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Ramanik's Blog

Posts 62 posts

Who The F Are You & I AM ALL STAR Material May 30, 2014
Mike Midknight3baby who the fuck are you bitch. I am more relevant than you. I am an ALL STAR to the game. I did more than you and you are just a hater and a follower. You got 5th on EBB and what did I get oh yeah 2nd. Even though I didn't win and even though it was 7-0 I wasn't upset because I knew that some weren't gonna vote for me because what I did in the game. I was happy that I made it so far into the game as a fan and I made it with a great friend. Euro you have a great group game and when I saw it I knew that I wanted to play. I was not a puppet and I really couldn't say I was the puppet master, but all I did in the game was just STRATEGY. Riley and Sam said that they wanted me out, but guess I made it to the end. My favorite moment was when I got Will evicted I planned that at school, and I was hoping that it was gonna work, and it did. Sure I did get a good player out, but I only did that because I knew that I wasn't going to win against him if he was in the Final Four. I may have been called a villain, but all I did was just strategy and some couldn't accept it. I have made amends with Harriella and Fino. They were great people and my good friends. I also became friends with Cristina, because I had to basically tell her that I should have been blamed for her eviction when I didn't even nominate her nor did I even voted or say anything and I was happy to see her on season three because she needed a second chance.

In the end Mike you weren't there in the game. You didn't make it farther than me and you are not ALL STAR material. I don't care that I lost by a 7-0 vote and you think that is hurting me but it is not so STOP TRYING. PLUS yall need to stop saying that I'm NOT ALL STAR material because I am since I got second and made it far. I was not nominated post veto that season and I won the most competitions that season. How many comps did you win like zero. Mark is a better player than you and I like him more than you. Like if it was you two at finale and I had to choose who to win then I would choose Mark because he is better than you and ALL STAR MATERIAL.

But seriously who are you Mike. Well I can answer that. You are an irrelevant wannabe from season one. You was thinking that you were Will Kirby when you were no where near him. You are a follower, you are a floater, and you ARE NOT ALL STAR material. You don't know me what so ever and you are just hating on me just BEACAUSE of the other haters. No one likes you really from your season and at least I made friends on mine. But I have six words for you: YOU ARE NOT ALL STAR MATERIAL



-Sam B


Points: 4 6 comments
No title May 25, 2014
Points: 0 0 comments
[S12]-Bad Girls Club: Chicago (RANKINGS) May 15, 2014
I liked everyone in Episode 1, but I will rank them.

7th- Alexandria "Alex"- The Hot Model
6th Loren- The Mobile Belle
5th- Alyssa "Redd"- The Luscious Loudmouth
4th- Linsey- The Brooklyn Brat
3rd- Jonica "Blu"- The Chick Magnet
2nd- Britt- The Country Hustler
1st- Jada- The Rough Rhymer

My ranking will change every episode since some will sooner or later leave. This was just for Episode 1.
Points: 0 0 comments
[S12]-Bad Girls Club: Chicago May 13, 2014
imageTonight at 8PM EST Bad Girls Club: Chicago comes on. I can not wait, and hopefully this season will be better than Bad Girls Club 11: Miami.

My review on the girls:

1- Alexandria "Alex"- "The Hot Model"- I think that you are just too classy for me. I like how you don't fight but that is gonna get boring. You do have the nicest body though.
2- Linsey- "The Brooklyn Brat"- Linsey even though you go home first I do like you. I think that if you wouldn't have been so drunk you could've stayed and you could've gotten Jada out.
3- Alyssa "Redd"- "The Luscious Loudmouth"- Alyssa you seem really funny. I think that some people have been waiting for another Tanisha. I want you to be you Alyssa, and I can't wait to see what you got to show.
4- Jonica- "The Chick Magnet"- I think that you are really funny also. I like your afro and the color too. You and Brittany could be the fan favorite of the season. Jonica you will definitely make it to the end, and I don't think that you would start much drama and I think that you would just be having sex and yeah :).
5- Brittany "Britt"- "The Country Hustler"- Brittany you are representing Louisville, Kentucky. I think that you are really cute, and I think that you are gonna make Louisville seem more likeable unlike what Tess did.
6- Jada- "The Rough Rhymer"- I knew that I was gonna like you from day 1. I think that you will stat a lot of drama, but you won't run the house. Love you Jada.
7- Loren- "The Mobile Belle"- Loren I think that you are too ghetto for me. I would have to agree with Camilla I really don't like the black with the blonde. That's how you know that she is ghetto because she has the black with the blonde. Loren I really don't know hopefully my opinion will change further in the season.

This season seems really good. Hopefully it will be really liked by everyone. I do have some guesses on who is going to being the opening fight. If you don't know what an opening fight is then it's the fight that is shown before the season starts.

Fighter Guesses in the Opening Fight:
-Alyssa "Redd"
-Brittany "Britt"

Points: 10 0 comments
[S1] Did You Mention- Week 4 Head of Household Competition/ Diamond Power of Veto Competition May 6, 2014
imageHouseguest the power is up for grabs. This challenge is called "Did You Mention". Your objective is to get as many people to mention you. The person with the highest amount of mentions will become the new Head of Household. The second highest will win the Diamond Power of Veto. Also the third highest will be ONE of the THREE nominees up for eviction. Meaning that the HOH needs to nominate TWO more houseguest for eviction. If there is any questions then message.

To make the vote count the mention must be a # or an @ if not then the vote will not count. The houseguest can vote, but not for themselves and EVERYONE VOTES ONCE SND FOR ONE PERSON.

bklimas (Bobby)
ninjohn (Nin)
NoSuchName2 (Daniel)
yoboyy_luke (Luke)
anthonyds__ (Anthony)
joeyswagger4life (Joey)
Corrina_beana410 (Corrina)
johnwillwin (John)
francesca19988 (Fran)
Daulton7996 (Daulton)
AntonB (Antonio)
gassymexican (Max)
rabbaj (Jabbar)

Ty T. ( Buildie) you can not compete for HOH, but you are safe for the week.

This ends @ 9PM EST/ 6PM PST
Points: 118 98 comments
[S1] The New Big Brother Aftermath Show- Sean (15th) May 3, 2014
Sean ( Ghoul) you are the second houseguest evicted from the New Big Brother house. I'm sorry that you didn't get to make it far into the game, and I would like to wish you good luck in the future. Before you go could you answer the following questions:

1. Why did you give the Diamond Power of Veto to Max?
2. Do you blame anyone for your eviction?
3. Are you shocked to see the unanimous vote to evict you?
4. Would you ever replay this game again?
5. Did you have fun this season?
Points: 0 0 comments