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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

2nd Annual Hunger Games (Training Session 2)

Apr 4, 2014 by PSULucky
Posting for Blandin12.

District 1 (CAREERS):
Male: Daniel, 16 NoSuchName2
Female: Alexandra, 18 ghrocky100

District 2 (CAREERS):
Male: Dino, 18 Dinosauro27
Female: Diem, 14 quackattack817

District 3:
Male: Thorn, 16 goings12
Female: Fox, 15 eagle16

District 4 (CAREERS):
Male: Quan, 18 lakeyja900
Female: Margret, 18 gamerstar105

District 5:
Male: Goliath, 15 AndThenThereWasOne
Female: Siren, 14 winners1

District 6:
Male: Titan, 16 rawr121
Female: Maliti, 15 mradamman12

District 7:
Male: Mac, 16 Macda27
Female: J’tia, 17 cheesee10

District 8:
Male: Jin, 16 ilovetosing
Female: Richie, 14 ILoveSurvivor23

District 9:
Male: Brock, 17 Dpqo1998
Female: Felicia, 14 alanb1

District 10:
Male: Leopand, 13 lequan124
Female: Kat, 18 wyatt33

District 11:
Male: Calix, 18 PSULucky
Female: Maple, 12 Espontaneo

District 12:
Male: Kulookie, 17 Kaushal
Female: Mercial, 17 Nathan1999

At the throwing axe station is Daniel, Thorn and J’tia. “Wow, a rock throws better than your pathetic arm” Daniel smirks towards J’tia. “Oh shut the hell up.” J’tia replies as she actually continues trying her hardest at training. “No, you can shut up when you’re dead, and when I win.” Daniel replies as he throws his axe down the station, smacking a dummy in the stomach. “You careers are so stupid.” Thorn turns around. “Oh really? Why is that? Oh wait... I don’t care.” Daniel says seriously. “All you careers think you can win, but you’re all just as good. Not all 6 of you can win, only one. So think about your chance actually surviving.” Thorn scares Daniel a little.

Quan and Siren are both at the finding water station. “How does it feel to know how to survive rather than kill?” Siren laughs as she looks at a fake arena, finding the water sources. “Oh ha ha, I don’t even know why I am here, this crap is useless.” Quan sighs as he gives up. “Wow, how embarrassing, dying of first.” Siren giggles. Quan stays quiet, not knowing what to say. “That’s right, you may be good at weapons, but when you come to these questions, you’re in our territory now.” Siren evilly smiles. “Thanks, I know who I’m killing first in the arena.” Quan evilly smiles back.

Goliath and Matili are both at the knife station. Both of them are not sure of what to say to each other, so they tend to just keep to themselves.

Titan and Leopand are both at the Combat skills. “Hey.” Titan says. “Oh, hi.” Leopand replies shy. “You look quite young, how old are you?” Titan asks. “13, only 13, but don’t underestimate me.” He says with a straight face, learning martial arts. “Don’t worry, I won’t” Titan smiles.

Richie, Calix and Maple are at the speed station. “Why are we here? Shouldn’t we be learning to use weapons?” Maple asks. “Ok then, but when you get chase by a career, don’t come crying to...” “No no, I’m sorry.” Maple says. “Wow, I saw what you did, that was really sweet, best luck to you both.” Richie smiles at Calix. “Thanks, what’s your name?” Calix asks. “Richie.”
Brock and Mercial are both at the Sickle station. “So... you’re good at this.” Mercial says. “Thanks... so are you.” Brock awkwardly smiles. They don’t know what to say to each other.

Alexandra is at the climbing station, alone.
Dino is at the Mace station, alone
Diem is at the Sword station, alone.
Fox is at the fire station, alone.
Margret is at the dodging station, alone.
Mac is at the swimming station, alone.
Jin is at the tracking/hunting station, alone.
Felicia is at the edable foods station, alone.
Kat is at the traps station, alone.
Kulookie is at the axe station, alone.

PS-The more you comment the better chance at survival you have!


Sent by eagle16,Apr 4, 2014
I am awesome
Sent by ghrocky100,Apr 4, 2014
hi lol
Sent by NoSuchName2,Apr 4, 2014
Sent by eagle16,Apr 4, 2014
J'Tia will win it all
Sent by cheesee10,Apr 4, 2014
Goooo maple for the win  :)
Sent by Espontaneo,Apr 4, 2014
Wow me at my 0 air time
Sent by alanb1,Apr 4, 2014
Mac should make allies
Sent by Macda27,Apr 4, 2014
i scare people ohhh yeah olmao
Sent by goings12,Apr 4, 2014
Yass Titan
Sent by rawr121,Apr 4, 2014
go Richie win !!!!
Sent by IloveSurvivor23,Apr 4, 2014
Forever alone
Sent by gamerstar105,Apr 4, 2014
that was awkward mercial
Sent by Dpqo1998,Apr 4, 2014
Oh well,I am alone.
Sent by ilovetosing,Apr 4, 2014
Sent by winners1,Apr 5, 2014
"Goliath and Matili are both at the knife station. Both of them are not sure of what to say to each other, so they tend to just keep to themselves."

Way to make me socially anxious !
Sent by AndThenThereWasOne,Apr 5, 2014
Hey :)
Sent by NoSuchName2,Apr 5, 2014
Swinging the mace, round and round. Into the night, these tribs are going down. One more shot, back around. Into the night, these tribs are going down.
Sent by Dinosauro27,Apr 5, 2014
Nice! time to start showing folks the pointy end of the sword ! Game on.
Sent by quackattack817,Apr 5, 2014
Mace ahh
Sent by winners1,Apr 5, 2014
I love that Quan seems to be the exact opposite of me. LOL
Sent by lakeyja900,Apr 5, 2014
Diem wishes there was a burger station...starving :)
Sent by quackattack817,Apr 6, 2014
Why alone?!?!  Imma loner imma loner imma loner
Sent by Kaushal,Apr 6, 2014
Forever alone :(
Sent by Kaushal,Apr 6, 2014
I'm dead
Sent by wyatt33,Apr 15, 2014

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