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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

This is my own survivor finale

Nov 26, 2011 by dragotistic
[Announcer]: Previously on Big Brother! 14 total strangers moved into the Big Brother house, and began a 3 month long power struggle for a half million dollars. Among them a private detective, a schoolteacher, an aspiring chef, and a top prosecuting lawyer. As they got settled in, they started to form relationships and rivalries with each other. As the first Head of Household competition took place, India claimed all the power in the house. Who will India nominate for eviction? Find out right now on Big Brother!
[Memory Wall]:
Top Row: (L to R): Adam, India, Neil, Courtney, D.J.
Middle Row: (L to R): Derek, Jessie, ?, Jared, Kelly
Bottom Row: (L to R): Luke, Lauren, Todd, Marcy, Kimberly
India (DR): So it’s down to me and Kimberly. And there is no way I’m dropping at this point.

Kimberly (DR): I can’t hold on, my bladder can’t take it, but I have to fight through it.

Kimberly: I have to pee! No! *drops*

Kimberly (DR): I lost my focus for one second and I lost the HoH. Damn it.

Dan: Congratulations India! You are the first Head of Household!
[Flashback done]

Neil (DR): When India won the first Head of Household, I started thinking about things that I could try doing to make her not nominate me.

Kelly (DR): I’m happy India won HoH because we’re both minorities, and I don’t think she’ll put me up.

Marcy (DR): Do I feel safe with India as Head of Household? No, I don’t. Will I try to stay alive? Damn sure I will.

Kimberly (DR): I made it that far into the competition just to fall off right at the end. I’m not proud of myself at the moment, but I think India won’t target me.

India (DR): I won HoH! I’m definitely trying to get a target for my game out this week. It’s not about what the house wants, it’s about what I want.

Jessie: Good job, India.

Luke (hugs India): Congratulations on HoH!

Todd: Grats girl! You earned it!

Derek (DR): I need to get in good with India, so I don’t get nominated this week.

Derek: Hey, can you meet me in the spa room?

India: Sure.

India (DR): So Derek wants to come and talk to me, so sure I’ll hear him out.

*Derek and India enter spa room where Neil, Kelly, and Courtney are already talking*

Derek: So, I think if we all stick together, we can run this game. What’d do you guys think?

Neil: I’m down with this, I think this is a good group.

Courtney: I agree.

Kelly (DR): So, I’m being brought into an alliance I didn’t really want to be in, but sure I’ll hang around for a bit, but is this my final game plan? Nope.

India: This is awesome. I love this alliance.

Derek: What about the name?

Kelly: The name?

Courtney: How about The Jokers?

Neil: I like it. I can roll with that!

Derek: Then it’s settled, us 5 are The Jokers!

Courtney (DR): I’m in the Jokers alliance with India, Kelly, Derek, and Neil. It’s great that we have the HoH in our alliance, but I’m sure that other people will try to get India on their side.

India (comes out of DR): Who wants to see my HoH roooom?

*everyone walks up to the HoH room*

*inside India’s HoH room is an Syracuse sweatshirt, make-up and aesthetic products, and a bounty of delicious snacks, there is a picture of her parents, herself at a party, and a picture of her brother, Raphael*

Kimberly: Wow, this room is amazing!

Jessie: I’m so jealous of you right now India.

India (points at pictures): That was a few years back at a party, that’s my brother, he’s 3 years older than me, and those are my parents.

Lauren: No letter though.

India: I guess it’s too early in the game for a letter.

Adam: Great room though India.

D.J. (DR): It was pretty nice seeing India’s HoH room. She’s definitely really cute, and I want to get to know her better.

Marcy (DR): You know that feeling when you dread something so much, but you have to fight through it to get somewhere you actually want to be? Well that was how I was feeling forcing a smile at all of India’s god-awful party pictures and the place where I wanted to go was anywhere but there.

Jared (DR): I gotta but on a brave face and pretty much kiss up to India. Ain’t no way I’m gonna be nominated this week.
*Adam and Lauren are talking in the spa room*

Lauren: Are you single?

Adam: And ready to mingle. *laughs*

Lauren: Oh god *hits Adam with a pillow* (DR): Adam and I…*smiles* I definitely like the guy, and I hope he likes me.

Adam (DR): I definitely feel like I’ve grown closer to Lauren over the past few days. I mean, she’s a great girl, and we’ll see where the game takes us.
*Derek and Neil are outside playing pool*

Derek: So what’s up?
Neil: Ah, nothing much, just thinking about some scenarios in the game. Normal in this house.

Derek: Dude, I’m willing to trust you to the end. I don’t feel safe in this game, and I would like to make an agreement with you to the end.

Neil: Fantastic! I give you my word I’ll never backstab you in this game.

Derek (DR): I looked into Neil’s eyes when he gave me his word, and I knew right then, that his word was good. Is my word good? Hell no. I’m going to try to play an extremely dirty game, cause that’s what you’re supposed to do.

Neil (DR): I definitely trust Derek. We’re both in the Jokers alliance with India, Courtney, and Kelly. We’ll see where this agreement takes us.
Jessie: *screams* SPIDER!

Courtney (DR): I’m trying to enjoy my day by relaxing by the pool with Kimberly and D.J., when all of a sudden I hear this high pitched wail. And of course, it’s Jessie. The girl’s like 10 years old on the inside.

D.J.: Jessie! What’s going on, girl?

Jessie: There is a giant spider in that corner! Is it a brown recluse? Can it kill me?

D.J. (DR): Jessie…..she’ interesting girl. She doesn’t know alot about the world, I guess, cause she couldn’t tell the difference between a poisonous spider and a harmless one. This is going to be a long summer.
Neil (DR): So, I’m sitting down on the couch in the Living Room, and Kimberly comes up and lays on top of me. On top of me! This girl is driving me crazy!

Kimberly: You have a nice body, you know that.

Neil (looks to Jared who’s walking by): *mouths “Help Me”*

Jared: *laughs*

Jared (DR): Neil, the poor kid, Kimberly’s latched on to him. Ain’t no coming back now.
Derek: India, what were you thinking about nominations?

India: I don’t really know, I haven’t really thought about it, but if I had to say first impressions, I would say Jessie and Jared, cause I think those are the least popular housemates at the moment.

Derek: Would you consider putting up maybe Luke with Jessie? Or something like that?

India: I’m open to it, but I haven’t really come to a decision yet.

Derek: Ok, I’ll leave you to do whatever.

India (DR): Derek tells me to put up Luke and Jessie, and instantly, I have red flags. I know we’re supposed to be in an alliance, but I don’t respect his attempts to take control of my HoH.
D.J. (DR): I’m very nervous about nominations, I haven’t really talked to India all that much, and I think now is the time for me to do that.

*D.J. knocks on HoH door*

India: Come on in!

*D.J. enters*

India: So what’s up?

D.J.: Nominations. Have you come to any decisions yet?

India: Not really, I have some ideas, but nothing set yet.

D.J.: Well, I want to talk to you, and I want to see where your head is at. If you observe things, you can see some obvious alliances. Adam and Lauren. They might start showmancing things up. Kimberly and Neil, they could become a pair. And Jessie and Luke. They are becoming really good friends, and everyone can see it.

India: You bring up some very good points and options to consider. Thanks for coming to talk with me.

D.J.: No problem, anytime. (DR): I think I did well, I hope India considers some of my options, cause sometimes it’s best to nip the duos in the bud immediately.

India (DR): I’m definitely considering some of the options D.J. put forth. He’s a smart guy, I think I might need to snatch him into an alliance quick.
Jessie (DR): Luke’s becoming a good friend. I definitely am starting to trust him, and I hope we can work together in the long run.

Luke: Hey Jessie! *steals Jessie’s hat*

Jessie: Hey! Give me back my hat!

*Jessie starts chasing Luke through the house*

Luke (DR): Jessie’s really nice. Really nice. She’s definitely someone I want to be friends with. But in no way is she relationship material.

*Luke dodges India, while Jessie rams right into India*

India: F**k! What the f**k do you think you’re doing?

Jessie: Sorry! I really am!

India: Whatever.

India (DR): I’m walking into the kitchen when Jessie headbutts me in the stomach! God, I never hurt so much in my entire life.

Jessie (DR): Oops.
Todd (DR): I need to cover my ass for this week, so I went to talk to India about some game.

Todd: *knocks on door* Knock knock

India: Who’s there?

Todd: It’s Todd.

India: Come on in, Todd.

*Todd enters*

Todd: Okay, I just want to tell you, that if you keep me safe this week, I’ll be willing to take you to the end with me.

Todd (DR): I figured the best way for me to stay this week is to form an alliance with India, so she can trust me.

India (DR): I was a little thrown off at Todd offering me an alliance, but that’s something you just don’t throw away.

India: Of course! I’ll work with you, don’t worry. I got your back, Todd.

Todd: Great! Thanks (DR): Thank you! My plan worked! I’m safe this week! *dances*
Marcy (DR): I’m trying to lay low for a while, cause I know I can come off as a stone-cold bitch. Well, I am a stone-cold bitch, but I don’t want the others to know that. I’m trying to stay alive at this point, so why not try to form an alliance?

Marcy: Hey Jared, can I talk to you?

Jared: Sure! (DR): So Marcy wants to talk to me, I haven’t really gotten to know her as of late, but if it’s an alliance, then I’ll see what goes down.

Marcy (DR): Why Jared? I don’t even know the answer to that question, but whatever, I need someone to trust me so they’ll campaign for me if I do get nominated.

Marcy: Would you like to come to some sort of agreement for mutual safety, or something like that?

Jared: I would definitely like that, I know I haven’t been talking with many people so far, so it’s good to know that someone wants to talk to me.

*India walks in*

India: Hey guys!

Marcy: Oh hey India. Do you have any idea for nominations yet?

India: Not really, I’m just trying to get to know everybody first, so I don’t make any rash judgements.

Marcy: Oh, I hope you notice that Derek and Neil are particularly close. You should definitely watch out for them.

India (DR): Marcy doesn’t know that I’m with Derek and Neil in the Jokers. Marcy has gotten on my radar based on that fact.
India (DR): Nominating two strangers you just met for eviction is harder than it looks. I’m definitely starting to think that going with what the house wants is smarter after all for the first week cause I won’t make any waves, opposed to if I do go against the house the first week, then it’ll probably be me the next week. I’ve come to a decision. And this is what’s best for my game and in turn, the house.

Jessie (DR): I’m afraid I’ll get nominated today, but I still have hope I won’t. It’s a long game, and I know I can fight to get off the block if I do.

Marcy (DR): I think India will take into consideration the Derek and Neil duo. We all need to watch out for them in the long run.

Derek (DR): I’ve gotten India into an alliance, if that alliance works it works, if it doesn’t it doesn’t. But right now, I feel confident in India’s ability to make the right decision.

D.J. (DR): I think I’m completely safe this week, I’m not worried whatsoever.

India: *starts putting keys into the board* I hope these two people understand how tough my decision was. And I think that overall, I’m making the right decision.
India: *opens screen doors* Hey guys, it’s time for the nomination ceremony.

*everyone takes a seat at the table*

*India walks out with the keyboard and sets it on the table*

India: This is the nomination ceremony. It is my duty as Head of Household to nominate two houseguest for eviction this week. I will pull the first key, and that person is safe. That person will pull the next key, so on, and so forth. I will now pull the first key…..*pulls key* D.J., you are safe.

D.J.: Thanks Indy, *pulls key* Kelly, you are safe.

Kelly: *pulls key* Neil, you are safe.

Neil: *sighs in relief* Thanks baby girl *pulls key* Derek, you are safe.

Derek: Thank you India. *pulls key* Courtney, you are safe.

Courtney: Thanks India. *pulls key* Adam, you are safe.

Adam: *breathes out* Oh god, thank you India. *pulls key* Lauren, you are safe.

Lauren: *nods at India* *pulls key* Luke, you are safe.

Luke: Thanks *pulls key* Kimberly, you are safe.

Kimberly: Thanks India. *pulls key* Todd, you are safe.

Todd: Thank you so much, India. *pulls key* Marcy, you are safe.

Marcy: Oh wow, thanks India.

India: I have nominated you Jessie, and you Jared for eviction this week. Jessie, I think you rubbed some people the wrong way this week, and your childish antics have gotten to us. Jared, I think you, as well, have made some people uncomfortable. Of course, there is still the Power of Veto, so don’t give up. This was a tough decision, but it’s what the house wants. This nomination ceremony is adjourned.

*houseguests get up and hug Jessie and Jared*

Jared (DR): I was certainly surprised at my nomination, I never knew I made people uncomfortable. But of course, I’m not going to give up yet. There’s still a lot left in me and I will stay this week.

Jessie (DR): Being nominated sucks! I don’t agree with India’s nominations, and I think there are way bigger targets out there.

India (DR): Ugh, this decision was really tough, but I did nominate a target, and the other is a pawn. Hopefully all goes according to plan this week, cause if not, I’m going to be screwed in the long run.

Derek (DR): India pulled through for the Jokers, and I couldn’t be more ecstatic. Everything has gone according to plan, and I can’t wait to start playing.

Courtney (DR): I’m definitely not worried this week, but it did make me a little suspicious of India when D.J. got the first key. There is definitely something fishy there. I’ve got my eyes open.
[Announcer] Who will win the Power of Veto? And will it be used to save either Jared or Jessie from the block? Find out tomorrow on the next episode of Big Brother!



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Id say Marcie
Sent by KidStar,Nov 26, 2011
Sent by dragotistic,Nov 26, 2011

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