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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

THANKS 52.1%!!!!

1stJun 11, 2024 by giddypetit
I knew from the very beginning of Day 5 that I was being put in a nomination set, so this isn’t a surprise to me at all. I thought that maybe I could’ve put together an alternate nom set in time, but unfortunately that just didn’t happen. I don’t know very much of what is happening with the people in this game, but there are a few things I do know.

The set of myself/l0ve2a11 was the first set that was thrown out there. After talking to some people, I believe that the person that came up with it was either Shawnlolpop123 or Crazyrockina. From what I’ve heard, those two are each other’s ride or die. It’s also my understanding that they’re the reason that people started attacking benja31, throwing false accusations around about him, knowing he wasn’t awake at the time to defend himself. It’s because of their strong influence on some of the other players that they’re the most dangerous duo in the game. The rest of the cast needs to look out for them. Otherwise, they’re going to make it to the end together.

I was willing to work with l0ve2a11 to come up with a set that would’ve kept us both safe, but before I even had a chance to talk to them, I heard that they were throwing me under the bus and suggesting a counter nom set of myself/ SultanPeppershaker. While I understand them wanting to save their own ass, I was disappointed whenever I heard this. We connected pretty early on in the game and even decided to play a game on Roblox together, along with #Crazyrockina, so that was definitely upsetting for me. That goes to show you never know who to place your trust in, in this game.

While I definitely feel as though I’m near the bottom of the totem pole in this game, I’m not ready to give up. I think I deserve to stay more than my opponent, since I didn’t even THINK of throwing them under the bus, while they did so to me without even a second thought. You would think more people would want a loyal person to stay in the game, not yet another backstabber. If you keep me in this game, I promise to keep fighting my hardest to go after the true threats in this game, now that I have an idea of who they are.

I’m sorry if that was a little long-winded, but that’s the gist of my thoughts on this whole ordeal. I appreciate any saves I get, so thank you in advance! And good luck #l0ve2a11!



Sent by Travisk30,Jun 11, 2024

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