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Survivor Story: Redemption Island Episode 3 "It Don't Take a Smart One" Part 1

Feb 2, 2016 by hsb123
imageLast time on Redemption Island:

Harry: For today's immun-

Corrine: Sorry for interrupting Jeff but we, Solana, have something very important to tell you.

Harry: So what are you implying?

Candice: We are implying that we would like to give up our immunity to the other 2 tribes so we can go to Tribal Council.

Jessica: *Whispers to Luis* This is insane!

*Luzon is looking at each other in surprise*

Jax: *Crying* Francesca. We were friends. More than friends. I guess I was just another to fall under you're spell.

Harry: Francesca the tribe has spoken. There is a boat waiting for you at the shore. It will take you to Redemption Island.


*Solana Camp*

June: It feels so relieving now that Francesca is gone. She was a big threat to all of our games. I think this also brought our tribe a lot closer.

*Jax is lying in the shelter; Nathan walks in*
Nathan: Jax are you okay?
Jax: I guess...
Nathan: She tried to play me also
Jax: How do you know she was playing me? What if she actually liked me?
*Candice walks in*
Candice: It was all part of her strategy. I'm sorry Jax.
Jax: *Eyes tear up* You don't know that! You Don't HAVE PROOF!

Jax just needs a little time to get over this. If he can't by the challenge and we lose because of him, he is going next.

*Aparri Camp*
Zach: Jessica that was crazy! I was almost positive that we were going to lose.
Jessica: I know right!
Red: I thought we were dysfunctional, but to forfeit immunity? It's insane!

Our tribe is made up of people who want power for themselves. Zach tried flipping at the first tribal to take me out, and Jessica will do anything to feel on top.

Ever since I sided wit Carlson, my game has gone downhill. We were so close at the first tribal until Zach flipped. Right now I am praying for a miracle.

*Mac sits next to Jessica, Red, Zach, and Luis*
Mac: Hey guys.
Jessica: *insincere* Hi Mac.
Mac: I am sorry for voting for you Luis.
Luis: It’s alright
Jessica: No Its Not!
Mac: Just so you know, Zach was with me and Carlson for that vote.
Red: Zach?
Zach *Looks away*
Red: Zach how could you! We were close. Friends!
Zach: It wasn’t my au-
Red: Oh please
*Red leaves*
Zach: Carlson made me…

*Luzon Camp*

Yesterday was intense. The moment Solana walked on the beach I knew something was wrong. They made a HUGE move and I congratulate them for it.

Bob: Dylan and JJ. Come help e with the fire
Dylan: Ok but with him…
JJ: What’s wrong with me Dylan?
Dylan: Nothing…

Bob CONFESSIONAL: WTF is with these people. How did the producers cast me with these dimwits.

Bob: Let me make something very clear. I have been talking with Sai, Justin, and Toby and we have decided that which ever one of you is the most annoying leaves. We can’t deal with your arguments anymore.
JJ: This isn’t fair!
Dylan: Give us a chance
*Toby enters*
Toby: You had your chance. In fact you’ve had multiple chances. All those times that you were fighting were your chances. You used them all up and now you must face the consequences

I feel like I am talking to my kids. This is one crappy Brain Tribe.


*Treemail arrives at all camps*

Candice, Luis, and Justin: Head over to the shore where boats will be waiting to take you to Redemption Island where you will witness your first duel between Carlson and Francesca.

*Tribes arrive on shore*


*Tribes arrive at Redemption Island and take their seats*

Harry: Welcome to Redemption Island. This is where you go when you are eliminated. Right before merge, the last surviving castaway will return to the game for a second chance. Lets bring in the duelers.

*Carlson walks in*

Harry: Carlson was taken out at a re-vote after Mac played his idol. Now let’s welcome Francesca

*Francesca walks in*

Harry: Francesca was voted out after her tribe decided to forfeit immunity.

Harry: For this duel, Carlson and Francesca must race across a balance beam, untying bags as they go. They may only take one bag, and if they fall off, they must start from the beginning of the beam. Inside the bags are puzzle pieces. 1st bag has 10, 2nd bag has 20, 3rd bag has 20, 4th bag has 25, and 5th bag has 25. Once you get oft balance beam with your bag, you must put the pieces in numerical order on your board. Only then may you race back for your next bag. The winer will move on and the loser will be eliminated.

Harry: Survivors Ready! Go!

*Francesca speeds across the balance beam ad reaches down to untie her bag*

*Carlson is taking his time*

Harry: Francesca has untied her first bag and is running to her board. Carlson is taking his time, but is slow and steady going to wi the race?

*Francesca assembles the puzzle pieces and is running back former second bag; Carlson unties his first bag and is working on his first puzzle*

*Francesca unties her second and starts to do her puzzle.

Harry: Remember the second puzzle has 20 pieces.

*Montage of Carlson and Francesca running back and forth to get bags, and putting puzzle pieces on the board*

Francesca is only 1 bag away from a win

*June looks nervous*

June: *Whispers under breath* Please no…

Harry: Francesca is now working on the last 25 puzzle pieces! This could be it! Carlson is only on his third bag.

*Francesca puts in the last piece*

Francesca: YES!!!! June I am still in this!

*June puts her head in her palms*

Harry: Francesca wins her first duel securing her a spot on Redemption Island. Carlson you tried hard but your time here is up. I guess luck wan’t with you this season.

Carlson: This sucks but at least I had fun while I was here.

Harry: And with that, this ends part 1 of Survivr Redemption Island Episode 3.




Eliminated Castaways:

18th - Carlson



Sai DumbGinger
Bob islandsurvivor
Justin scooby0000
Toby Falconbait26
JJ Jjred45
Dylan opslove

Zach Tommy123
Red Redwing91
Mac macda27
Carlson CarlsonyoungAF
Jessica boogie23
Luis _Adidas_

June Orkun
Corinne CorinneKaplan4460
Candice Zenka1725
Nathan Matedog1209
Jax aj1111
Francesca corgi



Rating out of 10:
Favorite/Least Favorite Character?
Who do You Think is Going to be Eliminated Next?

#casting #survivor #rookies


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I don't like how you're doing this in parts TBH.
Rate- 6
Sent by Matedog1209,Feb 2, 2016
Ok I am sorry but it takes a while to write these things
Sent by hsb123,Feb 2, 2016
I will try though. Foe episode 4
Sent by hsb123,Feb 2, 2016
Francesca is queen.
Sent by corgi,Feb 2, 2016
Whyd u delete my comment?
Sent by ConnorB,Feb 3, 2016

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