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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Did Dani & Nicole make a mistake?

1stSep 20, 2020 by SmoothStalker12
In past seasons I liked to pose a question about a game move from BB and see if people agreed or disagreed.


Last eviction, Ian was evicted by a vote of 5 to 3. However, Nicole Franzel had the ability to tie the vote at 4-4, and Dani would have broken the tie between Tyler and Ian. In the points below, I am grouping Dani & Nicole together because the would have worked together to make this move.

In YOUR opinion, did Nicole and Dani make the right decision to seal Ian's fate?

Pros of keeping Ian over Tyler:
~Ian has no close allies AT ALL except Nicole. He was a lap-puppy for Nicole and would have likely sheeped her til the end
~Tyler has distrusted Dani for several weeks now, and her putting him up last week was the confirmation that she doesn't have his back
~Tyler has proven to be a stronger competitor than Ian this season, posing as a comp threat when the alliance has to crumble
~When the alliance does crumble, Ian would have been a number for Nicole/Dani

Pros of keeping Tyler:
~The alliance would still be in-tact. Evicting Tyler would have likely upset Enzo, Memphis. Christmas, and possibly Cody
~Keeping Tyler means that you have a strong competitor who could possibly keep you safe as long as the alliance is still together
~Ian did very well in his first season with the competitions in the latter half of the game (but so did Tyler). Ian was very clutch when his back was against the wall


As we move through this week, new information may prove that Nicole needed Ian. Da'Vonne is the current target and is likely being sent home on Thursday, which would be ANOTHER person in this game who trusted mainly Nicole being sent out the door.

Nicole and Dani are slowly being excluded from new alliances and deals. Memphis/Enzo/Cody/Christmas have all been making deals with each other, forming bonds that will end with Nicole and Dani getting burned.

Off course they don't know this shifting power, but in the wise words of Bayleigh "if you swing you better not miss"


Yes they made a big mistake
Sent by BB5lover,Sep 20, 2020
Yeah it was a big mistake
Sent by joey96,Sep 20, 2020
I think it was a mistake but also it wasn't really the best idea to take out Tyler... probably Memphis or Christmas instead lol
Sent by Absol,Sep 20, 2020
yeah they fucked up
Sent by brosky17,Sep 20, 2020
Huge mistake by them!!
Sent by Lynn12,Sep 20, 2020
this whole season is a mistake
Sent by ytrewq111,Sep 20, 2020
BB22 is one giant mistake and another straight white alpha male will obviously win it
Sent by _Aria,Sep 20, 2020
I would say it was a mistake, but if they cut Tyler, Memphis would have nominated Dani/Nicole out of the gate
Sent by GrrrImABear,Sep 20, 2020
yeah not a mistake with memphis winning that hoh lmaooo they made the right choice
Sent by salmaan,Sep 20, 2020
They evict Tyler, Memphis still wins HoH, Memphis now nominates Dani and Nicole as a result of going behind the alliance's back, they get evicted back to back.

Sure, everyone can shit on them for not saving Ian, but evicting him was likely the right move for Dani at least anyway.
Sent by Aquamarine,Sep 21, 2020
Yeah they made a mistake
Sent by Tester,Sep 21, 2020
I don鈥檛 think it was a mistake. Sadly, they were one eviction too late in changing stuff. If Nicole has tied it, the committee would turn against her (and there鈥檚 plenty of them still to do that) and we all know Dani would not have saved Ian, anyway.
Sent by heyitsmaggee,Sep 21, 2020
big mistake if your gonna nom someone from your alliance and make a big move you have to follow through
swing but dont miss
Sent by rohanprabhu,Sep 21, 2020

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