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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Texas Republicans are so afraid

May 28, 2024 by giddypetit
of losing statewide elections in the near future, they're trying to pass a law that requires candidates to win a majority of the counties in the state in order for their victory to count. That would make it impossible for Democrats to win in that scenario, since a lot of their support comes from a few counties (with the largest population). And they accuse Democrats of cheating to win elections?


If elections worked that way, Democrat’s wouldn’t be able to win elections. But they also want to change the system in order for a popular vote to happen in presidential elections. Lol
Sent by RyguyPower,May 28, 2024
RyguyPower literally untrue lol. Statewide elections have always been decided by the population of the state. Republicans trying to gerrymander to win "electoral count" of the counties is because they're afraid of losing.
Sent by Sebbers,May 28, 2024

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