage over what I read.


It's ok don't worry about it :) You didn't make an ass out of yourself!
Sent by Etienne,Nov 9, 2013

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