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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Alien On Earth Episode 5: Survival Part 2

Mar 2, 2020 by SeaViper

Lizzie Stone
Kiko Satamoto ( CaptainZacSparrow)
Alison White ( Tommy123)
Alyssa Jade ( CocoVanderbilt)
Donald Trump ( ColinCoco)


Amber Rogers
Linda Parks ( YogscastBigBrother21)
Álvaro Vázquez ( Varlto)
Johnny Berg ( Chapi_BBJ)
Isla Apuya ( Systrix)
Damien Frost (#Varlto)
Carlos Vázquez (#Varlto)
Jerry Ceasar ( Nateclove)
Tuli Koba
Pilot John
Co-Pilot Kim
Jalal Talabani


Katherine Edwards
Mr Bleed


Rob Mariano (Dead)
Amber Mariano
Sandra Diaz Twine
Parvati Shallow
Kim Spradlin
Ethan Zohn
Danni Boatwright (Dead?)
Sophie Clarke
Jeff Probst (Dead)
Tyson Apostol (Dead)
Tony Vlachos
Yul Kwon
Adam Klein
Ben Dreibergen
Denise Stapely (Dead)
Natalie Anderson

Spoilers: This episode is a hot mess!

*Lizzie, Kiko, Alison, Alyssa, and Lilly are in the interview room*

Alison: So how exactly do we plan to stop it?

*Kiko is holding the gem*

Kiko: Well, I feel like it has something to do with this…

*Suddenly, Kiko splits the gem in half*

Kiko: Oh…I didn’t…

*A pink light surrounds Kiko, then it starts to slowly fade*

Kiko: Erm…

*Lizzie pushes her hand forward. It is blocked by something invisible surrounding Kiko*

Lizzie: I think it just gave you a force field!

Alison: Anyway, what’s the plan?

Lizzie: Right. I’ve seen these aliens and how they operate before! It’s an alien virus. They crash-land to Earth in pods. Then Host A may touch the pod, meaning they are infected. The creature can live in a host for 20 years, before it physically becomes bonded to their host, unable to be separated! The creature can take control and turn off control any time they’d like! But it’s not restricted to one host, it can spread as many times as it likes, but once it leaves the host, the host’s body combusts into flame, leaving only ashes. If the creature is not careful enough, it can die with the host as well!

Alyssa: Well, nobody’s combusted- meaning it must have stayed in the same host this whole time

Lilly: And it’s safer for it to stay in the host, or what?

Lizzie: Well, once it’s in the host…the host is kind of screwed! But at the same time, we can’t just leave it in the host…

Alyssa: So, someone needs to die…

Lizzie: I’m afraid so…

Alison: Oh god…

Kiko: But what’s to say it won’t just crawl into someone else?

Lizzie: This is the worst part…

Kiko: I don’t want to hear it!

Lizzie: If we kill the host before it can escape, it will die too!

Alison: This is getting worse…

Lizzie: But until we know who it is…

Lilly: There’s got to be another option!

Alison: Agreed, I’m not killing anybody!

Lizzie: It is the only way…

Kiko: But what if it was you? What if you were its host? You don’t know it, but you need to be put down because of something that’s not your fault!

Lizzie: It’s one person…it’s one person or everyone here! Do you want everyone to die?

Kiko: But we aren’t just killing the alien, we’re killing an innocent person!

Lizzie: It’s what needs to be done…

Kiko: So if it was one of us…would you kill us?

Lizzie: Yes…

Alyssa: What if it was you?

Lizzie: I’d understand what had to be done!

Alyssa: I don’t want any association with this!

*Alyssa jumps to her feet*

Alyssa: I’m not killing anybody!

*Kiko stands up*

Kiko: I’m coming too…

Lizzie: Alison? Lilly?

Lilly: I’m out

Alison: Same

Lizzie: So you’re making me do this alone?

Kiko: Yep

*Kiko, Lilly, Alyssa and Alison all leave the room*

Lizzie: Great…

*Kiko has left the two parts of the gem on her chair. Lizzie grabs them. The same light appears around her*

*Alyssa stands on a chair to make the announcement*

Alyssa: After some recent evidence being discovered, the investigation is now canceled!

Natalie: So you are letting us leave?

Alyssa: In a minute…

*Lizzie sits with the stone, looking back over her notes. Nothing seems to make sense*

Lizzie: THAT’S IT!

*Lizzie rushes out of the interview room*

Alyssa: The sooner we get everyone out, the higher the chance everyone left survives!

Lizzie: I GOT IT!

*Lizzie rushes down to the boiler room*


*Kim, Parvati, Ben, and Amber M jump to their feet, following Lizzie down the stairs*

*Lizzie pulls a door open, to find Sandra, Kim and Danni unconscious. Lizzie takes a look at Kim 1 and Kim 2*

Lizzie: This is starting to make sense! Help me take these back upstairs!

*Lizzie, Parvati, Ben, and Amber M help Lizzie take them back up the stairs, lying the unconscious three on the floor*

Lizzie: Kiko!

*Kiko runs forward. All three have breath and heartbeats. Kim 2 comes up the stairs*

Kim 2: NO!

*Alyssa and Alison raise their guns at Kim 2*

Sandra 2: You don’t need to do that!

*Sandra 2 tackles Alyssa and Alison to the ground in an impossibly fast movement*

Lizzie: What are you?

*Sandra 2 grabs the guns, pointing both of them at Lizzie*

Sandra 2: You!

*Suddenly, green gloop wraps around Sandra 2’s feet, knocking her to the floor. Lizzie takes this time to run forward, grabbing the guns*

Lizzie: LET HER GO!

*The green gloop only tightens. It’s now expanding, starting to cover Sandra 2’s whole boy. She screams as it burns her skin. The gloop sinks into a crack in the ground when only a tiny skeleton remains*

Yul: What’s going on!!??

*Kim 2 pulls a gun out of her pocket, holding it up to real Kim’s head*

Kim 2: If anyone moves, I’ll shoot her dead!

Lizzie: Look, you don’t need to do this!

*Kim 2 suddenly switches her gun towards Lizzie*


*Kim 2 shoots Lizzie. It hits her arm, knocking Lizzie to the floor. Kim 2 walks forward, holding the gun to Lizzie’s head*

Alyssa: STOP!

*Alyssa jumps forward, knocking Kim 2 to the floor. Alison picks up her gun, training it on Kim 2*

Alison: What are you?

Kim 2: We are the last!

Alison: The last what?

Kim 2: The last of our kind

*Some small, blue aliens are going about normal business, when suddenly, a giant green wave comes covering their town, burning the aliens into bones. More aliens arrive off the ship*

Alien 1: Sad, I was hoping for some new hosts!

Alien 2: Don’t be dumb, these are so much better!

Alien 1: Still, the king won’t be happy!

Alien 2: We’ll be fine! I want a bath anyway! These clothes are getting tight!

*Green gas comes out of the alien’s mouth. The gas solidifies when it’s fully out. The alien’s body crumbles to the floor in a pile of dust*

Creature 1: That feels better!

*The same thing happens to the second alien, it’s body turning to dust*

Creature 2: It’s been so long!

*The creatures head into the green gloop*

Creature 1: Sukanzilina 77195 was telling me that Sug 9921449 is a total creep!

Creature 2: How so?

Creature 1: He took his clothes off in school!

Creature 2: Oh my god…

Creature 1: And his parents paid like 30 Zubs for them, now they had to go and get new ones from the shop!

Creature 2: Well, he is a creep!

Creature 1: We could stop by Earth, get some new clothes!

Creature 2: Sounds great!

Kim 2: They came, they covered our planet in deadly liquid! The last refugees headed here, but they were a step ahead of us. They killed us all!

*Kim 2 turns into a small blue alien*

Small Blue Alien: And I’m the only one left!

Ben: Today cannot get any crazier!

*Suddenly, a sharp green spike comes out of ben’s chest. He falls to the floor. Nobody is behind him*

Small Blue Alien: NO, NO! KEEP AWAY!

*A green axe decapitates the Small Blue Alien*

Lizzie: It’s time!

*Lizzie grabs the gem from out of her pocket, a red force field filling the room*

Lizzie: Maevin gem! The Maevin’s were very powerful- knew how to keep unregistered species out! Renders any powers useless! Now, maybe we should all have a sit-down…

*Everyone sits on their chair, Lizzie patrolling the front*

Lizzie: This case has been glaringly obvious since the start…

Adam: What do you mean?

Lizzie: Well, at least Rob’s murder. Stupidly obvious to be honest- and I’m slapping myself over the fact that I didn’t notice

*She takes Alyssa by the shoulder, putting her where Rob died*

Lizzie: The lights went out. Rob was standing close to the boiler room, where the power is!

Alyssa: YES! I see it…

Lizzie: So, the killer stabbed Rob with the knife- before running down the stairs to turns the power back on…

*She takes Kiko by the shoulder, leading her to the door above the boiler room. She then takes Alison down to where the power box it*

Lizzie: So, Rob’s killer ran from the basement

*She taps Alison, and Alison takes off running up the stairs, then taps Kiko on the shoulder*

Kiko: 13 seconds…

Lizzie: I’m no scientist, but if the murderer is who I think it is, they will have a similar build to Alison, therefore meaning it should roughly take the same amount of time! And roughly 13 seconds after the lights came on…who pushed their way to the front?

Lilly: Holy shit…

Lizzie: Meaning, Rob’s murderer was none other than…

Amber M: And where did you get these statistics from…I mean there are lots of assumptions here!

Ethan: She does kind of have a point…

*Lizzie turns to Ben*

Lizzie: Ben, you said that Amber was near Rob the whole time…so how did she manage to get to the back?

Lilly: But remember, Sandra-

Lizzie: Alien Sandra said. She said so to save her skin!

Amber M: This makes no sense…like literally no sense!

Lizzie: GRAB HER!

*Nobody moves*

Lizzie: It was worth a try…

Amber M: I think you need to re-think your strategies…because it can’t be me!

Adam: Exactly, why would she murder her husband?

Lizzie: Back in her interview…I noticed something…

*Amber M leaves the interview room. As she walks out, Lizzie can see something on her leg- a bruise. Two bruises, three bruises*

Lizzie: Too many bruises to be an accident!

Amber M: Last week, I slipped and fell down the stairs…

Lizzie: Shit, didn’t think of that bit!

Amber M: So no…I’m shutting down any theories that Rob abused me before they get off the ground…

Adam: Anyway…this is just a waste of time…

Lizzie: I agree with you! Remember that red energy? There’s a last little bit of Maevin technology hidden in there. If in a bubble for too long, they start to bleed- bleed green blood!

Amber M: Ok, you're just making things up now…

Lizzie: If you confess now…you might be able to live

*Alyssa lifts her gun, pointing it at various people*

Lizzie: Because we will kill you on the spot otherwise…

*Sophie stands*

*Trump is sitting at his desk*

Trump’s assistant: Sir…

Trump: What?

Trump’s assistant: There’s been an incident. A plane has landed in the Philippines…there’s been one fatality

Trump: Do we have the pilot’s names?

Trump’s assistant: John Kensington and Kim Minton

Trump: Holy shit…

*Sophie stands*

Sophie: I need to say something…

Lizzie: Go ahead…

Sophie *Trembling*: I’m no alien…but I’m still a killer…

Lilly: Wow…

Sophie: I murdered Rob…because…because…

Lizzie: Take your time


*Silence falls over the room*

Amber M: Of course, you’d do anything to save your butt

Lizzie: I don’t think she’s doing this just to save herself…

Amber M: But...But…fine

*She dramatically stands up*

Amber M: But I’m not the root of this murder…

Lizzie: What?

Amber M: Yul is…

Yul: So we’re playing a name game now? Worse than being on the island…

Lizzie: I need everyone to calm down…WHAT!

Kiko: You tell me, detective! I think it’s quite obvious, don’t you agree!

Lizzie: What do you mean?

Kiko: I mean…every single person invited to this party had an involvement

Adam: Preposterous!

Kiko: I mean, Rob wasn’t murdered by one person…he was murdered by everybody! But only one person in here is from another world…

*Suddenly, Natalie jumps up, tackling Kiko to the ground*

Natalie: Just because I’m powerless doesn’t mean I’m defenseless!

*She takes a knife out her pocket, holding it to Kiko’s throat*

Natalie: Open wide!

*Natalie forces Kiko’s mouth open, green gas starting to come out of Natalie*


*Lilly suddenly rushes forward, knocking Natalie off her feet. Natalie returns the favor with a punch, knocking Lilly out. Alyssa suddenly takes the opportunity, grabbing a gun. She fires, but it’s out of bullets!*

Alyssa: Poop…

*Natalie runs at Alyssa, knocking her down, then hits her with the gun multiple times*


*The guests are sitting there, looking straight ahead*

Natalie: Idiots…

*Natalie surges forward, snapping Adam’s neck*

Natalie: Puppets, and nothing more!

*Natalie throws a knife at Lizzie, knocking her to the floor*

Natalie: How dumb are you people?

*Suddenly, Alison hits Natalie from behind, surprising Natalie, but Natalie swiftly turns around, grabbing Alison by the throat*

Alison: NO, PLEASE!

*Natalie squeezes Alison’s throat, pulling another knife*

Natalie: Goodbye!

*Natalie stabs Alison. She drops Alison to the floor. Alison’s breath is low, close to none. Then suddenly…*

Trump: STOP!

*Everything suddenly turns white, the room fading around them. Lizzie’s wound disappears, Kiko no longer has marks on her face. The “Guests” sit on the other side of the white room*

Adam: That was epic!

*He high-fives Amber M*

Amber M: Ok, their faces were hilarious!

Lizzie: What?

Trump: Is she ok?

*He kneels near Alison, real blood coming out of her*

Trump: Right, call the medic!

*Natalie runs out*

Kiko: But what? How?

Trump: Don’t you remember? Lizzie booked you onto a training course- knowing these aliens could be possibly something you’ll encounter!

Lizzie: I did?

Trump: Amnesia pills…you’ll remember in a couple of minutes…

*The medics rush in, picking Alison up in a stretcher*

Alyssa: But how…

Trump: New technology…but something went wrong

*Memories suddenly hit Kiko*


*Kiko laughs*

Kiko: I remember Lizzie telling us it was $2000 per person, so she only picked the people who would be useful!

Lizzie: Really, we have more serious problems…like ALISON BLEEDING TO FUCKING DEATH!

*Alison is in a hospital bed, finally regaining conscience*

Alison: Where am I?

Nurse: The simulation training went wrong…

Alison: But…how?

Nurse *On phone*: She’s awake…

*Alyssa and Kiko enter Alison’s hospital room, with gifts*

Alyssa: Sorry, Lizzie’s dealing with something….

Alison: Something….what?

Alyssa: She’s in court

*Alison suddenly shoots up…suddenly falling back due to the pain*

Alison: What? How?

Kiko: She’s trying to sue Trump because he told her it was perfectly safe…but it did say in the waver that “Accidents may occur”. Dumb move…

Alison: I’m still just really confused…

Alyssa: For the rundown, using new technology, we went into a simulation to practice fighting the Brin- the same of the monster we found…but they had to set it up like it was real…but in the final fight, you were stabbed, and something in the simulation failed…meaning you were stabbed…

Alison: But the winners?

Alyssa: All paid to cause as much drama as they could! They were there because Lizzie hasn’t been in a good murder mystery for a while. The whole Rob thing was her idea…but then Sophie didn’t stick to the script so it went a bit crazy!

Nurse: Visiting hours are over

Kiko: But we just got here…

Nurse: We don’t have visiting hours, we only allowed you in because the president requested it!

*The nurse pushes them out of the room, turning to Alison*

Nurse: Let’s get the tests ready…

*The nurse pulls out a big pair of scissors*

Nurse: 3…2…1…

*Alison suddenly wakes up. She’s on the plane…but something is wrong…like someone is missing*

Alyssa: She woke up!

Lizzie: Thank god…

Alison: What…how?

Lizzie: When you were stabbed…you went into a coma. They told us you wouldn’t survive…

*Suddenly, an alarm fills the plane. John calls over the speaker*


Alison: How long have I been out?

Kiko: A long time….we have a whole story to tell you

Alison: Maybe after the alarms…

Kiko: Maybe…

*She smiles*

Kiko: See you later…

*Kiko and Lizzie leave, Kiko closing the door to Alison’s room*

Alison: Why is this so strange?

*Alison puts her hand on her head*

Alison: What’s going on?

*Alison can see visions…then suddenly…she wakes up in her hospital bed!*

Alison: A dream within a dream?

*The nurse turns around covered in blood*

Nurse: No…

*The nurse shifts into something else*

Beast: Have fun…

*The best disappears, just as Alison goes into another nightmare*


Best: Your nightmares are my fun…hehehehe

*Alison fades into another nightmare*

Alison: NOOOO

Beast: My favorite …the one about the spiders, hooray!

Alison: Please…let me out

Beast: Enjoy…

*Alison enters the nightmare. A giant spider is on her head. Alison screams as it bites…*

----THE END----

Ok, writing this was a hot mess, the episode was a hot mess- the whole storyline was a hot mess. 100% worst episode that I've ever produced that had shown it's grubby little face outside of my notes (I have a locked area in my house were the bad manuscripts go to die!)

Anyway, if this episode was a hot mess, might as well add some twists in there lol! TOnly 1 scene in this was "Real"- but it's not hard to guess which one

This is an episode I'd rather forget about moving forward...sooooo


Lizzie Stone
Kiko Satamoto ( CaptainZacSparrow)
Alison White ( Tommy123)
Alyssa Jade ( CocoVanderbilt)
Donald Trump ( ColinCoco)


Amber Rogers
Linda Parks ( YogscastBigBrother21)
Álvaro Vázquez ( Varlto)
Johnny Berg ( Chapi_BBJ)
Isla Apuya ( Systrix)

Damien Frost (#Varlto)
Carlos Vázquez (#Varlto)
Jerry Ceasar ( Nateclove)
Tuli Koba
Pilot John
Co-Pilot Kim
Jalal Talabani


Katherine Edwards
Mr Bleed

I'm exited for episode's a big one! But first episode 6!


im excited for next episode <33
Sent by systrix,Mar 2, 2020
My favourite part was...
Trump part
Sent by ColinCoco,Mar 2, 2020
this was... confusing
Sent by varlto,Mar 3, 2020

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