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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Ugh im so done with the duel -_-

Feb 21, 2011 by Timster
People always come to me with deals to trade spots but for some reason in my last 3 duels im always at the bottom of the list for 12th place. Ugh


amen bro... same shit happens tooo me.. ppl lie too better themselves in these games and too many of these ppl cheat with there little auto clickers

Like how in 2 weeks do ppl go from 500 in words tooo 1600  common now it has taken the fun right out of this site because the ppl who actually try have no shot because too many ppl are finding ways too cheat
Sent by millertime8414,Feb 21, 2011
OMG iknow.. i've seen people get like 1,000 in endurane then when they are in the duel arel ike "h.o" 30 minutes later get 2,000 >_> its so annoying
Sent by Timster,Feb 21, 2011

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