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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

I posted BB22 Predictions on twitter

Aug 29, 2020 by Timster
the day before the premiere and i've gotten every prejury correct. I correctly guessed an all male alliance forming WITHOUT David & Kaysar (it was talked about at one point specifically mentioning not to include those 2).

I correctly guessed how boring Keesha would be
I said Tyler vs Janelle would happen... he got her out!
I said Keesha/Day alliance would fall out.. she voted her out despite their friendship!

I said Kevin would save himself with a couple vetos before going early to mid jury and he just won veto. Ugh yes my MIND

Dani/Christmas was a fight I predicted and turns out they don't like each other despite being in the same alliance. I feel a storm brewin...


Sent by ouijake,Feb 16, 2021

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