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Posts 9582 posts

santa came through this year Dec 25, 2017
red sox tickets
a phone case
some nice clothing
more t dolla

man what else could I ask for
Points: 30 4 comments
I hope santa brought you everything you wanted Dec 25, 2017
Points: 11 1 comments
Shoutout to these select 30 Dec 25, 2017
astone929 - The man, the myth, the legend and many other words explain the type of person you are. From a masked man to a sexy dude with a BBC, you kill it day after day! Thanks for taking on the role of my best friend on and being the best #1 a fat ass could ask for!

geazybeast21 - You've been really fucking annoying lately but honestly you are still my boy and nothing will change that. I can't thank Eli enough for introducing us and making #Jathan a reality. Merry Christmas, I hope you get that 3 way with Mellelie and Alana ;)

sebbers - I am beyond fortunate that we met in that stars game and became so close. Before we met, I always though you had a big head and were self obsessed due to who you were friends with and it was wrong of me to think that because you are the exact opposite. Never change for anyone, hope you and your boy have a good day together < 3

christossss - My first real back and forth friendship on tengaged and I am glad we are going on almost 2 years without bashing on each other. Idek why we fell out and I made you want to bully me everyday for 6 months but I am glad that is over. You are an incredible soul and a really great friend. Hope we can call soon and I hope you have a great day!

broncman789 - You're one of many friendships that I have that I obtained through stars! Ugh I love making these because you always find incredible people like you! Steve, you're so funny and its always a joy talking to you! Have a great day! Go Broncos!

kwiens18 - We don't talk as much as we used to and it really sucks but you are always gonna be up there as one of the coolest people ever. I hope you are enjoying the Texas weather while I'm freezing my ass off in Beantown! but real talk, hope you and Ash have an awesome holiday together and you keep on keeping it real (cool)

Thumper91 - It has been an absolute honor getting to grow closer to you in this past year, you really are the kindest most thoughtful most generous overall perfect human being there is. You never judge anyone for anything and you are always there for me regardless of the situation. You deserve only the best and I hope that is exactly what you get this year!

Carsonl - Every blog you make about me is an insult blog so I don't really know what to think about you but honestly I think they are funny and I think you are funny. You were one of my first friends on tengaged and I will never forget that and I am glad we are still close to this day. Have a good day bro!

peace123 - ugh I am so glad you came back to tengaged, you are so funny and a great great great kisser ;) but seriously you are lovely and you are always there for me which I love so much! its hard to find people like you but I am so fortunate you came into my life!

acyuta - Hey man! I know things are hard right now and I am pretty sure you don't celebrate Christmas but you gotta know that this too shall pass. I've done my part in helping you and you owe me NOTHING. Everything you have ever given me is enough. We are even now. Have an awesome holiday, you deserve it. Best of luck with everything < 3

Halloween - You, my friend. Are an icon. Controversial, outspoken, sexy and sassy. Your personality is what gets me the most. You never fail to put a smile on my face and I love that so much. Keep being you and don't let these haters ever get to you. I know you don't so it is all good. Have a good day!

trust - We don't talk that much anymotr either but I know you are busy with a lot of stuff like work and school and your 30 merge streak so I don't blame you! Have a good day Zack! Hope we can catch up soon!

rawr25 - Someone who remains on my first page after so long of inactivity means a lot to me. Only Eli can be inact and stay on my front page so honestly you are special. Idk what it is about you but you are so easy to get along with and talk to about anything. You are so fun and so sweet and you always know how to brighten up my day! Love and miss you man!

robozoe - ugh yes #scooby0000 when we met like a year ago in survivor I knew for a fact we would become close friends and sure enough I was correct. We've had a few deep conversations and I laughed my asss off the whole time because i never expected you to be serious about something LOL you are such a skinny legend, ilysm < 3

anthousai - I don't know how we met but I am glad we somehow did. talking to you makes my day and you shallnt forget that! You are an amazing friend! have an awesome day :)

brandt69 - my go to guy for the last 3 (almost 4) years! Thanks for being my friend through everything and giving me a reason to smile night in and night out! Our calls are everything and every moment spent talking to you is a moment spent right. Have an amazing day. I hope you are in my stocking tomorrow :$ ;)

yasgaga - YUS GUGU OMG I never imagined us becoming best friends but it somehow happened. You are a lovely soul. You are one of those people who I can tell everything to and they just won't judge and you always add so much else to it. I love every single moment with you. Merry christmas ratchet rachel!

marrrss - You give me so much confidence that I come to you for almost everything. Whenever I make a depressing blog or send a depressing snap to my streaks, you are always the first to check in and make sure I am okay and I love that about you. You are just so incredible and so great on so many levels like girl we need to go back on call?

wpwsers196 - I always knew you are an amazing human being and playing stars with you and getting to talk to you during that week just completely proved that about you. You may be a lot older than me but I'd consider you a friend before anything else. You have taught me so many things and continue to teach me to this day about things that I have no idea about. I love learning about burger king and learning Spanish and looking at your old choir photos. I hope you have some good chicken this christmas ;)

wade03 - We haven't been the same after you joined the dark side but you best know I consider you a bro and that will never change. I know things are hard in your neck of the woods at this time but I am another helping hand that will do anything to help. Have a great holiday bud, I am here for ya.

insanity17 - You deserve one of these!!! I sent you a message a long time ago telling you that you mean a lot to me and that you are a great person and I really do mean it. We aren't that close but you are just such a kinda soul and you are so adorable! Have an amazing holiday!

batya - ugh yes girl!!! I am so fortunate to have you as a friend! Your #1 friend is no bueno but other than that, you are a cool gal. Thanks for always being there for me when I need a helping hand. I will never forget it. Have a great day and I hope you think about me tomorow as much as I will be thinking about you

s73100 - You know how I make all those blogs asking if people know who and where you are? I do that because I want to find you and I finally found you. I just want to make sure you are real. Jokes Jokes... You are slowly but surely becoming one of my better friends and I love that. We dominate shit together like hell we are so inseparable. Let me know when you are home alone again so we can call < 3

vlad21 - I didn't think I would ever even come close to liking you when we first met because honestly all you did was hit on girls and had someone I despised as your #1 friend. But time passed and I realized you are so freaking awesome! Never a dull moment when I am talking to you man, have an awesome day!

petro - Hunnifer, this is going to sound kinda gay and don't tell Roshan but I kinda love you? You are just so great. I love talking to you and begging you for gifts and always talking about how Argentinians do it better than americans. cant wait to come to argentina and live la vida loca with you and all your hot friends...?

temeky - I know you celebrated yesterday but its finally christmas here in the US so that is why I am making this blog! You are a lovely kid and a strong individual who deserves none of the shit he gets. You are so amazing on so many levels. I love your stories on snapchat and I love the "Helloooooo" when you pick up on a skype call LOL. I know Swedish is hard to learn but please teach me someday xoxo

kat1 - I am sorry you are so far down on the list but I forgot about you LOL it is hard when the original is banned. You have been my boy since 2013 when DFP was a thing. I remember I thought you were a robot but then we went on call and it turned out were a squeaker! But things changed and we fell out and then we became friends again and got on call and I found out your voice changed for the better! LOL well I love you and everything about you. I cant wait to come down to Philly and see you one day! hope you have an awesome christmas!

iamremedy - Well its like 12PM in New Zealand on the 26th so Christmas is over where you are and you are probably on your way to work =( Jeddy bear you are so sweet and so lovely! It is so fun to talk to you and I am so glad to call you my friend. I know you are going to always have my back and will do whatever it takes to make me happy< 3

ronnie336 - Man our relationship is something... isn't it? Well I am glad we are friends and are staying that way! it's a lot better than straight up not being able to stand each other. While I may not agree with some of your tengaged choices, you are a friend and thats how its going to stay. Great girl, great time. 10/10 would recommend, would go again. Love you Veronica, have a gurrrreat day!

krisstea - We are barely close at all but I wanna put you up here because you single handedly fulfilled my tengaged dream of moving on in shops. We are barely close but you still dropped so I could move on. You are such a kinda soul and I told you I am forever in your favor. Have a great day Kriss <3

sorry if I forgot you, this darn thing only lets me tag 30 people...........
Points: 76 21 comments
THE 6TH SEXIEST Dec 24, 2017
BB US MALE TO EVER PLAY BIG BROTHER (behind Gerry BB3, Jerry BB10, Jack BB4, George BB1/7 and Audrey BB17) died

RIP to an icon. Kent Blackwelder.
Points: 25 2 comments
we dont dislike you over stars Dec 24, 2017
we dislike you because you are an annoying retard scooby0000
Points: 2 4 comments
since u have me filtered Dec 24, 2017

all i asked is if santa came to your house
whats so wrong about that
Points: 3 2 comments